Monday, June 28, 2010

Do you agree with me that IPL Cricket is the only thing to make Cricket popular in United states of America?

Do you agree with me that IPL Cricket is the only thing to make Cricket popular in United states of America?
IPL(Indian premiere league). -It has Money like English Premiere league of Football. -It has the world's most best players. -You will get result of the game in 3 hours. -It can entertain you in every way.
Cricket - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
the only way to make crickets popular in the US is to put chocolate on them
2 :
Yes i think.
3 :
considering the present times, i agree with you.
4 :
Yes.Its really true.IPL Cricket is the only thing to make Cricket popular.
5 :
i don't agree with yu as cricket is very difficult to become popular in America as most of the other top games are in full league.
6 :
Only some guys like me and others watch ipl in usa! ipl is not poppular in usa actully cricket is not poppular in usa! edit: actully usa don't like cricket in any format or any overs!
7 :
Yes, all american pro sports are league based with 3 hours or less time frames per game (basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer) and the players involved are usually at the top of their game (except for soccer). This format could definitely make the game of Cricket very popular in North America. Personally though, I prefer test and ODI cricket.
8 :
No chance, it will be the T20 World cup, not the IPL...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Have you ever found it funny the amount of money the President of the United States of America makes?

Have you ever found it funny the amount of money the President of the United States of America makes?
You have these people spending millions of dollars for a job they get paid what $600,000 a year? I find it to be quite pathetic and a waste. What are your thoughts on this subject? I find this to be bad business.
Government - 6 Answers
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1 :
he's supposed to be a civil servant. But what's funny is the VP giving no bid contracts to the company he has stock options in, so he becomes fabulously wealthy
2 :
Compared to the amount that CEOs get, I think it's rather fair. The job is extremely taxing and is considered the toughest job in America.
3 :
They make it back a hundred times over after they leave office, with speeches and books and board of directors positions. Like Mike Huckabee, even after he was mathematically eliminated stayed in the campaign a couple more weeks -- get his name a little more known, be a little more famous -- make a lot more money for speeches and appearances.
4 :
It's not funny, I know what it's about. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If I thought I could get elected I'd do the job for free. I mean you get fed and you get a place to live.
5 :
FD Roosevelt and Harry Truman deserved such a good salery-not the current war mongering US presidents.
6 :
The people who apply for the position of president usually come from a wealthy family. They may be spending more than they earn, but they have much more where that came from in the bank.

Monday, June 7, 2010

United States of America...Free?Why do we make so much money for these large corporations but not ourselves?

United States of America...Free?Why do we make so much money for these large corporations but not ourselves?
in other words can no one recognize the slavery we are under? They have just managed to hide the face of the Pharoh being brands and labels. It's all the same as it was with the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. Lying, excusing, distorting the truth, and closing your eyes doesn't change a thing.
Corporations - 3 Answers
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1 :
Are you not free to find another job or start your own business? Have you been to a third world country and see how most the people live and the job prospects? Why are so many people trying to get in America if it is so bad?
2 :
Download the free E-book from this site and read it carefully, several times if you have to. That's the first and best step to take if you're serious about making money online.
3 :
this is one more excuse of usa free? people must be free inside first and then outside as acountry of human system of living Spartacus was a slave but became the man who save others,because has the power inside to do that.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Besides American tax payers, how does America make money outside of the United States?

Besides American tax payers, how does America make money outside of the United States?
How do we make profit from goods we ship to other nations? What goods are we selling?
Government - 9 Answers
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1 :
We (the country/government) doesn't make money outside of taxes of all kinds. Businesses, corporations and individuals make money. The government takes a cut. Businesses, corporations and individuals export goods to other countries and the government takes a cut. Businesses, corporations and individuals import goods into the country and the government takes a cut. The government also issues an assortment of bonds and stocks which might be considered a product.
2 :
We don't. The American tax payer, corporations and small business foot the bill for everything
3 :
i assume that you mean our government other than taxes, govt revenue comes from leasing mineral rights on public lands. it comes from sale of timber on public lands. leasing public lands for grazing. -------------- if you mean the country , as a whole, there are too many products to list. the USA is a major exporter of agricultural products, machinery, entertainment products, transportation products, technology products, medical products, pretty much everything needed for life as we know it is made in the USA.
4 :
It all depends on how you look at it. But, here is how it works: Company makes "stuff." The sell it to [Foreign] buyer. Buyer pays for Stuff, which is paid to the company. The company then pays its workers, vendors (material suppliers), and the money trickles down to their workers, etc. Of course, the government only makes money through taxes. But that is not what economists are really talking about when they are talking about American Wealth or income. They are talking about the flow of money (or goods and services) into the United States economy. (Think about it, when the worker has more money, he spends it, and THAT money is then passed to workers, etc., so it really has a multiplier effect). On the other hand, when we IMPORT goods and services, all of the benefit of the purchases goes to the other country. FOr example, when we buy a foreign car, some of the money stays here with the dealer. But the money then goes to (for example) Honda, which then pays its workers, and its vendors, and it helps THAT economy. This is why, with the outsourcing of jobs, it is such a big issue. Instead of the benefit of the American Economy going to American workers, more and more, it goes to foreign employees (who spend money in, for example, india, purchasing foreign goods and services, which helps THAT economy, the benefit of which lis lost forever in America). I know this sounds complicated, but I hope it helps.
5 :
It all comes from us. Even corporate tax, tariffs, windfall profits tax, are all passed on to us. Only difference is, the government calls it "government money", rather than taxpayer money. People don't mind them spending it so foolish that way.
6 :
You don't "make" money like a business, you just filter it thru the system It's not the job of government to "make money"
7 :
AmericanCorporations/Business make money external to the United States - the US Government is not in the money making business - not tasked. In instances where innovative government officials have tryed to reduce costs or even manage agencies to be self-supporting, corporate industries have sued the government for 'competing' and costing them money on their lucrative government contracts.
8 :
One way is the selling of weapons.
9 :
Helping drug runners,mabe they need to start at the top to have control of drug shipping.