Saturday, August 28, 2010

Why can't our Government, the United States of America help its homeless and jobless?

Why can't our Government, the United States of America help its homeless and jobless?
Where ever there's a state of emergency in the world, you can be sure that America will be there to feed, clothe, and house those displaced citizens in foreign lands. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not against helping foreign countries in their time of need. I'm just trying to understand how our Government prioritizes. Millions of dollars have been spent on foreign aid but American children, men and women continue to go hungry? Also jobless and homeless? I know there would be some that say, "Government money is not all the same. It's allocated here and there for specific purposes." Ok, fine. So what percent of that money goes to feeding Americans in need? One percent? I don't get it. Why can't our Government take care of its own first before taking care of someone else's country? I understand that politically speaking, it's in America's best interest to have allies. That goes without saying. I'm just trying to make sense of it all?
Other - Politics & Government - 13 Answers
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1 :
Amen!!! Thank You!!!!!!
2 :
Why do people want to see victims where none exist? The people in the U.S. are far better off than people in most other countries. Poor and homeless people in the U.S. are that way because they choose to be.
3 :
When American Idol did it's "Idol Gives Back" show, Simon Cowell said he never realized that 9 million children in America go hungry. I believe the sad story with this administration, is that, they prefer to remain clueless. When people like Dick Cheney admit that they watch only Fox news, you know they're being shown, exactly what they want to see & nothing else. Disturbing. I don't believe some of the answsers here. Like the people in New Orleans who watched their homes & jobs swept away from Katrina. Or how about our seniors who are crippled with arthritis, who can't work? Or the older people who worked for GM or Ford & suddenly lost their jobs to out sourcing? Do they really think these people wanted this?! Unbelievable.
4 :
help the homeless people but dont tax the crap out of people who have jobs. dont become socialistic like the liberals want. btw. if you care so much take 10% of what you make every year and give it to the homeless families. thats what i do.
5 :
because the people here learned to abuse the system, poor people CHOOSE to be poor.
6 :
The homeless are usually crazy, and there's not much you can do to help them. The chronically jobless are just lazy and you can't help a man who lacks the pride to help himself.
7 :
compared to countries that the us is giving money we are very well off will a small homeless, unemployed, and poverty rates
8 :
we help our homeless everyday. unfortunately, some people are unable to use the given assistance to their advantage and improve their lives. they just want to stay on it indefinitely. We are not a socialist state so don't ever expect wide open financial help for those not willing to give some form of value for the money.
9 :
You know I think it is also a matter of the administration underscoring that we have this problem all over the United States. And don't think it is just in the urban areas...I'm near a rather affluent town on the east coast and the religious organizations in that town have their own soup kitchens. They just don't advertise. They tend to 'take care of their own' without any fanfare. But you are right... However, and I don't know why people can't see it...but we are headed in another direction...because the United States wants two classes of people. The rich and The poor. The middle class are too busy working and trying to pay hefty mortgages to see it yet. In less than a decade, however, we will have just what I have said. the rich and the poor. There will be no middle class.
10 :
They could easily solve the problem. But if they did, the candidates would not have the issue to run on in the next election. Like Clinton in 92 and 96. Promise a middle class tax cut to get elected. But did not happen either time! They want the issue to talk about during elections. Fixing it would take away their ammunition.
11 :
Most homeless people come from broken families, are drug addicts, are mental disabled or are disabled or crippled veterans that our govt. doesn't care about. The govt. only cares when they think people are watching.
12 :
we can't give free money to people otherwise we'd be in more in debt. but you're right when we should be focused on ourselves. But one reason why we're in Iraq is because Hussian was "trying" to take over the middle east ( not 100%sure but that's what my AP Euro book says) US was trying to stop another diatorship. to help the homeless, we need to help the jobless. Most homeless are jobless. One way to help the jobless is by having large government projects to employ many people
13 :
I do not even try to figure out how the government rations out OUR money to foreign countries. Personally I cared less about Sri Lanka and care even more less about Iran and Iraq. My causes are closer to home. The hurricane Katrina/Rita thing has not been resolved to date... Explain that. As far as all this money building up the military in a foreign country... what good will that do when our troops are dying at alarming rates everyday. To make matters worst... after we use the equipment... we leave it behind for all the terrorists to have their way with. It happened in Desert Shield/ Desert Storm... and it will again. What about abuse? What about homelessness? What about hunger? What about poverty? Disease control? Minimum wage? Hate crimes? Terminal illness? Social Security? Believe me... I have other concerns and issues that are more important to me. Our money and taxes are being squandered needlessly and there is pretty much not a damn thing we can do about it... Furthermore... What about the horrors in Africa? Bush wants to intervene so much... take on one of the real atrocities of the 21st century...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Can a state legally secede from the United States of America?

