Sunday, April 7, 2013

good plan to take over the United States and then the world?

good plan to take over the United States and then the world?
Who thinks this is an ingenious and fairly easy plan when you have the resources own everything from water supply to electricity to oil to run cars and other forms of transportation then establish a state of panic in the country make money problems then socialize health care and other services so only the government can treat illnesses and injuries attack our own nation to put fear in the people and show their helplessness and make an excuse to gradually take more and more liberties away so it seems the right thing to do for our own safety then blame the attack on the world leader in fossil fuels so we have a reason to basically train a military to take over another oil rich baring country ala (Iraq plans to invade Iran as soon as our troops leave) then move to another country (Afghanistan to invade Pakistan when we train their military) and do the same thing get the leaders in power in both countries that agree with our views and corrupt them for our own benefit then every war making the people that own our money supply richer and richer then in the end when we control our people's thoughts basically and control their necessities lets make ourselves a dictatorship so our greedy selves can rule the world and anyone who gets in our way will be destroyed systematically what do you think the people with billions and billions of dollars whom we really know nothing about are trying to do to us as we speak oh and we just happen to want anyone with nuclear weapons to give them to us so when they try to resist we'll wipe them off the face of this earth Satan is very alive and through this you should realize that we are more controlled than anyone ever should be how much longer do you think we will last in this world it's even told in the bible that soon there will be a one world government and that is when Satan will rule and that is also when the world will end. Oh haven't you heard how America is to be unified to Canada and Mexico by 2010? probably not because the way things are right now aren't bad enough to make a reason most people will believe in to do so why not just cause another attack that really puts fear in people to make a reason to have one currency (AMERO) how about the severe inflation of the current U.S. currency And yes a lot of people believe Obama is the antichrist and here's why In the bible it says we will have 7 years of tribulation before the antichrist gets into power and our nation had been at war for seven years when president obama was elected into office now since he's black if there is an assassination of him and he comes back somehow (Antichrist trying to prove he is equal to Jesus)/ then really prey oh and isn't the world supposedly going to end in 2012 and 2012 is the end of Obama's term
Politics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you could always just marry bill 'the rapist' clinton.
2 :
You don't need a plan to take over the us just be black
3 :
you got that right it sure is happening now.
4 :
It has been prophesied in the Book of Revelations that God will come and save his people from the devil.
5 :
for crying out loud not another NWO conspiracy nut
6 :
Hold your faith dearly. Some day, I fear, we will have to live hard and think strong.
7 :
The people who have laughed at the NWO crowed should not laugh to loud they are trying as we speak to create a world Government and that is no conspiracy it is will be a slow progression... to avoid riots and the like by the time you know it has happened it will be too late...
8 :
Dude, you are right on as far as biblical prophecy. That is what the good book says. Isn't it ironic that Obama is full filling almost all of the requirements for the coming antichrist but the geographic area he comes from? Our freedoms are under assault. Maybe not to the extent of the scenario above, but all of us need to be on our guard, getting involved by contacting our representatives and putting voice to our displeasure, and embracing legal, peaceful activism when they refuse to listen. The only people to blame for the state of our country are the 65 million that voted for Obama. You get what you vote for!
9 :
What you write is a scary scenario..but I am very hopeful that our nation will survive again...If you have a chance, read all you can about our President Woodrow Wilson and Progressivism...I wasn't aware, but Wilson almost had our country in a dictatorship? Go to Wilson and you will be totally shocked at how close our government came to becoming a dictatorship. So, people have to start studying history or we will be destined to repeat it. We are in a difficult time now but I am very hopeful that someone will come along who is an honest conservative and restore our nation to the greatness it once had. I believe in being informed...the problem is that a great percentage of Americans have no idea of their past history. I am into reading about our history and it is extremely enlightening..It proves nothing is really new! Socialism/Progressivism is nothing new and has failed miserably, but I fear right now for my country but as a believer in Christ; we will be saved in the end...