Thursday, March 14, 2013

Are conservatives still talking about secession ?

Are conservatives still talking about secession ? they've given up on politicking in a UNITED States of America.... I guess they think they'll have a better chance at regaining power by dismantling America and removing stars from the flag.... Ok so what if we all go along with this ?....I have some lingering questions that would need to be answered first... .... what do we do about our Olympic teams and other professional sports teams ?,...superbowl ? Wouldn't we have to remove "UNITED" from all of our money and use state printed money ?...would the national anthem have to be changed ?..the pledge of allegiance ?....then how do we figure out the exchange rates between states ?....would you need a passport to go from Texas to New York ? Wouldn't we also have to build a whole new wall around Texas to make sure the illegal Texas immigrants can't sneak into New Orleans, LA ? What about the Federal dollars they collected already for this year, would Texas have to give it back ? Wouldn't Texas then needs it's own coast guard and military ? If we can iron that all out then i'm all for it..... cons ? what say you ?
Politics - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
noooooo and no one was ever serious when some Texan mentioned it.
2 :
Typical of conservatives. They can't win so, like spoiled brats, they run from the game, crying for their mommies.
3 :
Hey, I'm a con. but we all didn't rally behind Texas when Perry said that. I hate big government and I support the right to secede, but that incident certainly does not speak for me.
4 :
wow you need a life.
5 :
This seems to be the afternoon of non-stop rants by liberals! What's up? Why are you guys always so upset? You'd think you'd be in hog heaven these days! To you question: Who has talked about secession?? Your rant is the 1st I've heard, read, seen...
6 :
... Sources. Texans said it, but doesn't mean its gonna happen and that was sometime in April.. 15th? We have the right as Americans to say what we like. If we're not happy with how the Feds are running their business, than we can speak against it... The Framers of the Constitution creating the document to keep the Feds small (they didn't like Big Government) and weak (they tried Confederacy, but that failed obviously). They came up with Federalism. The more power the government is, the weaker the People become.
7 :
I am not a conservative and I am talking about Depression!
8 :
Secede? What are you on? Why would anyone want to do that? The Texas governor wasn't serious about it.
9 :
I want our country to stay a republic. If others want to live under socialism there are other countries. So what ever it takes.
10 :
Secession would severely cripple our nation, economically and internationally. Cons who talk about this are obviously more concerned about themselves than our nation. It's all rhetoric.
11 :
Texas Governor Rick Perry brought it up in order to bring Extreme Right Wingers back into his camp for a tough campaign against Kay Bailey Hutchison. Rick Perry wants to sell the state of Texas to Spain to build the Trans Texas Corridor, so I don't know why he's concerned about taxes so much. Real Texans take their history seriously. Real Texans think Secession is absurd. Real Texans think Rick Perry is an idiot.
12 :
conservatives have wanted to secede for over 150 years. last time they tried, it took 4 years and 600,000 americans lives to settle the issue. apparently, that wasn't sufficient bloodshed for the conservatives.
13 :
Wow... and the things that concern you are the Olympic teams, sports, money and nationalistic pledges? Ignorance is bliss isn't it? The world is full of examples of nations separating from a larger nation (USSR, East Europe Bloc, Yugoslavia, ect for example). Read what happened to them... but of course that does require "reading".
14 :
Oh,I wish they would.Then they might leave us sinful people alone.