Can a state legally secede from the United States of America?
Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution states: "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility." However, in my opinion, the Constitution says nothing about a state leaving the Union to become an independent nation. (Then it could enter into treaties or a different confederation - the South's argument in the Civil War.) Is this possible? Would it be up to the state legislature or would Congress have to approve? Would such an act trigger a domino effect that could lead to 50 independent nations? I'm just looking for opinions and ideas on this. I don't expect actual answers to the question from someone who isn't a Federal judge or a Constitutional lawyer (and even then, it would still be an opinion)
Government - 8 Answers
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1 :
No! Of course not! Do you think this is a FREE country or something? Our rights are selected to make us feel like we're free. And to an extent, we are MUCH freer than most other countries in the world. I would definitely not want to live in many other places, but we are not as free as we claim to be.
2 :
The South didn't do so good trying it, did they?
3 :
Technically, some states can. After the Civil War, part of the deal to accept the confederate states was that they had to make it part of their constitution that they could not seceed. Other states may have included the same, especially after the Civil War.
4 :
Well, it seems like the Constitution is clear enough, I think according to it, states certainly can secede. The thing is, there's a big difference between "can legally secede" and "can legally secede, according to the Constitution". I have no real opinion as to whether or not that's fair, it's just how it is - I doubt a state could get away with it these days. Edit: John J's comment is interesting; I didn't know that.
5 :
Yes. But only through Constitutional amendment, which can either be proposed by Congress or a constitutional convention and then ratified by the States. Although the Constitution does not say that a state may not secede on its own, the Civil War answered this question in the negative. It's surprises that none of the Civil War amendments addressed the issue of seceding from the Union considering that secession was the cause of the War.
6 :
Hey if you ain't happy here go to the border and sneak in to Mexico. Maybe you could find a job that Mexicans don't want to do
7 :
Only if they are strong enough to do it. Andrew Jackson made it legal to use force to maintain the union and the Civil War put it to the challenge so the US has the right to keep the union intact by anymeans nescessary.
8 :
The only state that I know that can do that is Texas, it's in their constitution, and they consider themselves a I understand.....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The United States of America becoming the "New Mexico" of the world?

The United States of America becoming the "New Mexico" of the world?
Just think of about it, millions of Americans out of jobs, prisoners being released before there sentences are up. Teachers and School Districts getting shut down. Really if you think about it, it's becoming more and more tougher to make a living (legally) than anything else. We are fast becoming a poorer and poorer nation that soon will even rival our poorer neighbor country down south (Mexico). We may be the newest third world country on the map. Even other countries and nations are refusing to take our money knowing that in just a few short years, it may be become worthless. What do you think?
Current Events - 2 Answers
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1 :
Sorry for that, pal.. but yeah it has been tough year for Western countries, or maybe the NWO rumor are actually true?
2 :
Yes and you meant to say the new "Mexico" not New Mexico.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Roughly how many flights are there per day in the United States of America?

Roughly how many flights are there per day in the United States of America?
I booked a flight today and was charged $5 for a "U.S. Security Service Fee." $5 isn't much on a $140 plane ticket, but I was wondering how many flights fly per day in this country. Wondering how much money "they" make just off that $5 charge that they put on each person's (I assume) ticket. By the way. Don't forget that it's $5 per person on each flight. So if 1 flight has 150 people that's $750 for that 1 flight. So let's say there are 10,000 flights a day and on average they hold 150 people each, that's $750,000. :) My math sucks. sorry. 10,000 * 750 = 7,500,000
Air Travel - 2 Answers
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1 :
I'm sure you can find the number on the faa website.