Tuesday, May 28, 2013

America! Wake Up! We Need to Bring Back the Electric Cars!?

America! Wake Up! We Need to Bring Back the Electric Cars!?
Seriously! We should all wake up and do something! We had the electric car and they took it away. Just image if we had the electric car and how much money we would have RIGHT NOW if we didn't need to pay for gas. Between 3 cars, I would have $880 in about a month instead of using it on gas. You know the saying, "one person can make a difference" Well it doesn't work with the government. So we all need to unite and make the government listen to the citizens!!! Together, we can all make a difference. I mean if you get most of the country against the government, I think we could possibly win. So get the word out! The government is probably looking over these questions and all over the web. So they will probably see this. So WHO IS WITH ME! Who wants the electric car back! And give reasons!!! Spread the word!!! This is the "UNITED" STATES OF AMERICA! We must stand together and get what we deserve! I know. Why should we be helping the evil oil companies? If we still had electric cars and we all had them now, we could have probably postponed that big part of Antarctic from breaking off! Or even prevented it from breaking off. Yeah I heard about that car from Honda. We got a commerical for that in New Jersey. Then I heard it was only going to be tested in California. I was like "WHA...!" Well I don't have one is because they make them SO expensive now because they are the highest performance types that are like over $100,000 and face it, most American's can't afford to have a car that expensive. Hell yea Jill! Y!A will take over the world! And we shall be the leaders of this new world!
Alternative Fuel Vehicles - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yess i see the you have seen the movie who killed the electric car? lol great movie but imagine what we would have done to save the environment stupid oil companies
2 :
Honda will be introducing a revolutionary car in LA soon. It's expensive though and has limited availability.
3 :
1. no one took the electric car away, there are no laws limiting it's production, it has fundamental problems that have not been fixed. electric cars with good enough batteries and charging systems to go more than 100 miles are out of most peoples price range, and there fore not going to make it on the open market. the last viable electric i saw was gm's ev1 and i think the price tag was $90,000 and had a range of 80 miles, my nos'. may be off a little but i think this is close. 2. why do you think the gov is some kind of covert organization trying to do evil to it's citizens?
4 :
America wake up the time of the horse is returning ?
5 :
Go buy one. What does the government have to do with it? There are electric cars for sale. It is because people like you that we don't have electric cars. What is your answer to this? Why don't you have one? Let's hear it. Why don't you have one??
6 :
We'll take the world by storm, today Yahoo! Answers, tomorrow the world! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
7 :
Why do you insist it be one of the Big Three auto manufacturers? There are many electric car manufacturers, if you'll bother to look. Better yet, BUILD YOUR OWN ELECTRIC CAR using a recycled car with a dead gasoline engine. We have the technology! All we need is for people like you to take matters into their own hands, and scare the Big Three into giving us what we want!
8 :
wake up America, We are going to start walking
9 :
I almost had one, but the extension cord was SO expensive.
10 :
I think plug in hybrids are more appropriate for the time being. They don't have a limiting range, yet save a huge amount on fuel. The grid is already much cleaner than burning gasoline. As the grid gets cleaner, they will be even cleaner to charge. Electric car technology will advance while we drive PHEVs and some electrics. There are already viable markets for electrics as delivery vehicles, small job trucks like Phoenix Motorcars is making to sell in Mexico, etc. http://www.pluginpartners.org/ Plug in Partners makes a pretty good case for PHEVs. You can sign a petition to promote PHEVs at their website. "Plug-in hybrid vehicles can range from 20 to 60 miles without the use of gasoline after being charged in a standard electrical outlet. That means tens of millions of motorists could make their daily commute using little, if any, gasoline. A motorist driving 9,000 annual gasoline-free miles and 3,000 using gasoline would get 100 mpg (based on vehicles that get 25 mpg)." "These savings would be even more dramatic if plug-in technology is combined with already-existing flexible fuel technology." "Charging the battery each night would cost less than $1.00 at current rates. PHEVs outfitted with a battery pack providing a 40-mile electric range could power, using the all-electric mode, more than 60% of the total annual miles traveled by the average American driver"
11 :
What good would electric cars do? Burning coal to make electricty is no better than burning gasolene. And it would not be cheaper either. An electric furnace is 100% eficient and is still the most exspencive option.
12 :
We're working on it. Available in California in October 2008, the Aptera typ-1e will cost about $27,000 with a top speed of 95 mph and range of 120 miles per charge. http://www.aptera.com/details.php Soon thereafter Aptera will introduce the typ-1h, a plug-in hybrid version of the typ-1e with a 40-60 mile range on purely electrical energy, and a range of over 600 miles total when in electric/gas hybrid mode, for around $30,000. On a 120 mile trip, the typ-1h will get 300 miles per gallon. The shorter the trip, the higher the efficiency. http://www.aptera.com/details.php Available in late 2009, the ZAP Alias will cost $30,000, have a top speed of 100 mph, and a range of 100 miles per charge. http://zapworld.com/electric-vehicles/electric-cars/zap-alias Soon thereafter the ZAP-X will be available at a cost of $60,000 with a top speed of 155 mph and a range of 350 miles per charge. http://zapworld.com/electric-vehicles/electric-cars/zap-x Available in 2009, the Miles Javlon will cost $30-35,000 with a top speed of 80 mph and a range of 120 miles per charge. http://www.milesev.com/index.asp#hsv.swf Phoenix Motorcars will start selling their SUT to individuals in late 2008 or early 2009. It will cost $45,000 and have a top speed of 100 mph with a range of 100+ miles per charge. http://phoenixmotorcars.com/
13 :
Since this is America, you should realize that if there were a market for electric cars, they would be available everywhere. The hard truth, however, is that there is little or no market for these expensive toys because they are just that, expensive toys. To be competative, an electric car must have the same level of performance, cost and convenience as a conventional fueled vehicle. For example, consider a typical small sedan (e.g. Honda Civic). Initial cost (MSRP) approximatly US$20,000 Capacity - 4 adults in relative comfort (not luxury) Range between refueling - 250 miles Refueling time - 5-10 minutes Refeuiling convenience - tens of thousands of convenient locations throughout the country Cruising speed - 80 mph Acceleration - 0-60 in 12 seconds Comfort range - can keep cabin in comfort zone when outside temperatures are as high as 100 or as low as 0 degrees F. Show me the electric car that can do this, I and you will have found one that will sell.
14 :
U will loose about 40% from AC to battery. This alone means that u will produce more CO2 at the power plant.
15 :
Don't forget they killed the NIMH battery too. That's more than half the problem. Even the EV-1 wasn't very good without it. Chevron bought the company, and the patent rights with it. I believe you can own patent rights for 8 years, so they should be expiring any time. With the NIMH almost anyone could build an effective EV. Have you looked at the European models? I prefer American too, but there are some very good ones with pretty long track records.
16 :
just remember, the oil industry with blessings from the Bush Administration launched a counter-suit against the California Air Rescources Board that effectively killed the zero emissions initiative. also if I remember, GM was also involved. Well cheer up. the big three auto makers are in financial difficulties due to their own making. by the time the big three actually decide to build electric cars, it will probably be to late for them. I wonder why they have been laying off employees????? should this Global Warming propaganda actually be true, then the only vehicles that make sense for the normal day to day getting to and from work, coffee shop etc. is the battery electric. save your fume belching buggy for the family vacation. it will be companies like Tesla, Phoenics Motor Cars, Aptera and others who will provide a viable alternative in cleaner transportation. check out these sites:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I LOVE UNITED STATES & IT'S PEOPLE! why? please read the details.?

