Monday, March 14, 2011

Is there a true CONSERVATIVE candidate that has a REAL chance to become President of the United States?

Is there a true CONSERVATIVE candidate that has a REAL chance to become President of the United States?
Someone who will close the borders, deal harshly with illegals, be tough on foreign policy, make America safe again in the inner city... Can this happen? Or is America just doomed to vote pandering Republicans and open border, spend my tax money liberals? Saying "Ron Paul" might make you feel better and he might be great.. I don't know. However, he has no chance. I am looking for a candidate that I can get behind that really could win and make a difference. I don't know enough about Fred Thompson. It looks like he is jumping in.. is he somone to support?
Other - Politics & Government - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Fred Thompson
2 :
ron paul
3 :
Ron Paul '08!!!
4 :
To be honest, I do't think so. The true conservatives can't get middle of the road enough to attract the voters needed to make it through the primaries.
5 :
Yes, but they are in the Democratic party now. Remember the fiscal conservatism of Bill Clinton? The surpluses? The balanced budgets? Long gone and wasted by liberal spender Bush.
6 :
There are a few Draft Dr. Michael Savage or Vernon Robinson and watch the ground swell of support. Tancredo and Duncan hunter are good also. Thompson could win If he gets in and he would be great, but he might not run.
7 :
Gee, I sure hope not!! The word conservative turns me off completely I don't care what else the person stands for. Yuck! The conservatives have had many years to accomplish all of those things you name and nothing has happened. Bush has spent more money than any other president in history....and you complain about liberal spending? Where have you been?
8 :
Fred Tompson will never ever be elected, he is too mean looking. Romney won't cuz he is a mormon, (mark my words)Christians are against McCain, and no republican has a chance anyway since the republican party has lost a lot of its following.