Tuesday, May 7, 2013

how do i stop gettin emails like the one below?? i get 10 or 15 a week!!?

how do i stop gettin emails like the one below?? i get 10 or 15 a week!!?
OFFICE 21 Llanover road plum stead NIGERIA. Hello, Good day to you, my name is James Paul, I am an artist , and the owner of Susan Art World .I live and work in NIGERIA with my two kids, 2 cats, one dog and the love of my life ,my wife Mary Paul. It is definitely a full house. I have been into artwork since childhood. That gives me years of experience. I majored in Art in high school and took a few college Art courses. Most of my work are done in either pencil or airbrush mixed with color pencils. I have recently added designing, ancient antiquities and creative artworks on the computer. I have been selling my art for the last 3 years and I have had my work featured on trading cards, prints and in magazines. I have sold some of my art works to some private companies in United States of America . But I do face some difficulties when it comes to Payment , because all my customers in America always offer to pay me with ONLINE TRANSFER WITH WELLSFARGO BANK AND BANK OF AMERICA, and I find it very difficult to cash this mode of payment in NIGERIA, This is because the NIGERIA Government does not permit the usage of ONLINE TRANSFER WITH WELLSFARGO BANK AND BANK OF AMERICA in TO NIGERIA. Right now, I'm searching for a representative in United States that will be able to cash my money in America and wirethe available funds to me in NIGERIA.Who to trust are my problems. IĆ¢€™ve series of arrangements with the FBI in Washington, in attempt for anyone to make away with my funds; definitely the law will catch-up with him, and he will definitely face the consequences. You are entitled to 10% commission for any transactio(that is for any money order cashed ).This transaction is risk free and legal from the American Government. Please get back to me with your Complete Name, Residential Address and Telephone Number if you are interested. Once again this transaction is 100% risk free and legal from the United States Government and the British Government, so feel free about this transaction and get back to me with the required information's to enable us proceed. Thanks for going through this proposal. My warmest Regards and thanks for your anticipated assistant, James Paul. Director of SUS ART WORLD INC, NIGERIA.
Spam & Bulk Mail - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
spam it
2 :
I hate those things, I keep reporting them as spam and they keep apprearing. You can do that and hope that they'll stop, if you find a better way I'd love to hear it because they get on my nerves.
3 :
i reply to them, go to www.419eaters.com its a group of people devoted to screwing with the nigerian scammers
4 :
Mark it as spam - i get a ton of them from dubai - somehow some spammer got ahold of your email address. Just delete it or mark it as spam.
5 :
you should reply and tell them to shut their mouths and get some one else to pity on them and they need to stop sending spam and get a life!
6 :
Like Joe cool says, SPAM IT! I get those once in a great while now. I used to get them all the time and I would just delete them But after using my brain I learned to use the SPAM . everytime you see one of those hit the spam. If you even suspect a bogus email, spam it. cause once you open it more will come.
7 :
It's a scam to rip you off.They send you a check that you cash-the check bounces & you're stuck with a bad check which you can be charged with.you should make a copy of it & report this to the proper athorities!I've read about this scam in the paper. Alot of people have been burnt by it.Also,report it as SPAM,& it shouldbe blocked after that.
8 :
Foward it to abuse@yahoo.com, even if you are not getting it in your yahoo account, and that person is not sending from a yahoo account! Yahoo really knows how to punish them ppl>
9 :
Everytime you hear on T.V. about someone on the news getting arrested for making large money transfers at Wal-Mart, this is the email they had recieved. If you give into these, you can be arrested. These emails are of some a high scam level, the SEC (Securities Exchange Commision -- a government agency) has asked that these scams be reported to them. I recommend that you forward one or two (not all) to: enforcement@sec.gov Just forward it; don't change the Subject Line or body of the email. This will help the SEC (hopefully) shut down these guyswho are doing these.
10 :
when you get one next click on the spam, and then block this from my computer. it will put a block on it