Friday, April 1, 2011

Does the United States remind you of a spoiled trust fund brat who inherited someone else's treasure and?

Does the United States remind you of a spoiled trust fund brat who inherited someone else's treasure and?
did not have enough common sense not to squander it? LIke a 16 year old who got a Hummer for his birthday, we managed to burn up most of our oil between 1910 and 1975. With the mistake of electing Reagan, America became so obsessed with making rich people richer with tax cut welfare that we can't even fix our roads without borrowing money. It's a shame to see a country with so many resources given away to so few.
Politics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We all know that you cloned this account. Go to bed now.
2 :
Why do the people that hate America the most stay here all their lives? Why don't they do elsewhere? They know this is the best country on earth.
3 :
No, what's shameful is taking from those who live by the sweat of their brow and giving to those who do not contribute to the betterment of our country.
4 :
What the fÏ…ck are you talking about?
5 :
Journey i couldn't have said it any better.
6 :
Oh please!!!!! Now you're sounding like our f***in president Obozo! He must think there's tons of oil to spare since it took him well over 70 days to think about doing anything. ........f'ing Libs.....typical. We like a Reagan clone back!
7 :
Afraid so! The Right, and the Tea Party in particular, remind me of a spoiled five year old who screams and cries when he/she doesn't get her way. Children need to learn, even when they lose they have to play fair and try to learn so that they can improve and win next time. Spoiled children and Conservatives think they don't have to change, they just deserve to win automatically because they are spoiled brats.
8 :
no............... the richness we inherited from the blood and work of our ancestors and from their God-inspired genius in forming the best country in the world. we did not burn up most of our oil between 1910 and 1975, we still have most of our oil, a resource not allowed to be tapped by liberals.. reagan was not obsessed with making the rich richer, he was obsessed with everyone having the chance to be the most they could be, and realized that when those who hire prosper, they will make more items, hire more people, and more people will share in the sucesss. the "barrowing money" problem is mainly a function of liberals while in office, although admitedly, there was some big conservative spending as well.. it is a shame that there are those who fail to realize that if you "give" everything away, noone will work, then there will be nothing to give away... go home and cry to your mama, i'm sure she lives upstairs and is doing your laundry..
9 :
It's not nice of you to call 0bama a "spoiled trust fund brat..."