Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How to make America more than a Country to make money and become Rich?

How to make America more than a Country to make money and become Rich?
Many vagues of immigrants came to America.The oldest vagues of immigrants that came to America during 1801-1878 stayed,reproduced and died without going back to their native lands.Those were German,Scott and Jewish immigrants that built modern America.But today is an entire different story. Unfortunately America establish it self as only "A land of opportunity", an Eldorado to become rich.So most new comers came with the idea of becoming rich before take-off to go back home and live "La Dolce Vita" in Europe. Today with rapid transportation method, the new pioneers dont have to die of old age in American soil.Each years many productive people are living United-States with million dollar worth of retirement money or accumulated wealth. The stupid republican government doesn't do anything to stop that.Country like Russia and France control citizens who go to live in foreign land.Today million of American baby boomer go spend their last years in Thailand or the Philippines. With Italians moving back to Italy to live Dolce Vita and make wine,Russians are going back to Russia because of improving economy there under an authoritarian President.Even old ancestry Americans are retiring to Thailand,Costarica or the Philippines to live deserted neighborhoods behind them.Only the poorest and disfranchise stay stick the the land to spend on the economy.The most successful,smart move away with billions of American tax money to be spend abroad when retired or rich enough.Why countries in Europe doesn't know that sort of Exodus.A wealthy German stay in his native town.A wealthy Russian Oligarch stay in Russia unless Russian mafia track him down or he get expulsed .Why every wealthy people in the world want to be buried at "Pere lachaise" seminary in Paris but not in New-york.Money, the blood of America, is is spilling out,enriching the entire world but no Country in the world show a sincere gratitude.IS there something Lady Liberty could to to stay beautiful?
Immigration - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
What the hell is a vague? Did you, perchance, mean wave?
2 :
Sorry I don't speak incoherent babble .
3 :
I don't think that it is a good idea for the government to "control citizens who go to live in foreign land." If you LEGALLY live in the US and then LEGALLY retire in a foreign land, then OK.
4 :
In some ways, it's worse. I knew a Filipino man who build a quarter million dollar home in the Philipines. It was a while back so the value have escalated. Unfortunately he is in debt in the US. I asked him after a creditor called him demanding payment, if he was going to abandon his debt and live off the money he squirrelled asway in his home country, and he smiled. On teh otehr hand, I knew an Armenian who thought this country was paved in gold. After he found out he had to work for a living and debase himself by working for others, he moved back to his home country and abandon his wife and kids because they believe it's better in America. It's stupid for them to retire in a third world country, unless you understand that country. We are a country of opportunity because we have laws to protect our gains. People often buy homes in Mexico and find the government won't recognize the sale but won't do a thing to return the money that these retirees spend in purchasing these homes.
5 :
Very interesting subject, although, your presentation needs A LOT of work. I think lady liberty could take a bath because freedom is what's most important! Heck, to me, the fact that I even have a S.S. # takes away from my freedom. Weird huh? I just don't like anybody telling me who I am and what I can or can't do. I've been around the world a little and still think that America is about as free as it gets, even though I can imagine even greater freedoms. Can you tell me, where there might be more freedom? Recently, I've found myself thinking that America, amongst others, is more interested in profits and affluence as opposed to quality and preservation. It's a real shame because it could be such a better place.