Monday, March 28, 2011

What is the biggest threat to the United States?

What is the biggest threat to the United States?
I believe the biggest threat to the US is the government. A lot of people like to think that businesses control the government because the businesses supply the government with money. Well, a lot of people supplied the mafia with money back in the 20s, but were they the ones in control? What makes this threat even more serious is the blind partisanship on display so frequently by the citizens of this country. Divide and conquer at its finest, in my opinion. For example, when Bush was president, Democrats said it was patriotic to disagree with him, even in the face of the worst terrorist attack in history. Republicans characterized any criticism of Bush, especially against the war, as unpatriotic. In this case, I have to side with the Democrats. Questioning your president and your government is always patriotic. But now that Obama is president and we are facing what he describes as an unprecedented economic crisis, the Democrats say we all need to come together and do whatever the president wants, without question. Conservatives are being called unpatriotic because they criticize Obama's policies and are accused of wanting America to fail because they don't believe in what Obama is doing. What do you think?
Other - Politics & Government - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
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Minorities always wanting handouts and Obama planning to give it to them.
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Well I don't think we are in danger from another country. We have the power to take over the world if we wanted to.We are a lot like the Roman Empire. The Romans were awesome....never defeated by another army,strong government, but they were destroyed from within. Corruption, too much government power,multiple other reasons. The same thing is happening to America .
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I'd opt for the blind partisanship myself. For the most part those in government come and go. But party politics over the greater good of the nation can only divide. Just my take. Have a nice day.
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I agree 100% that questioning the government is a great thing but I for one just love to remind republicans of what they were saying 4 years ago compared to now.
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that's right - govt. The bigger the more dangerous it is. We all know the Dems are tax, spend, big govt & more regulations. Unfortunately, The Republicans have shown to be exactly the same.
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i think it is your reliance on the middle east for oil ,
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Government. Socialism and the blindness of Hussein's followers. Hussein admits it in his books and they still either don't believe it or like it.
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I know of nobody that voted for Obama who would call you unpatriotic (or a traitor as many Democrats were called during the Bush years). There are always some people on both ends of the spectrum who do not believe in freedom of speech for ALL. However, there have been several key Repubican figures who have said they hope Obama's policies fail. If they fail, America fails and our economy sinks into a depression. Obama is the president...he will implement his policies. You can either get behind it or continue the lame criticism since election day. Say what you want...I have no problem with that.