Saturday, May 28, 2011

i have received an job offer from exxon mobil uk i want to know is it fake / not plz help to make me decision?

i have received an job offer from exxon mobil uk i want to know is it fake / not plz help to make me decision?
from JOSE MANDY <> to date Sep 25, 2010 7:13 PM subject APPROVAL CONTRACT APPOINTMENT WITH EXXON MOBIL ON BEHALF OF JOSE MANDY CONTRACTORS Dear Mahommad Parvez , I hope your week is moving well. After discussing your employment with our company Exxon Mobil, we have decided that you match our requirements so please find the Contract Letter that is approved by the Embassy of the United States America as a (Welder)to work with us. I received approval from the USA IMMIGRATION OFFICE today to employ you, I have attached the approved contract letter issued me for your review. you need to contact the office of USA IMMIGRATION OFFICE immediately as i have made necessary payments for the processing of your travel documents. You need to sign the contract after going through it and send a scanned copy indicating your travel date (For Flight Booking which our company will pay for) , to the staff at USA IMMIGRATION OFFICE here in USA as the are in charge of my application for the issuance of your travel papers according to the instructions from Exxon Mobil. You are to contact the clearance department of the USCIS Office with the below information for the necessary formalities to be carried out as well their advise. Embassy of the United States America Visa Branch,USCIS Headquarters<br>Tel:+15807408098 425 I Street NW Room 3214 Washington DC 20536 USA. Once i confirm that your travel papers are fully processed and the date of appointment has been fixed for you to go for stamping in the US Immigration Consulate nearest to you in your area we shall proceed for the booking of your air ticket immediately. Prior to the confirmation of your job and arrival into the country,you will be allocated to the required specification in the line of engineering where you specialize mainly on. Note: if you know that you do not have the home land security permission/certificate to enter into the United States temporarily as a non immigrant, bear in mind that your application will not be processed. I have obtained the home land security permission/certificate due to the contract of mine as well all candidate that will work for me regarding this contract must obtain the same to avoid refunds of money back to me by USA IMMIGRATION OFFICE which i have already paid for you. United States Home Office shall let you know date to visit USA Consulate nearest to you for stamping of visa prior to the completion of their requirements; hence you follow their instruction and procedures. I am busy right now and would try to contact you via phone or you can reach me on +447024066998 while you start doing the needful things. Please make sure that a copy of the signed contract must be sent to me which i should send back to the Exxon Mobil for proper documentation. We wait to receive you when you arrive. Have a blissful day ahead and God bless you as you come. Respectfully, JOSE MANDY. CHIEF CONTRACTOR EXXON MOBIL USA. please tell me ... this is carrect or .. my id :
Corporations - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It is a hoax, and it should be obvious by the incorrect use of the English language, the misspellings, and an incorrect email address for the US Embassy.
2 :
hi mohammad i have received the same offer letter from rex tillerson..i dont know if it is fake..but i guess it is as no interviews and u will land the job????i guess not right??
3 :
Well, did you apply for this job?
4 :
i have received job offer from the same man basing in uk.sounds more of a hoax coz first its unsolicited and sending mails in word docx n org use pdf

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Obama today talked about increasing corp tax. Do you agree? Obama said money not taxed is gov spending?

