Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How to make America more than a Country to make money and become Rich?

How to make America more than a Country to make money and become Rich?
Many vagues of immigrants came to America.The oldest vagues of immigrants that came to America during 1801-1878 stayed,reproduced and died without going back to their native lands.Those were German,Scott and Jewish immigrants that built modern America.But today is an entire different story. Unfortunately America establish it self as only "A land of opportunity", an Eldorado to become rich.So most new comers came with the idea of becoming rich before take-off to go back home and live "La Dolce Vita" in Europe. Today with rapid transportation method, the new pioneers dont have to die of old age in American soil.Each years many productive people are living United-States with million dollar worth of retirement money or accumulated wealth. The stupid republican government doesn't do anything to stop that.Country like Russia and France control citizens who go to live in foreign land.Today million of American baby boomer go spend their last years in Thailand or the Philippines. With Italians moving back to Italy to live Dolce Vita and make wine,Russians are going back to Russia because of improving economy there under an authoritarian President.Even old ancestry Americans are retiring to Thailand,Costarica or the Philippines to live deserted neighborhoods behind them.Only the poorest and disfranchise stay stick the the land to spend on the economy.The most successful,smart move away with billions of American tax money to be spend abroad when retired or rich enough.Why countries in Europe doesn't know that sort of Exodus.A wealthy German stay in his native town.A wealthy Russian Oligarch stay in Russia unless Russian mafia track him down or he get expulsed .Why every wealthy people in the world want to be buried at "Pere lachaise" seminary in Paris but not in New-york.Money, the blood of America, is is spilling out,enriching the entire world but no Country in the world show a sincere gratitude.IS there something Lady Liberty could to to stay beautiful?
Immigration - 5 Answers
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1 :
What the hell is a vague? Did you, perchance, mean wave?
2 :
Sorry I don't speak incoherent babble .
3 :
I don't think that it is a good idea for the government to "control citizens who go to live in foreign land." If you LEGALLY live in the US and then LEGALLY retire in a foreign land, then OK.
4 :
In some ways, it's worse. I knew a Filipino man who build a quarter million dollar home in the Philipines. It was a while back so the value have escalated. Unfortunately he is in debt in the US. I asked him after a creditor called him demanding payment, if he was going to abandon his debt and live off the money he squirrelled asway in his home country, and he smiled. On teh otehr hand, I knew an Armenian who thought this country was paved in gold. After he found out he had to work for a living and debase himself by working for others, he moved back to his home country and abandon his wife and kids because they believe it's better in America. It's stupid for them to retire in a third world country, unless you understand that country. We are a country of opportunity because we have laws to protect our gains. People often buy homes in Mexico and find the government won't recognize the sale but won't do a thing to return the money that these retirees spend in purchasing these homes.
5 :
Very interesting subject, although, your presentation needs A LOT of work. I think lady liberty could take a bath because freedom is what's most important! Heck, to me, the fact that I even have a S.S. # takes away from my freedom. Weird huh? I just don't like anybody telling me who I am and what I can or can't do. I've been around the world a little and still think that America is about as free as it gets, even though I can imagine even greater freedoms. Can you tell me, where there might be more freedom? Recently, I've found myself thinking that America, amongst others, is more interested in profits and affluence as opposed to quality and preservation. It's a real shame because it could be such a better place.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Is Barack Obama overspending America's taxpayer money?

Is Barack Obama overspending America's taxpayer money?
