Sunday, April 28, 2013

Making Money Vs. Education?

Making Money Vs. Education?
Why Does the United States of America put a Dollar Value on Education when are schools, especially High Schools are among the worst
Trivia - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It is not a question of dollar value but priorities. Education is just one of many needs that we would like to be met. So is health care, the under-privileged poor, the aged, roads and bridges, foreign aid, the military and the police. Any one of those concerns can tell stories that would break your heart; but the fact is that a Government, like an individual person, can't take care of everything to perfection. You have to pick and choose. Given our political system, you choose in favor of those who will re-elect you. Right now you have a left-wing administration which has traditionally been union-friendly. There might be a few more bucks thrown in the way of education, but they are likely to end up in the pockets of unionized teachers. Would that help you much?
2 :
The United States hates education and has done all they can to destroy it! Look at Bush/Cheney; they'd put teachers to death if they thought they'd get away with it! Obama has a chance to make education a priority, but Americans hate it, so he won't. He'll be too busy paying the unions back for the $300 million they 'gave' him for the election!