Friday, January 14, 2011

what do you thing when you Live In United states unemployment ,homeless ,poor?

what do you thing when you Live In United states unemployment ,homeless ,poor?
I thing it's too bad for Immigrants who live In united states homeless , unemployment poor because the united states is the land of opportunity and freedom for job seekers who are looking for jobs that will earns them alot of money to change their life. so it's abig chance to change their life In the right way the most Important thing for them has agreat benefit to take them from the life they use to live to the better life and look for better future that will make them to enjoy good life. that that they expect for example if you plan to go to school you benefit alot of good things from that if you will like to find agood friends at work you are looking for you will be the who will enjoy , by the way the united states of america is Not the land of violance ,it's not the land of dictatership , the united states is the land of freedom and equal right for all so the most Important thing for american is just to look for what is possible for Nice change In many ways that they look will make sence and try the best I thing today many people are looking the united states has many unemployment that their poverty is blew zero that is means people has Intentions to look for jobs and aplying for it but they are not get jobs even unemployment so for american government is it's the best chance to look jobs to those kind of people that earns them alot of money instate of killing them and puting them sick today many people in utah has cases that is teling american government to look them by justice eye but I thing there is No thing from the american department of justice to release prisoner so the united states most to follow the human right law to help those who feel they have cases looking for right justice it's Ahuman being to have justice for all In the untited states or around the world . suliman saadelnour general mail delivery salt lake city utah 84101
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If a person is in the US legally, and desires to become a US citizen, it is sad when such a person is poor, homeless and unemployed. America is no longer the Land of Opportunity. It is a country like any other where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We are a country of the lazy, where legal citizens who are poor, homeless and unemployed of their own choices demand compensation and get it, driving the costs of living up for those of us who choose to work and live honorably. We are a country who would rather spend billions we don't have to help people in other countries than help those destitute and deserving of assistance in our own country. As an American citizen, I am not trying to discourage you. This country has many faults, but it is great in many ways as well. I'm just trying to get you to see that America isn't the Holy Grail that many immigrants and illegals think it is.
2 :
The US is far from perfect, but compared to any other country, it provides the best opportunity to anyone, immigrant or citizen, to go out and make a good life so long as that person is willing to work for it.
3 :
sorry to read all that.. wait for yor luck be the mean time take help of a temporary shelter calling 911 and pl go to county social services for other help.