Monday, February 14, 2011

Coal. America has it. No Money... but lots of Coal. Use it?

Coal. America has it. No Money... but lots of Coal. Use it?
Is it OK to Burn Coal? Should we increase our reliance on Coal? The most abundant domestic nergy resource in America? The United States is Broke. We are, face it. Why send more dollars overseas to buy foreign oil? Our environment is precious. But our the state of our technology requires us to be heavy energy consumers. While we promote the development of very expensive alternative energy sources, what will we do to sustain the current cost of energy? Oil below $40.00 a barrel is just a temporary thing. The average price of oil over the last 2 years has jumped from 60 to 90 dollars a barrel. We forget the gas madness of this past summer. At what point do we realize that we cannot afford to ignore one of our richest resources? Coal. We have it. Why not use it? Coal for electric cars. Homes. everything..... Is there a way to make coal an acceptable energy source?
Law & Ethics - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Coal must be utilized instead of oil.
2 :
My opinion of our Government is called butt backwards. If it will make them money I think they would consider it. But money is what makes the world go round. I think we need the Countries that we get oil from as allies. So America will always be an oil dependent Country. "Coal gasification is a process converting coal partially or completely to combustible gases. After purification, these gases -carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, and nitrogen which can be used as fuels or as raw materials for chemical or fertilizer manufacture".
3 :
> We are, face it. Once you make assertions like "America is broke" everything else out of your mouth is as suspect as if you said the sky is green on a sunny day and the moon is made out of cheese. You can't start your argument, which may be a fair positon to take, with such a fallacy and expect to be taken seriously by anyone with an education beyond 5th grade.