HOW OBAMA HAS SPENT MONEY Barack Obama has just spent a near Trillion Dollars on a Healthcare Reform bill that more than 60 percent of Americans do not support. One of many reasons for the lack of public support is the people's unwillingness to be forced by law to pay for something that may or may not even work. This is also a reminder that there is a culture among Washington beaurocrats that your money is their money. There is no line drawn in the sand determining when "enough Government is enough Government." Obama also spent a fortune on auto bailouts to GM, yet Ford ironically benefited from the lack of Govt regulation, GM went bankrupt regardless of the billions spent. In the history of our country, never before have so many billions of dollars been thrown at pretty much anything. The tone in Washington is since the U.S. is already in a deficit mess, nobody will know the difference if we make it worse....we can just convince everybody all this mess was Bush's mess until they stop believing it. HOW OUR COUNTRY WAS DESIGNED TO WORK Our Founding Fathers intended for the USA to establish the smallest amount of Government possible to defend us from foreign aggressors and protect us from each other. In other words, the only reason for Government regulation anywhere should be to protect the line between another individual, partnership, or corporation's rights and freedoms from overstepping mine. It is Government in the interest of the people, no Government against the people. During the 20th century we have expanded the size of Government to a state never seen before, and Obama has just taken it to new heights, a mess we cannot back out of. If Social Security is not sustainable, nor is medicare, because of the retiring baby-boomer generation, then how can we support monstrous NEW legislation on healthcare reform? This program is not sustainable long-term, it is a disaster. We are putting the taxpayers in a habit of spending we cannot keep, and adding more and more to this. WHY EXACTLY IS BARACK OBAMA DOING THIS? I do not dislike Barack Obama as a person, I think his intention has always been to do this best to build this country up and to fight for the unemployed, lower and middle income families, and I will say that his heart is in the right place. Unfortunately, to be an effective leader you have to think long-term. Simply put, you need to not just think about your popularity, your party base, your target voters, but you really need to stop and think "How is the work I am doing as president going to impact the state of the United States of America long-term? If the best measurement of long-term sustainability is the Federal Debt, then this is going to matter. Just as the debt of Americans eventually forced Americans to stop consuming luxuries, they realized when it was too late that YOU CANT SPEND WHAT YOU DONT HAVE. I really think Obama means well, but he has lessons to learn, he is young and inexperienced in many facets of life and here is where you pay for that...it comes with the judgment of what people want NOW vs. what really is the long-term impact of what you are doing. This is where age and experience comes into play. WHAT IS THE IMPACT? It is uncertain how we will EVER get out of 12 Trillion Dollars of debt, who and what people will devote themselves to this cause and when? It is a plausible question, a frightening one as well, in an uncertain world. I recommend that we make major changes in November, maybe get some independent party members in Congress, we need major changes in this country, we need a DIFFERENT different direction. And besides, where are the country's priorities? If we have 10% unemployment rates, then we have a much much bigger problem than healthcare. First, our focus should be on building the economy, then everything else can fall into place. Without investment, job growth, and innovation, there's precious little chance we can fund anything at all.
Politics - 9 Answers
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1 :
you answered your own question...obama is going to destroy this nation
2 :
i COMPLETELY AGREE with J, he's destroying our nation. he's destroying America, you answered your own question.
3 :
We are never going to be able to fully get out of debt. In ten years they are estimating a family of four would owe $144000 to pay off all of our debt. Obama is waiting for someone else to pick up his mess, but we won't be able to.
4 :
Obama did not rack up 12 Trillion Dollars of debt. The debt has been spiralling out of control for decades under both Republican and Democratic governments. What's important to look at is what is building the debt. I, for one, prefer debt that works for US citizens, such as healthcare. I do not agree with spending an unreal amount of tax money on a war that has made US relations worse and was initiated for the greed of a few and not the benefit of the Americans.
5 :
I'm from Canada and I must say universal health care isn't all that. With the widening gap between rich and poor, more and more people are not able to afford the proper health care they need. My friend actually wrote more about it here: http://www.thedashingfellows.com/healthcare-and-the-differences-between-canada-and-the-us/5789 It is from a Canadian's perspective, so I'm sure there will be a lot of americans who disagree. Anyway, I'm just glad we have it.
6 :
Obama did not create this debt. Clinton actually reduced it, then we got the 8 years of GWB. It increased spectacularly during his term. Mostly from fighting a definitely unjust war and one questionably unjust war, which we can't win. Further, Obama inherited the market/bank failure. Bush was proposing many of the same inevitable fixes that drove us further into debt. It's convenient for the right to blame this all on Obama, but, it ignores the facts. Health care reform is long overdue. In time, it will act to decrease our deficit. Not to mention the fact that it is the right thing to do.
