Friday, January 28, 2011

Security, technology, safety, self preservation and freedon in the United States?

Security, technology, safety, self preservation and freedon in the United States?
How can I feel free, secure and able to use my constitutional rights while living in the United States of America when the US Government itself denies me these same rights? In order to preserve the security at our borders (by letting people cross into the northern US where there are no fences between Canada and the US, no check points, no border crossings, or to the south, allow people to enter freely from Mexico through our simple system of a fence in a desert, listening for keywords in all of our communications, our computers, watching us from the sky in satellites, monitoring our every movements, watching our bank accounts, our savings accounts, our daily money transactions, watching our check writing, our ATM usage, our credit card usage, counting our handguns and rifles, monitoring the purchase of ammunition and gun powder, and yet I should feel safe and secure in my own home? When will the words "we the people" ever mean anything to the corporate mongers that actually run the US Senate and the US Congress and the PAC's and the white-house flunky in charge at the time? When will we actually be able to once again believe that we actually have civil rights? When will the constitution of the US ever become meaningful again? When will we be able to hold those in office of US Government accountable for their stupidity and wrongdoing? When will we have a new "Bill of Rights" that actually allows the average US citizen to hold congressional and senate folks legally accountable for their actions? If President Bill Clinton can lie under oath "I did not have sex with her" and make a fool out of his wife and the people of the United States, making a mockery to the world of presidential accountability, where will it end? It seems that there has been a serious change to "The Bill Of RIghtss" and the "Constitution". I am not sure if there is an apparent unseen writing underneath the writing that can be seen that nulified the written verbiage. Is there something soblimunal being broadcast on our TV's, Radio's, DVD's or CD's that says "you are a stupid person and must obey and follow your Republican or Democratic leaders? Is there something in our food or drink that is turning us into stupid people that really believe the US Government is actually there to serve "we the people"? What has happened to "one voice" being counter? One vote being counted? Why are dead and buried people still voting in elections? What happened to the basic colors of RGB? By some ungodly chance have we already allowed the United States to be bought out by another country and nobodey told us? Is there Board of Regents that represent all the major corporations in the US that tell the politicians what to do and say????
Politics - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You really need more fiber.
2 :
When we elect a president that is not a Republican or Democrat.
3 :
You are right to be upset. America has been hijacked by greed schmucks in both parties.
4 :
When the Supreme Court rules against Congress letting them use the Commerce clause in the Bill of Rights to interfere in every aspect of our lives.
5 :
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a people, any people, to.......... I don't believe this is out of warranty, let us use it again.