I LOVE UNITED STATES & IT'S PEOPLE! why? please read the details.?
hey guys! thank you for your answers. FYI : im a stranger , im persian(iranian). but i hate my country because im not free, and i don't have the LIBERTY! it's a long story. chill out! well im interested in,no,i love america and it's people. i always thinking about it,i always see american movies,eat american foods,and i always chat with them. i even have the flag of U.S.A in my room. you know what, im gonna move to the usa to continue my edcation,and live and work in usa. but i don't have enough tuition money for college and to live at there. so would you mind offer me some jobs at there that they are simple and make acceptable money? like a job at the diner. you know, i'm a straight-A student & i'm taking extra AP classes. what kind of skills can i learn that makes more money and it is easy. thank you again, please help me to fulfill my dreams.
Other - United States - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
ta-dah! good for you.
2 :
you have a good hade use it for the good youll go far here inthe USA
3 :
contact me at Sue15400@aol.com and will talk.
4 :
go work at a restrant that is really nice be a table buster! lol
5 :
I really hope that you accomplish your goal, and wish you all the luck in the world. Try looking into colleges here in the US and look for interships. (personally i dont think the US is that great)
6 :
first of all I don't think u r using the correct channel to know more about ur education nd job etc....watever....as u r here let me suggest u some thing.....first try to contact the college u r applying for...the communities in ur college..probably u might be having Iranian community in that college....and here in US..u have plenty of options ...as long as u r willing to work..there is an opportunity for u...don't worry much abt ur skills....u'll be improved once u r here....just njoy the savor of ur last few days in ur mother land...
7 :
KG can leave and this guy is welcome
8 :
well let me be brutally honest. if you were an american born citizen like myself, the nostalgia would wear off by the the time you hit your 20's although some people will refuse to admit it. even though we may have more freedoms than the middle east, america used to have an infinite amount of freedoms by comparison to modern times. you will definetly be better off in the states, but in the days before i was even "concieved" things were a lot better, before corporation bought off washington. i may seem to be rambling, but you would have to experience the exact life i lived to fully understand what im saying. anyway i also look forward to hearing about your sucess when it comes drop me a line at Robertc1985@juno.com
9 :
You have recieve some optimistic answers. I would advise you not to move to the US, but rather to Iraq (where they are trying hard to become like the US) You will be prejuduced against, and even treated poorly by these seemingly well-wishers. Right now, the US is not happy with any colored immigration. Just look at how hard it is for the Mexicans to enter and apply for citizenship! It's heck of easy to immigrate if your British or from other Nordic countries.
10 :
#1 The USA is not like the movies #2 You will be subjected to racial slurs and put downs #3 USA is not a Free Country. It is capitalistic and socialistic. It has many laws and regulations that every resident is expected to obey. Your personal freedoms are being reduced year by year by regulations. You will be expected to learn English or be subjected to ridicule. #4 Middle Eastern People are not trusted here although you are welcome to come. The government will be watching your every step. #5 In most cases, prices in stores are fixed and you will not have a bargaining option unless you go to a flea market or auction. #6 Our food is different. You may have to locate to a city that has specialty grocery stores for mideastern tastes. #7 Think about the American Military man or women that gave up his or her life so that you could take their seat in the University. Think about their families. Think about the Homeless Veterans that would love to have the same chance of education and prosperity. How will you honor their blood they spilled for you?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