7 :
I agree that Barack Obama is overspending the American taxpayers money. The current administration that is now occupying the taxpayer’s White House is offering NO solutions to the economic difficulties facing America today. Instead this current White House is trying to change the way America is being governed at the expense of the taxpayers, our Constitution and at the expense of all future generations. Since taking office and being voted in, because of an America that was tired of George Bush - Obama has NOT addressed any of the problems plaguing America’s economy - instead he is piling on to the problems and CAUSING most of the turmoil that exists in our economy today. If George Bush had been so bad and had wasted so much money - then why wouldn’t Obama try to REDUCE the deficit instead of doubling it, causing it to GROW to record amounts? Why would Obama go on a massive spending spree when everyone knows we are bankrupt and have no money? Why are the debt clocks still spinning in the UP direction - when all this administration should be doing is REDUCING the debt? The unfortunate answer is that the Obama administration is intent on destroying the American economy, redistributing our wealth and making it so that all the people are heavily dependent on the government for most of their needs - this is Obama’s dream and his warped view of how a society should operate. This is also what shall cause him to be voted OUT of office in 2012. If Obama really wanted to help the taxpayers, American business and Capitalism - he would just get government out of the way - and THEN he would get a second term - but the way he is running things he is guaranteeing himself only one term. To win over the American people, Obama should immediately lower taxes for businesses and individuals - even though he doesn’t think so, this will INCREASE the tax revenue NOT decrease it - this is where his thinking is trashy - he thinks the only way to bring in more money is to raise taxes - this however is counter productive and will actually hurt what he is trying to get accomplished. Obama is afraid of Capitalism - he has never actually held a private sector job nor has he ever created a job - he is afraid of Capitalism because capitalism requires the LOWERING of taxes and the minimizing of government’s role - two things Obama is dead against. There are no solutions coming out of the White House because Obama is not thinking SOLUTIONS - he is thinking POWER GRAB, REDISTRIBUTION and the FAILURE of CAPITALISM - this is why America will continue to slide towards Sociaslism, Marxism and Communism - exactly what Obama and his followers want. o_O
8 :
Of cause he is, he is out to destroy America, that's his aim. He may talk as if he is trying to sort out Americas problems, this is what he hopes you will think, but the bottom line is he wants to ruin America, its a simple as that.
9 :
The answer is he has not over spent. He is following an economic model that has been used many times to get us out of painful recessions. Look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keynesian_economics Once the spending is done to get us out of the recession, I feel confident about our debt and our economy. The reasons can be found right here: http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=who+is+better+for+the+economy+republicans+or+democrats

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What do you think about Mexicans coming to the United States?

What do you think about Mexicans coming to the United States?
It seems like a lot of people believe in God but do they really? america is the most religious nation in the world in terms of attendance at church services and religious meetings. we are overwhelmingly christian and religion has seeped into seemingly every facet of life. "one nation under god". but if im not mistaken, as a result of colonization by the spanish conquistadors, mexicans are overwhelmingly catholicized, and have shown themselves to be some of the most devout followers of christ in the world. so why doesnt that come into play in the illegal immigration issue? if we are all brothers and sisters in christ, why arent they allowed to come to america and make a decent living? it seems like every thing is love thy neighbor on sunday and theez damn mexicans on monday morning. my country (UNITED STATES) cares about one thing.MONEY.. the elite use religion like its a tool.
Other - Society & Culture - 6 Answers
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1 :
Anyone can apply to enter the US legally. Do you think it is fair that people are waiting and others sneak in illegally? And it does not matter what nationality....all should be able to enter but LEGALLY.
2 :
Mexicans are coming here because the Mexican government cannot or will not provide for their own!!but they do all they can to stop Nicks,guatamalans etc from coming to or thru Mexico? double standard huh? why does the Church in Mexico not take a stand for poor people? that country is so corrupt,and we are not far behind, that nothing gets done!