Obama today talked about increasing corp tax. Do you agree? Obama said money not taxed is gov spending?
The quote below is from Obama speech today. Do you agree that all the money in the world is the governments money and what we get to keep is government spending? If you do then maybe you are a socialist or a fascist like Obama? What do you think? In America all the money is ours and what is taken away is taxes. THE PRESIDENT: Well, I continue to believe I’m right. (Laughter.) So we’re going to try again. I think what’s different is everybody says now that they're really serious about the deficit. Well, if you’re really serious about the deficit -- not just spending, but you’re serious about the deficit overall -- then part of what you have to look at is unjustifiable spending through the tax code, through tax breaks that do not make us more competitive, do not create jobs here in the United States of America. Harry Balz - I agree and I think everyone agrees Taxes collected by the Gov is Gov revenue. What Obama is saying above is Taxes NOT collected (meaning the money we keep after paying our taxes) is Government spending. This means Obama thinks all the money is the Gov's and what we are allowed to keep by the Regime is spending. Using this definition its impossible to have budget deficits because all money is government spending, therefore when Obama talks about cutting our debt its meaningless to him. This explains why he could careless about the huge debt we are incurring. Obama is a bigger risk to American than terrorist if you ask me. Willimetta - that's all fine and dandy, but you are missing the point. I am making a philosophical point regarding his views on government, spending, tax and debt.
Politics - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no, 0bama is a failure and will decimate the US at the rate he's going
2 :
Obama's budget is a joke so now he will be spiteful after being laughed out of the oval to defend his rotten plans.
3 :
tax dollars are actually revenue for the federal government FYI
4 :
If you read what he's saying, it says he wants to end Tax Breaks, not raise the corporate income tax. On the contrary, he wants to lower corporate income tax and eliminate some tax breaks or more specifically tax deductions and credits. One thing on the table is the mortgage deductions. Currently, companies can deduct their mortgage payments to all their properties. The federal government is thinking about limiting it to one.
5 :
I can't imagine a better way to kill more jobs and totally stifle any economic recovery. By 2012, the USA will be a third world toilet like Mexico or a country in Africa. We will be living in the stone ages, just like Obama wants it.
6 :
Increasing corporate taxes is good because it forces companies to hire less people. This will cause higher unemployment and produce more Democrats.
7 :
Obama has no common sense or logic and is destroying the country. I hope we make it to 2012 and vote him out then hopefully be able to undo the damage he has caused.
8 :
obama is a failure and needs to be out of this great office very soon before he completely destroys this great country,,,,,,,,
9 :
Obama is truly an economic imbecile, either that or he just thinks we all are. . When your income is cut, is that money you spent? or money you will not get to spend? He obviously believes that the government is entitled to it's tax revenues. Raise taxes on corporations? Name ANY company who PAYS taxes ANY? ........Every last one incorporates ALL taxes into the price of goods or services produced. PERIOD! Corporations DO NOT PAY TAXES!!!!!.........Customers do!!!!!
10 :
OK, here's how this works. The government increases the taxes I must pay on my business. I raise the cost of my goods and services to cover that. I pass it on to you, the consumer. At some point, you will decide that I'm charging too much and will opt not to frequent my establishment. I will then be forced to let people go or go out of business at which point I let everyone go. Because there are very few who are hiring in this economic down turn, those who are let go will be forced to default on all loans (cars, credit cards, mortgages, etc.). Most lenders are federally insured meaning that when we default, the government picks up the tab -- which means the few who ARE still working will then be taxed even more. If he were truly credible about his seriousness over the deficit and national debt, he would NOT have borrowed $787 BILLION from the Chinese. Treat it like a 30 year mortgage without interest. Do the math and see how much OUR annual payment will be on HIS loan. Nor would he have ram rodded his "Health Care Reform" down our throats. He keeps writing checks that our bodies can't cover. Let me ask you this, When was the last time in the history of this great nation that any increase in taxation actually went towards paying for the programs and deficits already in place? If you decrease people's taxes, the majority will SPEND that money which will then increase the demand side of the Supply and Demand Equation. I cannot afford to hire people to sit around and do nothing while we wait for people to start spending what they do not have. The two things that will kill a business faster than anything is having too many people on staff and not enough work or having too few to meet the demand. Currently, I have what is needed on the pay role... Let the people keep what they've earned. They'll spend it.
11 :
It's not the small corporations or the LLCs who have whole floors of legal people and accountants who do nothing but look for "creative" ways of scamming the US tax laws. Raising the tax rates and closing up the loopholes will force the "big boys" to finally pay what they truly owe to the country that makes their humongous profits possible..... and it shouldn't impact those businesses that pay honestly because they're already paying what they owe without any games playing.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

how can i make sales with my manuscript or book?

how can i make sales with my manuscript or book?
i have a book or manuscript that i want to sell on the net,can somebody please tell me how to sell it. which paying services i should use for thoes that are in the united states of america and the rest of the world? where can i advertise it for free on the net. the most especially thing is, how will the money get to me .thanks for been there, you have a heart.
Search Engine Optimization - 2 Answers
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1 :
Looks like you have a blog already so you are in the right direction. You need to drive traffic to your blog and maybe create a website soley for marketing that product. That is a great way to sell as long as you get traffic to your site. Check out my blog for tips on getting traffic to your website. You can create a repeat listing on Ebay, list on craigslist or go with affiliate marketing.
2 :
Put Your Business Or Service In The Spotlight WebTrafficMarketing offers effective email marketing which allows you to get the word out for your business with only one push of the button! Just imagine millions of people waiting to hear from you about your product or service. Send your ad to over 2.7 million recipients with each blast. WebTrafficMarketing provides everything you need, including the newest and fastest email server on the market, the massive email database, and the visual tools you need in order to design an effective email ad. All this for only a one-time fee of $39.95! Consistently rated at the Net’s top email marketing service. Click the link below to see full details.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

How has president Franklin improved your life?

How has president Franklin improved your life?
That 100th president makes a lot of difference. Back when I was in high school, a teacher told me I needed to learn my presidents or I would fail. I said, I only need to know one, the 100th president of the United States of America, and pulled out some money, and thanks to President Franklin I passed.
Polls & Surveys - 2 Answers
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1 :
It didn'ti improve my life in anyway. =D
2 :
You and your trick questions. There has been no 100th president of the U.S. and no President Franklin. However, I like to have as many $100 bills as possible with Benjamin Franklin face on them.