Friday, September 28, 2012


A new propaganda video created by an extreme environmental activist is making its way into America's classrooms and The New York Times loves the whole idea. Enviro obsessive Annie Leonard, Greenpeace member and activist, has created a 20 minute video filled with anti-capitalist, anti-American propaganda to encourage kids to eschew "stuff," calling the presentation "The Story of Stuff." Leonard's propaganda piece is so anti-American she even begins her video by saying that her "friends" say she should describe the United States by using the symbol of a military tank because "it's true in many countries and increasingly in our own." And why is a tank "increasingly" the symbol of the USA? Because "more than 50% of our federal tax money is going for our military." Naturally, this misleading propaganda doesn't mention that a large portion of that federal military spending ends up going to the weekly pay and health care of our soldiers, something apparently Ms. Leonard is against. She goes on to say that a government's job is to "take care of us, that's their job." Here she is trying to promote dependency and proves that she has no clue what a government is really for -- especially in the U.S. system.
Elections - 9 Answers
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1 :
My 'Hope for Humanity Meter' already dropped to 0 a while back, but this is ridiculous.
2 :
Hating America is the way Obama was brought up. Its what he knows how to do.
3 :
Endless ranting gets you nowhere
4 :
'Hate America'? America is its people, this is a democracy and the majority of people agree with Obama.
5 :
$50 toilet seats get real. Military soldiers make close to minimum wage. Crimes against Rant
6 :
It isn't. If a video points out the true amount of money spent on the military, and military costs do include service people, then it isn't propaganda, just facts. And the government is supposed to use taxpayer money for the welfare of Americans, not to line their own pockets. That's a basic concept, not propaganda.
7 :
Look, this is your opinion and you're entitled to it, but most Americans don't agree with you. We don't define "hating America" as having strong environmental stances or admitting that we are sometimes wrong, but in supporting torture, in entering illegal wars, and in selling our country to China so the rich can get richer.
8 :
He isn't. Where do people get this stuff...Rush? False News? where????
9 :
Looks like mostly morons and liberals answered your question, oh wait I forgot, their the same thing. Yeah this wouldn't surprise me, I took an environmental science course last semester and they tried to push the same bullsh*t. A bunch of hippy scientists were saying how its the United States fault that China produces so much pollution because Americans use better non renewable resources. They then said that the United States is to blame for most problems in the world and blah blah more leftist garbage, I didn't hear all they said since I walked out about 3/4 through the video. You see the problem is that we have whining pacifists who were raised by leftists that control what schools use as material today. All they want to do is tell kids that the military is bad and our nation is bad because it doesn't put 100% of its budget towards helping minorities and gays have their wildest dreams fulfilled. Just think about the good we could do if we disbanded our entire military and put all of that money towards shipping food to starving Chinese and Africans, I mean really who needs a military if everyone just plays games and is nice to each other. Seriously is like these people never moved past the pre school level mentally. The last I checked our annual military budget was something like $500 billion, we have the best funded military in the world. If liberals knew anything about history then they would realize that after six years of occupying two hostile nations we have lost under 5,000 dead, that's an amazing figure for a nation to boast, the Soviets lost thousands in Afghanistan. Now thats not to say that there shouldn't be some reforms implemented to cut costs in certain areas such as $15 per meal per soldier is ridiculous. Although it is wrong to feed lies to children in a misguided effort to implicate America for all of the worlds problems.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Football / Soccer experts: How can a player make a league successful?