3 :
I have no problem with it as long as they do it legally like everyone else has.
4 :
ur right religion is very useful and dangerous because it controls people
5 :
. God Bless Mexico! - Mexicans are enriching our diversity and culture
6 :
Religion is only good for manipulating the people thats it, most of those whom call themselves christian(political figures), dont care anything about humanity, for what did Christ come to do?, and he shall save the people from their sins. If they really believed in uplifting humanity, instead of helping destroy her faster than a speeding bullet, then we wouldnt have to be worried about starvation, hunger, poverty, disease, and so forth. Its all a tool for more division amongst the sheep. As far as the mexicans coming it doesnt matter if they stay in mexico all the factory jobs will be over there any way, but the govt. doesnt care about them coming over here its like let them come and compete for the lower wage jobs with the poor, and the barely able to further the gap between the rich and poor thats all.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Do you think that this ELECTION YEAR is the best one in the history of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ?

Do you think that this ELECTION YEAR is the best one in the history of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ?
I have done some research. And I would have to say that this is better than Regan versus Carter. Bush versus Kerry. And some others were excellent too, but I can't quite name them right now. Help me out guys......... Anyway, we have seen it all in this election when it comes to the war against Democrats and Republicans. I have not seen it this bad since Kerry and Bush. It is even better. I mean off all the cherry picking of comments, race baiting, character defamation. The list goes on. Obama is a Muslim. McCain is a Communist. Palin is a school girl bimbo, and it goes on and on, and on. I have never seen such passion and determination between the 2 parties ever. Im only 30 by the way. Look at the Saturday Night Live skits. It is actually funny again. And the eye glass stores are making money off of Sarah Palin's glasses. It is crazy !! Obama is our hero, and McCain is a zero. And Bush, oh my gosh, we won't even talk about him. But anyway, do you think that this Election year, 2008, is the absolute best one of all time ? Answer here. Let us not forget about the RNC and DNC party. They were good. And all the speeches were good, too........
Politics - 13 Answers
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1 :
I think it's the scariest one in history.
2 :
I disagree. Given the choice of candidates, this is one of the worst elections in history.
3 :
HELL NO.....the worst maybe look at the choices an old bag or a terrorist
4 :
i think this election is the most exciting, and it's the first time voting for me (obama!)
5 :
Every election year seems to be the best and most critical. nothing new from last election, or the one before that.
6 :
Yeah I think it is. It's been a very intense campaign so far, but to me, one of the most important.
7 :
I would call it the most annoying
8 :
Actually, probably one of the worst in history, as both candidates are seriously unspectacular. In this whole country, this is the best we could come up with? McCain an old, crankly, liberal Republican vs. Obama, a secretive Marxist/Socialist who wants to change the country at it's core and sees the USA as a problem. Lame Lame Lame...this is the best we can do?????????
9 :
Best? Or worst?
10 :
No. it's shown how low this country has come, I mean it's downright scary! I think it's terrible the way the women were beat up in all of this, Hillary and Palin, and how racism reeked because of a man halfwhite and half black, and a hit on those who are considered 'old'. Dirty dirty politics and things like ACORN, which is guarenteed to have the election fixed. No, this is really bad.
11 :
I disagree. Obama has spent way too much money. McCain has sunk so low with his name calling I don't even recognize him as the great American I thought he was.
12 :
Oh ****yes! It's entertaining as all get out, and the aftermath will be incredibly entertaining. We will get to watch a formerly proud country deteriorate into socialism or see rioting at a scale never before seen in this country.
13 :
No, I think this is one of the WORST elections in the history of this country. Neither of these candidates represents what the majority of the people in this country want. Neither of them are particularly good for this country. Neither of them really have a clue in the important areas (well McCain is at least experienced Militarily). These are probably the two worst candidates running simultaneously that I can remember and even looking back through the history books it's pretty hard to find a worse pair of presidential candidates...