Monday, March 28, 2011

What is the biggest threat to the United States?

What is the biggest threat to the United States?
I believe the biggest threat to the US is the government. A lot of people like to think that businesses control the government because the businesses supply the government with money. Well, a lot of people supplied the mafia with money back in the 20s, but were they the ones in control? What makes this threat even more serious is the blind partisanship on display so frequently by the citizens of this country. Divide and conquer at its finest, in my opinion. For example, when Bush was president, Democrats said it was patriotic to disagree with him, even in the face of the worst terrorist attack in history. Republicans characterized any criticism of Bush, especially against the war, as unpatriotic. In this case, I have to side with the Democrats. Questioning your president and your government is always patriotic. But now that Obama is president and we are facing what he describes as an unprecedented economic crisis, the Democrats say we all need to come together and do whatever the president wants, without question. Conservatives are being called unpatriotic because they criticize Obama's policies and are accused of wanting America to fail because they don't believe in what Obama is doing. What do you think?
Other - Politics & Government - 11 Answers
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Minorities always wanting handouts and Obama planning to give it to them.
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Well I don't think we are in danger from another country. We have the power to take over the world if we wanted to.We are a lot like the Roman Empire. The Romans were awesome....never defeated by another army,strong government, but they were destroyed from within. Corruption, too much government power,multiple other reasons. The same thing is happening to America .
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I'd opt for the blind partisanship myself. For the most part those in government come and go. But party politics over the greater good of the nation can only divide. Just my take. Have a nice day.
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I agree 100% that questioning the government is a great thing but I for one just love to remind republicans of what they were saying 4 years ago compared to now.
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that's right - govt. The bigger the more dangerous it is. We all know the Dems are tax, spend, big govt & more regulations. Unfortunately, The Republicans have shown to be exactly the same.
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i think it is your reliance on the middle east for oil ,
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Government. Socialism and the blindness of Hussein's followers. Hussein admits it in his books and they still either don't believe it or like it.
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I know of nobody that voted for Obama who would call you unpatriotic (or a traitor as many Democrats were called during the Bush years). There are always some people on both ends of the spectrum who do not believe in freedom of speech for ALL. However, there have been several key Repubican figures who have said they hope Obama's policies fail. If they fail, America fails and our economy sinks into a depression. Obama is the president...he will implement his policies. You can either get behind it or continue the lame criticism since election day. Say what you want...I have no problem with that.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Is there a true CONSERVATIVE candidate that has a REAL chance to become President of the United States?

Is there a true CONSERVATIVE candidate that has a REAL chance to become President of the United States?
Someone who will close the borders, deal harshly with illegals, be tough on foreign policy, make America safe again in the inner city... Can this happen? Or is America just doomed to vote pandering Republicans and open border, spend my tax money liberals? Saying "Ron Paul" might make you feel better and he might be great.. I don't know. However, he has no chance. I am looking for a candidate that I can get behind that really could win and make a difference. I don't know enough about Fred Thompson. It looks like he is jumping in.. is he somone to support?
Other - Politics & Government - 8 Answers
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Fred Thompson
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ron paul
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Ron Paul '08!!!
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To be honest, I do't think so. The true conservatives can't get middle of the road enough to attract the voters needed to make it through the primaries.
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Yes, but they are in the Democratic party now. Remember the fiscal conservatism of Bill Clinton? The surpluses? The balanced budgets? Long gone and wasted by liberal spender Bush.
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There are a few Draft Dr. Michael Savage or Vernon Robinson and watch the ground swell of support. Tancredo and Duncan hunter are good also. Thompson could win If he gets in and he would be great, but he might not run.
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Gee, I sure hope not!! The word conservative turns me off completely I don't care what else the person stands for. Yuck! The conservatives have had many years to accomplish all of those things you name and nothing has happened. Bush has spent more money than any other president in history....and you complain about liberal spending? Where have you been?
8 :
Fred Tompson will never ever be elected, he is too mean looking. Romney won't cuz he is a mormon, (mark my words)Christians are against McCain, and no republican has a chance anyway since the republican party has lost a lot of its following.

Monday, March 7, 2011

When a president of the united states promises New jobs, and 300 Walmarts and 500 Starbucks open for buisiness

