Sunday, April 14, 2013

Will Voters Rebuke President Obama and Mexico`s Attack on Democracy in Arizona and All the United States?

Will Voters Rebuke President Obama and Mexico`s Attack on Democracy in Arizona and All the United States?
Is speaking out and encouraging all Americans to speak out against President Obama's attack against Arizona's new immigration enforcement law, which is an attack on all Americans who want illegal aliens stopped and an attack on the self-governance of American citizens...wrong ? Obama is joining with the corrupt government of Mexico to attack Democracy in America and a popular state law which simply mirrors the Federal laws he swore an oath to enforce The public backlash against Obama's despotic behavior will manifest in the elections in historic proportions. Obama wants to take down Arizona and the efforts to restore the Rule of Law in America. Now it is time for Americans to politically take down Obama. The Arizona law actually has built in wording to not allow so called racial profiling and the Federal law has no such built in protection. Mexico needs to keep its citizens in Mexico and stay out of the USAs business. Spend all that money they are using to sue AZ on making Mexico a place for a "better life" for all its citizens and not just a wealthy few ..Mexico is not a poor nation as many try to pretend to justify the influx of illegal aliens into the USA. Isn't speaking out for this law and supporting it with our actions and dollars our right as legal Americans? The pro-illegal alien groups are speaking out against the law, as expected. If they are legal Americans that is also their right to do so. But illegal aliens and Mexico,s government do not have that right . Is it fear to expect the federal government to enforce the law ? Don't be foolish,you're minimizing the large scale affect that illegal aliens have on cities,states and the entire USA . The stock answers I expected from the illegal alien supporters. Ever hear of the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution ? It is Obama that is circumventing the Constitution not AZ. And how about the other states that already have this type of law in their cities and states. Why just attack AZ.What about the others ? Not enough potential voters to worry about
Immigration - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Why is Arizona so afraid of people who only want to pick our lettuce and clean our hotel rooms?
2 :
Nothing in the law violates any part of the Constitution of the United States. Arizona is being sued because Chairman Obama is upset at being embarrassed and proven totally ineffectual at doing his job of protecting America from invasion by illegals.Also they are afraid because the mexicans ( notice i didnt capitalize mexicans) are kidnapping children.
3 :
Are you referring to AZ's attack on the Constitution?
4 :
"Attack on Democracy" That's a republican talking point and complete bull shit as is the 'despotic behavior' nonsense. You've been listening to idiots like Michael Savage and Glenn Beck. They have a shtick designed to make them money and people like you have bought into it. Challenging the constitutionality of a state law is something the federal government does all the time. Obama hasn't challenged it with troops. They are asking a judge to decide the matter. On other words, the WH is following the rule of LAW.
5 :
At first I did not care for our Commander and Chief. He grew on my a little. But I live in a border state and work in oil and gas drilling. If he doesn't do anything to stop the influx of illegals I will have to change my vote back to Republican ( Thumbs down all you want. We already know most of you Dem's are that petty. So I won't be shocked or cry myself to sleep tonight). I honestly gave the guy a fair shake and supported him as an American should and still do and will till his term or terms are up. But this is a huge problem . I am sick of seeing the social services that we as tax payers fund drained over and over again by people that are not entitled to it. These programs are for my fellow citizens that need it. That's why they were created . Not to supplement another countries failing and irresponsible economy and people . No other country in the world allows people the enter or leave it's borders undocumented. So why does the US have to. Cause the criminals themselves who already committed the crime of coming here illegally say we should just let them in and that they have rights? Sorry, You have no rights here. Now I understand that people just want a better life. And they do deserve it and should get it . But do like the rest of us and do it legally. To deny a person a better life would be a heinous crime it self. But we have to watch who we just let in. And must respect our economy and the burden it puts on everyone when we have to support than and pay for them to have babies they cant afford in the first place. If Obama wants my vote he needs to respect his own countries sovernty. This is a basic practice every other world leader has a grasp on . When he gets it and if he gets it he will have my vote.