Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why does America go by the name United States? Do you think america live up to that name?

Why does America go by the name United States? Do you think america live up to that name?
I don't think America practice unity at all. Reason is, America's main focus is ,money and power and fighting to the death to get the most of it, no matter who they stomp on to get it. Americans only come together, practice unity and help others is when...... 1. it's beneficial 2. it's a favor 3. a major disaster occurs,but a prompt help responds depends highly on your race and or ethnicity 4. you know someone, who knows someone else, that knows that someone you know (It's Who You Know) 5.the government makes terrible decisions involving large sums of money and nothing is done about it until it's not only affecting the lower class but the middle and upper class as well These are just some of my opinions and observations that I have heard from others as well over the years. WhatS YouR OPinioN ON AmericA THE (UNITED) STATES?
Other - Society & Culture - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They're called the United States because there are 50 individual states that have their own laws and governments that follow the same basic federal government, and must all adhere to the same federal laws. And that's still how it is today. So yes, they do live up to their name.
2 :
The U.S. government starting illegal wars and what not has nothing to do with the name of the country. The name is just a name. The rest is another story.
3 :
america is the continent, the united states of america is part of that continent, not the whole thing. we are united together under our constitution, we consist of states, and are on the american continent. t's not very difficult to understand, really. where did you get that obviously skewed idea of the usa? it's not like everyone in the country is the same or anything. there are a lot of different people. i love the land i live in, and the ideals of it. that's not to say i love every decision the govt makes, and it's not to say i think every politician is great. i get my say in it, and that means a lot. hell, i even voted last time around. made me so relieved when obama won!