Friday, October 1, 2010

Would you believe me if i told you, that the United States Government is making you dumber to make you a slave?

Would you believe me if i told you, that the United States Government is making you dumber to make you a slave?
Did you know that there is no law, that has ever been written or signed that says you have to pay your federal income tax... Did you also know, that precious $20 bill in your wallet really isn't worth anything? back before the 1930's all United States Notes were backed by its weight in gold. But in 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt had a national seizure of all gold privately owned by the public. Telling the citizens that we needed more gold to help stimulate the economy. as soon as the gold was siezed the government signed a bill saying that the United State's currency would no longer need to be backed by gold, rather we would distribute all the nations money from a central bank, and not need the notes to be backed by anything. making all United States' money... be nothing but worthless pieces of paper... the only thing that makes the money worth anything is how much we have distributed into nation... but need i remind you, the United States is in a constant debt. how do we pay for that debt?... with our Federal Income tax. but what creates this debt? you might ask. since the united states has a central bank constantly distributing more money into the economy every year the bank its self is printing enough money to help cover the debt... until America spends it... every time we spend our money it keeps further putting us into debt... the deffintion of the word debt is owing somthing to someone else... and if we always owe the government money... we are enslaved to keep paying a government that couldn't get it right to begin with. It will set you free from mind control.
Politics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you have figured us republicans out
2 :
No, I wouldn't believe you or your wall of text without evidence.
3 :
Not that I Disagree with you but the 16th amendment negates your "no federal income tax" statement. "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
4 :
Yeah, pretty messed up if you ask me...
5 :
Gotta love uber liberal conspiracy theorists!
6 :
Actually the Fed Income Tax Law was amended so that is a myth and all you need for proof is not to pay them and then go to jail. We do not have a gold backed currency because there is a limit to wealth that can be generated with that system. I am not fan of the current fiat system and yes our currency is only worth 5% of what it was but carrying around all that change sucks. Public Schools teach what the Govt wants taught and has not been remodeled since the 50s and is outdated much like liberal commie views.
7 :
$20 is worth stuff, why would it be useless? Its just an easy form of barter or trade, you can still exchange it for gold at the head bank, we only use paper because it is easier the gold to carry around and everyone accepts it.
8 :
I don't think they care enough to even do that, honestly.
9 :
So don't pay taxes, be my guest.
10 :
Maybe I am wrong, but I thought the reason they collected Taxes, was to pay for things like supporting the Military, repairing roads, bridges etc, not to put money into the pockets of the Tax collectors! It was supposed to be used for the good of the People and the country! Why doesn't the Governement just stay out of private companies business? What I would like to know, is how much tax did these guys OWE the Government before thay supposedly went boom? Why is this Government using OUR Tax dollars to put them back on their feet, so they can screw up all over again? We shouldn't HAVE to pay somebody elses debt! WE didn't screw up, so why is th Government punishing us? That is definately NOT the way to bring our economy back to life. The DC guys couldn't even run this cash for clunkers right, let alone run a country! They wasted money going around giving pep talks to people in Town Halls, about how great this healthcare plan is, when they didn't have a clue what was in it! Then they snuck all kinds of goodies into it, paying the Unions to back it, and using force to "persuade" people to agree to sign up, and God only knows what else they have slipped into that 1000 page piece of garbage!!! Why are these Democrats in DC acting like puppets, with NO minds of their own? What is it that King Obama has over them? Their jobs?? Or were they just paid to agree with anything he says, whether they believed it or not, and to hell with the Public!! The day si coming when these guys will have to step down from their pedestals, and come back to earth. How do they expect to be treated when they do? LOL!!! Yeah! Go back to their law offices or whatever job they had before becoming an elected official!!! Thy names are mud fellas!!! I hope you can squirrel away as much money as you can now, because only a fool would hire you! I really wouldn't mind "owing" the Government money, if they were actually working for us! They are OUR servants, not theirs! If they have something legitimate that needs fixing, sure! I would be willing to toss my two cents into the Pot! But when they start misusing the money and not giving anything back to the Public, THAT's when I start screaming "FOWL"! Let these companies, banks or whatever, crawl out of their own holes! Let's see just how much they really ARE in trouble! They wouldn't even BE in business if it wasn't for us and OUR money! AH!! the investors!!! Are they getting paid their dividends? Seems to me, if these CEO's can grant themselves a bonus, doesn't that mean, their companies are actually doing well for their investors? Do you think those guys are going to sit still and allow these CEO's to take the money if THEY weren't getting paid!??? How can they justify these bonuses if they are NOT making money!? If all the little people, like you and I - were to pull all OUR investments out of these guys hands, would they really and truly go bust?? You might have better luck with your money if you went to Vegas! At least, it would be YOUR decision which machine to drop your money into!!
11 :
I agree with you 99%. The 16th amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows Congress to levy income tax. However, the IRS is NOT a government agency....... I loved both Zeitgeist movies. The second one was better than the first.
12 :
you are just now realizing this?