When a president of the united states promises New jobs, and 300 Walmarts and 500 Starbucks open for buisiness
Does that count? If so, isn't that great!!! Don't you just love the new jobs created in our economy when $20-$30 per hour jobs go over seas? Isn't it great how the government then blames the housing market and lenders for giving loans to people who can't afford the loans. Isn't it great how those people now have to work 32 hour days to make the same amount of money they used to make in an 8 hour day? Isn't america great!!!!
Other - Business & Finance - 5 Answers
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yup sure is lol
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I hear your rant,... and have to agree that many good paying jobs have gone overseas,and marginal pay jobs Like Walmart & Lowes have grown. The pols promise a "better tomorrow" ,but you know what happens to promises don't ya ?
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it is still the land of opportunity. I still say to work smarter and not harder. I am a plumber, so no white collar job for me. Also, what has happened over time we have been conditioned to spend and buy through television and commercials rather than save and comprimise.
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It is pretty shady that we have turned into a service economy that makes money spending our pittance on other service products. Work in a coffee shop to buy fast food that pays some OTHER guy to buy coffee. I'm a paramedic making pretty good money and i can't afford to have a family. There used to be a time where a guy on a drill press could afford a house, car, 3 kids and have some savings. I have a cat and eat a lot of peanut butter and jelly. This is growth and progress?
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I agree that these days we are going totally backwards financially. I understand that there are a lot of people out there living beyond their means, but I am not. I personally am getting sick of all of this sunshine being blown up our a**es about "save money here, get rich there, think yourself rich, etc.". I make more money (hourly) right now then I ever have, but I cannot afford these constant, unfounded increases in gasoline, groceries and utilities. And the "good" news is that there seems to be no end in sight for us little people. Tell me who will HONESTLY change all of this and they have my vote!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why do Democrats say it is OK for "illegal labor" to cost America money as long as they do not have to pay it?

Why do Democrats say it is OK for "illegal labor" to cost America money as long as they do not have to pay it?
It is stupid to claim "illegal labor" is productive when it costs America as a whole way more in costs than in benefits. A few greedy businesses make money, but the rest of the community is worse for it in all kinds of ways. There all farms all across the United States that do not use "illegal labor" and they produce just fine. Democrats do not see the overall cost of "illegal labor" and the worst harm is done to the "illegal workers": By the time they are 40 there bodies have been destroyed and they have no insurance or retirement. They are then uneducated, not hirable and still illegal. It is not right to use people in this manner, AZ and Republicans are protecting people by stopping "illegal labor"
Elections - 6 Answers
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Democrats are idiots, there's really no point in trying to prove anything to them because all they see is impoverished blacks and hispanics and how they need help boo hoo hoo.
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Can you substantiate you claim? And undocumented immigrants are a consequence of capitalist practices. You don't want the higher wage to be passed on to the consumer--right? You should check out Smithfield meat's casual policy of hiring undocumented immigrants.
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Put a price on whut this illegal labour has costed America. Then you tell me if that price is worth more than the Constitution. Typical Repuglican. Yall value money more than our Freedom.
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Democrats want immigration reform. Republicans do not, because its where they get their slave labor. Obama wants an immigration reform bill this year and Republicans are doing nothing about it. As with banking and health care reform, the Rs deservedly look like crap yet again. Eight years majority in Congress, a separate eight in the white house and all they did was watch the country fall apart. Granted their leadership was retarded and its not getting any sharper, but you would think the GOP would at least TRY to tackle some of these issues. They cry like little babies as Obama does more in a year then they did in a decade. Is that we are paying them for?
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the basic issue that CONFOUNDS the libs is... the illegals are TAKING American jobs... here are a few examples: One well-documented case of displacement happened in the tomato industry in the 1980s. A group of unionized legal border crossers picked the tomato crop for many years in San Diego County and were making $4.00 an hour in 1980. In the 1980s, growers switched to a crew of illegal aliens and lowered the wage to $3.35. Almost all the veteran workers who were unwilling to work at the reduced rate disappeared from the tomato fields. Sometimes, recent immigrants themselves are the victims of displacement. In the raisin grape industry of California, Mestizos (the Spanish-speaking population of Mexico) were laid off and replaced with lower cost Mixtecs (the indigenous people of Mexico). According to a study of the industry, the Mixtecs "have driven the Mestizos out of the market." Agriculture has many other instances of employers' switching to immigrant workers (legal and illegal) to increase their profits. For example, Hispanic migrants have displaced native black workers in the Georgia peach industry, and migrants have replaced natives and previous immigrants in the cucumber and apple industries in Michigan. The melon industry slashed its mechanized packing houses in favor of manual packing in the field, eliminating unionized crews of mostly native workers and assigning their work to lower paid Mexican field crews. In the furniture industry, competition from immigrant-laden plants in Southern California closed all the unionized plants in the San Francisco area and removed natives from the workforce in favor of underpaid aliens. In the last 20 years, the meatpacking industry has completely reorganized around the use of immigrant rather than native labor. IBP, the nation's leading meatpacking company, now recruits workers from Mexico and directly along the border. As a result, the proportion of the labor force protected by union contracts and the share of natives in meat processing has dropped dramatically. in short SUPPORTING amnesty for illegals... is BAD GOVERNANCE... and WORSE business logic... edit: God, you libs sure HATE FACTS (more thumbs down!!! prove my point!!!)
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Nothing good can come from breaking a federal law, profiling.