Monday, February 28, 2011

Dont laugh please, but i want to become President of the United States?

Dont laugh please, but i want to become President of the United States?
Earlier, I asked a question of what in a president would make people happy. I soon noted that answer number 5 described me in the bestest way possible. I have been sick of relying on the Middle East for oil, tired of giving all the money to the United Arab Emirates for their oil. I for once if would be elected, would ask congress to pass a law or act that would fund scientific studies on coal. You see, in America, there is tripple the amount of oil found in the Middle East. I dream of having my country depend on our American energy, coal. Why? Because coal can be converted into a substitute for natural gas. It is also very goof for our enviorment, as it does not cause pollution like gas. It is also able to conduct electricity. This would create a cleanier , oil dependant free America. Without all this oil in mind, we wouldn't have to be going into all these wars and depend on Middle eastern countries. So, what do you say, do i have your vote? * very good for the enviorment, sorry typo! Thanks to everyone for the positive encouragment! I do ignore rude comments, as my father says, people in life will always try to put me down, but in the end, it's the other way down. i keep making typos, oo I'm not good at typing lol I agree coal has a limited supply, but did you know we have a 250 year supply? yup
Politics - 17 Answers
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1 :
um maybe if u promise the probaly
2 :
What you have, is when you decide to run and if you could even get that far, is a history of yahoo answers to answer to!
3 :
You have mine if you will wipe out islamofacists.
4 :
You could do a better job than Bill Clinton did.
5 :
Hey, go for it buddy! Just keep a CLEAN record! The media can dig up anything!
6 :
thats inteligent,you ll definatly have a vote by michelle=]
7 :
Hey buddy if this is a dream then go for it ... don't let ppl laugh at you ... and if they do it only means they know they can't do it themselves. You will do well if u want to. You may change the world for the better.
8 :
listen smart asss the president is merely a messenger someone you push to the front of the firing line to take a bullet thats it you want to get in the line of fire? knock yourself out!
9 :
ok well i think i will vote for u I'm not old enough yet but soon and one more thing is that your name if i don't know your name i can't vote 4 u i have to agree with everything u said though
10 :
While I agree with you that we need to find another, more natural and environmentally sound method of energy, you're off a little. First, we DON'T get most of our oil from the Middle East. We get it from Canada, Mexico, and Venezuela. There are only two countries in the Middle East that are even in the top 20: United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. I admire your fervor. However, I think you need to take more civics and economics classes; at this point, I don't feel that you know enough. Also, there is no such word as "bestest."
11 :
That is a great idea but you are not the first one to think of it. In Oklahoma they have switch grass that makes ethanol. coal and lots of people have spent billions on electric cars but the oil company's are 86% own by Republicans. Do you know what would happen to their billions of dollars? They use every legislation known to man to stop it. We are not dependent on foreign oil. Bushes own oil wells in Kuwait. They need peace over there to protect their oil wells.
12 :
I don't know, I didn't read your platform... Like many 30 second Americans, I want to make my decisions about my President based on negative ads and baseless rumors spread by malcontents (sarcasm)...
13 :
Vying for that high of a dream is very admirable. But also regard other things when thinking about being president. There are hundreds of other issues out there other than the Middle East crisis and you must also know how to handle yourself in difficult situations. You must also carefully think of consequences that may arise from your actions, even when it seems like you're hurting no one and it is beneficial for the country. There are hundreds, if not thousands of factors that may end up hurting many people. Such as your example on switching to coal. Remember that there are people with jobs, families, and lives revolving on oil and that coal, like oil, is limited in supply. It would also require a huge amount of money, not only in switching every oil-operated equipment to coal, but also fine tuning it to be as efficient as oil. If you want to be president, keep working towards it. If you can make the world a better place to live, then you have my least you do when I could just remember to register...
14 :
Coal is a non-renewable resource. Use it up, and it's gone. The US might prosper in your lifetime, but there will be hell to pay in years to come. Same with nuclear energy. Most of our energy comes form nuclear, and we only have 50 more years of it. It will disappear in your lifetime, my friend. Try solar energy instead. Current solar panels only use a fraction of the energy it collects. A solar panel that can use 100% of the energy it collects would be the greatest invention since the lightbulb.
15 :
Hey........Proud US Citizen (??) proud of this too............ . . .
16 :
Every American should have the ability to become President. That is what our country was founded on, equality for all. Start out small on the local political aspect, and work your way up. I think our current president has shown you don't have to be a genius to become president. I wish you nothing but the best of luck, and hopefully we'll be seeing your name on the ballot.
17 :
go for it dude and maybe I will vote for you

Monday, February 14, 2011

Coal. America has it. No Money... but lots of Coal. Use it?