Football / Soccer experts: How can a player make a league successful?
Believe me, as an American, I would love to see MLS become as traditional, competitive, and respected as any in the world. But I fail to see how the arrival of Mr. Beckham is supposed to vault MLS to a higher standing? All I can envision is more worldwide coverage, increased financial backing through advertising as a result of wider coverage, and a small exodus of very good players near the end of their respectful careers coming to the United States. I do not see how this will foster growth within America to where we are producing great players of our own on a time scale that will prevent MLS from reaching the same fate as NASL because of the contracts that exceeded their ability to attract fans. Nothing against world players coming here to help popularize the game. They are great even at this stage, but is it such a good idea to spend so much on him and other players who want to come here? Is the game any better because they getting so much money?
Other - Soccer - 6 Answers
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1 :
im an execept at war and shooting
2 :
U have a point but i am from Los Angeles and i know a lot of people who are already on planning to buy tickets to go see him play.
3 :
I think after beckhams first season in the MLS no one will be talking about him. He'll probably on the bench next season. The only thing Beckham will do to the MLS is attract more girls to the stadium and people who dont care about soccer. And i dont think the MLS will ever get to the level of other leagues because there will always be basketball, baseball, football and all the other sports in the US and because americans just arent made for soccer and dont have the passion for it. I hope you dont cry when you read this.
4 :
MLS never consider to bring brazilian soccer players? They are cheaper and better players than Mr. Beckham.
5 :
Well, I can think of one example where it actually happened. The old American Football League was nothing, and then somehow they managed to sign Joe Namath to the New York Jets. The rest is history, as they say.... Who knows, maybe Beckham will be able to do something similar.
6 :
Good question, i can see your points, well a player can make a league successful on his own on a number of different ways, but success comes at a cost, even thought I'm not a fan of Beckham's footballing skills (or lack of them) but he can still produce that one piece of magic from his dead ball skills alone, ie free kicks, corner kicks, peno's, etc, I'm certain that Beckham will be good for the game in the U.S, and as you've already pointed out there's sure to be a host of other top players going there, which in turn will make the average player from the league play that bit better and more youngsters will get envoled from an early age all because of a certain Mr Beckham, sure LA galaxy will make millions alone from selling shirts worldwide with Beckham's name and number on them, as more people will watch it so it will get bigger exposure outside the U.S even in other parts of the world that would never watch football from the U.S just because Beckham will be there, which has to be a good thing, so overall i think Beckham will be good for the game in the U.S, I'm also certain that mrs beckham will love the glitz and glamour of Hollywood!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

To you, does this seem like a great college essay? Do all the ideas make sense? Rate the essay from 1-10!?

To you, does this seem like a great college essay? Do all the ideas make sense? Rate the essay from 1-10!?
Personal Essay/ How to help my community “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” This rather famous phrase came from the preamble of the United States Constitution, identifying what roles and/or objectives are able to create a perfect society. Although these times have proven that the United States is far from the utopia that it has ever dreamed of; this goal can still be accomplished one step at a time. In my opinion, the most challenging step that has been collapsing our society would be the economy. This issue has been affecting our nation for years, and it seems that no matter what idea that has come across to heal this crisis, more and more suffer poverty. We must ask ourselves: whom does the economy affect most, where does this problem begin, and what idea starts out producing petty cash to individuals and then ends up with funding an entire community? We must think of an idea in which can be funded without hurting the economy even more. The fate of our nation lies within the youth of America. Education is a key phase in a child’s life in which can help train a student to become wise, intelligent, strong, and seeking. There are many high school students who suffer from financial difficulties in turn having them put aside their schoolwork and studies in order to work and raise money for their families. Unfortunately, many students end up dropping out of high school. This affect could cause the person to become needy for money, and would develop a trait within that person to cause crimes such as theft, burglaries, and might even cause murder towards an innocent human. It is very critical to correct this problem, so that a child is able to obtain an education, and that his and/or her family will also be saved from their turmoil against poverty. I propose that the United States create a certain financial aid that begins at high school throughout undergraduate school, in which a student’s family will be funded with an amount of money suitable enough to help that family with their finances. This aid can only be given to families whose child attends high school or a 2-year/4-year college. This means that if that student drops out of high school or college, this aid will no longer be given to that student’s family. One way in which to fund this financial aid without taking money out of any more Americans would be by creating another lottery. Just as how the lottery helps fund our school system, creating this new lottery can help run this financial aid. Another way of how to keep this aid afoot is by America trading some of its energy resources to different countries and/or territories in exchange for profit. This aid does not only help families with financial debt, but it also can help lower the rate of high school and college dropouts. These ideas may not be the very best, yet they stand in the right direction without hurting anyone even more with their finances. I cannot just sit down while my own kind or even ones who are suffering even more than I am are going through such havoc and difficulties. This is an essay from the heart speaking of what must be done to correct a wrong, and produce a right. It is with this financial aid that we can finally bring our country towards a perfect society, towards a utopian empire. We finally can say that: “We the People of the United States are forming a perfect Union”. It is with these words that God leaves you that will help trigger stamina within to lead our nation towards its perfect society; “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you”. You figure out the rest!
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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1 :
well, i'll rate it at 5 because your points are good. they make sense but are not organized well. to make it an essay, you must organize it.
2 :
Yes she - IrumFariha - say's - absolutely right ,your words are good-theme is more better-but if you organised it all once-its likes a very good-complete-essay.............. (if-necessarey-here-to-rate-Me-too-5-points)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

