Monday, February 7, 2011

Why do People Dislike the United States so much?

Why do People Dislike the United States so much?
I am just asking i mean people love the kind of money they can make here or they love they can get into a car at any given moment and drive wereever they want to i mean yea they have restriced area i mean bought property or what not but im seriouse every one is putting the united states down when come on it is a pretty good place to live if you like cold weather go north if you like hot weather go south if you like to see politics go northeast if you like rual places travel down in the south i mean comeon when you think about people saying america sucks and all this and that look around come on america aint so bad actuelly it is pretty damn good place to live if ya look and think about it.
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They do not dislike the US. They dislike some of our policies that they perceive is not in their favor.
2 :
because the inmigrants think that we are very disrespectful with them.
3 :
The media and the democrats, actually they are no longer democrats but rather socialists, are the only Americans that hate the US and they actually only hate it when the republicans are in control so I think you could say that it is jealousy whether talking about foreigners or US socialists.
4 :
It is funny to realize that the answer to this question is related to the question "Who was the best president of the world in 2005?". Check the answers and you will notice that only U.S. presidents are named (because U.S. citizens seem to think that U.S. IS the world and because late presidents are acting as if they were the world's messiahs). It is a very good place to live when opportunities round-up, but is not heaven. Immigrants go there to find BETTER chances, not because they like there.
5 :
They may say they have other reasons, but I think it boils down to JEALOUSY!
6 :
Jealousy is absolutely correct!
7 :
When you lead, you are watched, judged and critiqued with a greater pressure than others. This is true if you are the US, Microsoft or the local neighborhood watch. More power is followed with greater responsibility and higher expectation.
8 :
we do not dislike usa we love USA because american people have given a present of 400 bilion dollers and 2000 of their sons to iraq which is liberty and democracy. and have made us in IRAN hopeful to be able to move towards liberty faster.