Coal. America has it. No Money... but lots of Coal. Use it?
Is it OK to Burn Coal? Should we increase our reliance on Coal? The most abundant domestic nergy resource in America? The United States is Broke. We are, face it. Why send more dollars overseas to buy foreign oil? Our environment is precious. But our the state of our technology requires us to be heavy energy consumers. While we promote the development of very expensive alternative energy sources, what will we do to sustain the current cost of energy? Oil below $40.00 a barrel is just a temporary thing. The average price of oil over the last 2 years has jumped from 60 to 90 dollars a barrel. We forget the gas madness of this past summer. At what point do we realize that we cannot afford to ignore one of our richest resources? Coal. We have it. Why not use it? Coal for electric cars. Homes. everything..... Is there a way to make coal an acceptable energy source?
Law & Ethics - 3 Answers
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1 :
Coal must be utilized instead of oil.
2 :
My opinion of our Government is called butt backwards. If it will make them money I think they would consider it. But money is what makes the world go round. I think we need the Countries that we get oil from as allies. So America will always be an oil dependent Country. "Coal gasification is a process converting coal partially or completely to combustible gases. After purification, these gases -carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, and nitrogen which can be used as fuels or as raw materials for chemical or fertilizer manufacture".
3 :
> We are, face it. Once you make assertions like "America is broke" everything else out of your mouth is as suspect as if you said the sky is green on a sunny day and the moon is made out of cheese. You can't start your argument, which may be a fair positon to take, with such a fallacy and expect to be taken seriously by anyone with an education beyond 5th grade.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Why do People Dislike the United States so much?

Why do People Dislike the United States so much?
I am just asking i mean people love the kind of money they can make here or they love they can get into a car at any given moment and drive wereever they want to i mean yea they have restriced area i mean bought property or what not but im seriouse every one is putting the united states down when come on it is a pretty good place to live if you like cold weather go north if you like hot weather go south if you like to see politics go northeast if you like rual places travel down in the south i mean comeon when you think about people saying america sucks and all this and that look around come on america aint so bad actuelly it is pretty damn good place to live if ya look and think about it.
Politics - 8 Answers
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1 :
They do not dislike the US. They dislike some of our policies that they perceive is not in their favor.
2 :
because the inmigrants think that we are very disrespectful with them.
3 :
The media and the democrats, actually they are no longer democrats but rather socialists, are the only Americans that hate the US and they actually only hate it when the republicans are in control so I think you could say that it is jealousy whether talking about foreigners or US socialists.
4 :
It is funny to realize that the answer to this question is related to the question "Who was the best president of the world in 2005?". Check the answers and you will notice that only U.S. presidents are named (because U.S. citizens seem to think that U.S. IS the world and because late presidents are acting as if they were the world's messiahs). It is a very good place to live when opportunities round-up, but is not heaven. Immigrants go there to find BETTER chances, not because they like there.
5 :
They may say they have other reasons, but I think it boils down to JEALOUSY!
6 :
Jealousy is absolutely correct!
7 :
When you lead, you are watched, judged and critiqued with a greater pressure than others. This is true if you are the US, Microsoft or the local neighborhood watch. More power is followed with greater responsibility and higher expectation.
8 :
we do not dislike usa we love USA because american people have given a present of 400 bilion dollers and 2000 of their sons to iraq which is liberty and democracy. and have made us in IRAN hopeful to be able to move towards liberty faster.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Current economic situation in america.. make me money?

Current economic situation in america.. make me money?
Okk so im sure were all aware of the current economic turmoil facing the world and particularly the united states. Ok bare in mind im 16 so go easy on my knowledge. Ive been thinking because the dow jones ie. american dollar is so worthless at the moment i could buy £20's worth of dollars... and then after all this is all sorted out and the dow jones price increases i could sell the dollars back and end up with more than my inital £20.... would it work? isit risky? if nott please explain.
Current Events - 1 Answers
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1 :
give it a try, you might be surprised.