To you, does this seem like a great college essay? Do all the ideas make sense? Rate the essay from 1-10!?

To you, does this seem like a great college essay? Do all the ideas make sense? Rate the essay from 1-10!?
Personal Essay/ How to help my community “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” This rather famous phrase came from the preamble of the United States Constitution, identifying what roles and/or objectives are able to create a perfect society. Although these times have proven that the United States is far from the utopia that it has ever dreamed of; this goal can still be accomplished one step at a time. In my opinion, the most challenging step that has been collapsing our society would be the economy. This issue has been affecting our nation for years, and it seems that no matter what idea that has come across to heal this crisis, more and more suffer poverty. We must ask ourselves: whom does the economy affect most, where does this problem begin, and what idea starts out producing petty cash to individuals and then ends up with funding an entire community? We must think of an idea in which can be funded without hurting the economy even more. The fate of our nation lies within the youth of America. Education is a key phase in a child’s life in which can help train a student to become wise, intelligent, strong, and seeking. There are many high school students who suffer from financial difficulties in turn having them put aside their schoolwork and studies in order to work and raise money for their families. Unfortunately, many students end up dropping out of high school. This affect could cause the person to become needy for money, and would develop a trait within that person to cause crimes such as theft, burglaries, and might even cause murder towards an innocent human. It is very critical to correct this problem, so that a child is able to obtain an education, and that his and/or her family will also be saved from their turmoil against poverty. I propose that the United States create a certain financial aid that begins at high school throughout undergraduate school, in which a student’s family will be funded with an amount of money suitable enough to help that family with their finances. This aid can only be given to families whose child attends high school or a 2-year/4-year college. This means that if that student drops out of high school or college, this aid will no longer be given to that student’s family. One way in which to fund this financial aid without taking money out of any more Americans would be by creating another lottery. Just as how the lottery helps fund our school system, creating this new lottery can help run this financial aid. Another way of how to keep this aid afoot is by America trading some of its energy resources to different countries and/or territories in exchange for profit. This aid does not only help families with financial debt, but it also can help lower the rate of high school and college dropouts. These ideas may not be the very best, yet they stand in the right direction without hurting anyone even more with their finances. I cannot just sit down while my own kind or even ones who are suffering even more than I am are going through such havoc and difficulties. This is an essay from the heart speaking of what must be done to correct a wrong, and produce a right. It is with this financial aid that we can finally bring our country towards a perfect society, towards a utopian empire. We finally can say that: “We the People of the United States are forming a perfect Union”. It is with these words that God leaves you that will help trigger stamina within to lead our nation towards its perfect society; “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you”. You figure out the rest!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
I'd give it a 5. No originality, or personal style, and I don't like the topic.