how do i stop gettin emails like the one below?? i get 10 or 15 a week!!?

how do i stop gettin emails like the one below?? i get 10 or 15 a week!!?
OFFICE 21 Llanover road plum stead NIGERIA. Hello, Good day to you, my name is James Paul, I am an artist , and the owner of Susan Art World .I live and work in NIGERIA with my two kids, 2 cats, one dog and the love of my life ,my wife Mary Paul. It is definitely a full house. I have been into artwork since childhood. That gives me years of experience. I majored in Art in high school and took a few college Art courses. Most of my work are done in either pencil or airbrush mixed with color pencils. I have recently added designing, ancient antiquities and creative artworks on the computer. I have been selling my art for the last 3 years and I have had my work featured on trading cards, prints and in magazines. I have sold some of my art works to some private companies in United States of America . But I do face some difficulties when it comes to Payment , because all my customers in America always offer to pay me with ONLINE TRANSFER WITH WELLSFARGO BANK AND BANK OF AMERICA, and I find it very difficult to cash this mode of payment in NIGERIA, This is because the NIGERIA Government does not permit the usage of ONLINE TRANSFER WITH WELLSFARGO BANK AND BANK OF AMERICA in TO NIGERIA. Right now, I'm searching for a representative in United States that will be able to cash my money in America and wirethe available funds to me in NIGERIA.Who to trust are my problems. IĆ¢€™ve series of arrangements with the FBI in Washington, in attempt for anyone to make away with my funds; definitely the law will catch-up with him, and he will definitely face the consequences. You are entitled to 10% commission for any transactio(that is for any money order cashed ).This transaction is risk free and legal from the American Government. Please get back to me with your Complete Name, Residential Address and Telephone Number if you are interested. Once again this transaction is 100% risk free and legal from the United States Government and the British Government, so feel free about this transaction and get back to me with the required information's to enable us proceed. Thanks for going through this proposal. My warmest Regards and thanks for your anticipated assistant, James Paul. Director of SUS ART WORLD INC, NIGERIA.
Spam & Bulk Mail - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
spam it
2 :
I hate those things, I keep reporting them as spam and they keep apprearing. You can do that and hope that they'll stop, if you find a better way I'd love to hear it because they get on my nerves.
3 :
i reply to them, go to www.419eaters.com its a group of people devoted to screwing with the nigerian scammers
4 :
Mark it as spam - i get a ton of them from dubai - somehow some spammer got ahold of your email address. Just delete it or mark it as spam.
5 :
you should reply and tell them to shut their mouths and get some one else to pity on them and they need to stop sending spam and get a life!
6 :
Like Joe cool says, SPAM IT! I get those once in a great while now. I used to get them all the time and I would just delete them But after using my brain I learned to use the SPAM . everytime you see one of those hit the spam. If you even suspect a bogus email, spam it. cause once you open it more will come.
7 :
It's a scam to rip you off.They send you a check that you cash-the check bounces & you're stuck with a bad check which you can be charged with.you should make a copy of it & report this to the proper athorities!I've read about this scam in the paper. Alot of people have been burnt by it.Also,report it as SPAM,& it shouldbe blocked after that.
8 :
Foward it to abuse@yahoo.com, even if you are not getting it in your yahoo account, and that person is not sending from a yahoo account! Yahoo really knows how to punish them ppl>
9 :
Everytime you hear on T.V. about someone on the news getting arrested for making large money transfers at Wal-Mart, this is the email they had recieved. If you give into these, you can be arrested. These emails are of some a high scam level, the SEC (Securities Exchange Commision -- a government agency) has asked that these scams be reported to them. I recommend that you forward one or two (not all) to: enforcement@sec.gov Just forward it; don't change the Subject Line or body of the email. This will help the SEC (hopefully) shut down these guyswho are doing these.
10 :
when you get one next click on the spam, and then block this from my computer. it will put a block on it

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

why dont our represenatives in D.C. take pay cuts and use that money to help others?

why dont our represenatives in D.C. take pay cuts and use that money to help others?
The current salary (2009) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year. congressional pay rates also affect the salaries for federal judges and other senior government executives. imagine they all take pay cuts down to 100k/year that would save $39,590,000 a year from congressional saleries i mean why should they make more the then national average salary (In the United States of America, the average annual wage was $36,764 in 2002) oh and they work less the the average person (Since 1985, Congress has allocated an average of 152 days per session) i got this info by doing yahoo searches im not saying they shouldnt get paid just that if we need 800billion to help out the economy why shouldnt they help pay some of it and your right 39 mill isnt that much but then again how much is 800 billion going to cost you in the long run
Government - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because few of them on either side of the aisle truly care about the people they work for -- us. Instead, they're more concerned with scoring partisan points or simply keeping their jobs from one election cycle to the next.
2 :
The policies of this type are never implemented to harm oneself. You are right on the huge sum a country can save by giving a small contribution from everyone. The executives would rather come up with a package for the salaried class against the increased price instead of a pay cut. Your suggestion should be heard by all major MNC's in India as well.
3 :
I disagree with this line of reasoning. George Washington initially offered to serve as the first U.S. President for free. He later decided that it wasn't a good precedent because it shouldn't be a requirement that one is already wealthy prior to running for office. Think about it. In order to become a representative, you actually have to win an election, give up all of your privacy, open your personal life to vicious attacks by your opponent, and potentially quit your day job while you are in the process of campaigning. We have enough wealthy elitists in congress as it is. The last thing we need is a change in policy that would make it impossible for working professionals to run for office. By the way, 39, 590, 000 doesn't even buy one jet for the military. That particular change in policy would not help with the budget deficit at all.
4 :
A cut in their salaries alone wouldn't make a dent but at least it would be a gesture. Let's remove their dining rooms, cafeterias, health clubs, and all the other crap-ola we're paying for. And this is just the icing on the cake: Today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats in Congress left town for their annual retreat at Kingsmill Resort and Spa in nearby Williamsburg, Va., which offers "unforgettable golf, luxurious accommodations... and an abundance of recreational opportunities." And before anyone screams that the Republicans just had a retreat, yes they did, but we're not paying for it: "Republicans spend no public money on their retreat...Democrats spend taxpayer money on their retreat but do not permit lobbyists to accompany them. The public pays for a charter train from Washington to Williamsburg for many of the 200 members who attend, as well as conference rooms, security and catering." I'm sick of the entire bunch and it's only been a couple of weeks.
5 :
They won't they think they deserve a lot of amenities because they are working for us. Never mind how rotten things have gotten because of the greed, political favors, and the general screwing over of the american people that have been going on for years thanks to "special interests" of all kinds.