Wednesday, December 14, 2011

When will the Democratic Party start giving George W. Bush recognition for helping America's Poor?

When will the Democratic Party start giving George W. Bush recognition for helping America's Poor?
For the last eight years while George W. Bush has been the President of the United States of America, he has poured out his heart in helping AmericaĆ¢€™s Poor and yet, the Democratic Party has shown little to no recognition to what he has done for the poor. Instead, they accuse Bush on only helping The Rich and Upper Class. Since Bush has been president of the United States, I have noticed that he has done the following for the poor in America; 1. He provides the Poor with Tax Relief, that way they can save some money. 2. He makes sure that their children are getting a good education by making sure schools are using the No Child Left Behind Act. 3. He is getting the Poor OFF Welfare and back to work, that way they can make money on their on to support their family and not using welfare checks to get by. 4. I have noticed that poverty in my community and in the state I reside in is on the decline for the first time in years. Source: Watching FOX NEWS and THE 700 CLUB Before I chose a Best Answer, I would like to say that I did enjoy reading all the answers on when the Democratic Party will start giving recognition to President George W. Bush for the ways he helps America's Poor.
Politics - 18 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
they wont not now not ever.
2 :
That won't wok for them sorry, so never.
3 :
Not on your life would they admit anything positive. They can't see beyond their hatred.
4 :
They won't ever give him positive credit for anything. He could solve world hunger tomorrow and they would find fault with him -- he waited too long, the carrots are too small, the meat is too tough, he didn't observe religious dietary laws, etc. No matter what the man does liberals will always hate him.
5 :
In the long run, he's plunged more people into poverty! More and more people avery day are losing their houses, being refused bank accounts and having posessions reposessed. Had he maybe devoted more of his money on helping his country's poor, instead of on illegal wars and coseying up to big buisinesses, maybe America would be in a more comfertable position economically.
6 :
Median wages accounting for inflation have declined over the past 8 years. Unemployment was lower at the end of Clinton's term. The dollar has dropped to historic lows against other currency. Poor people in New Orleans didn't get Federal aid for 5 days after Katrina. No Child Left behind has been an underfunded disaster. Tell me again how Bush has helped the poor and middle class?
7 :
never Dems specialize in character assassination --- not in reality.
8 :
i couldnt agree more no child left behind and is probably the single most greatest achievment of the bush administration
9 :
by showing that poor intelligence is not a block to gettin a good job if daddy pays 1. the nominal savings are easten multifold by nonsense fule prices which bush is getin richer off. Almost all tax cuts went to uberich 2. I worked in schools it does more harm then good 3.Clinton reformed welfare/ Bush just sent the jobs to china 4. If correct thats probably due to sensable policy by local leaders lol acording to fixed news there are no poor except the lazy ones not born to oil fortunes
10 :
Okie dokey, but your sources do not fill me with confidence.
11 :
Bush help the poor? When he was gov of Texas he refused to sign a bill that would give 20000 children Medicaid. These were children who had NO health insurance. This country is in bad shape and it is getting worse. BTW have you seen New Orleans it is still a mess. And it was not Bush who changed the welfare laws it was Clinton. The homeless rate is higher where I live where is the help for them?
12 :
helping them do what? get even more poor??? or helping the rich to get even more rich??? until you live in a poor neighborhood with a poor paying job; dont ask questions you dont even know the answer to
13 :
again lies, no sources because you are full of it
14 :
1. He provides the Poor with Tax Relief, that way they can save some money. Poor have no money/income to have Tax Relief-He is taxing middle class 33 cents of every dollar made while the rich are taxed 20 cents of every dollar made. Trickle down economy remember? The stimulas check went right from the middle classes mailbox and into their gas tanks. Beware of the current "fuel cost drop"-the same thing happened from Labor Day 2006 until two days after the election. It rose from then untill two weeks ago. The Oil Producers don't want to see their friendly Republican support lose their Congressional Seats as they did in 2006 so they hope to lull the masses into thinking all is well since prices are dropping. Perhaps September was too late in 2006 so this time it began in July. 2. He makes sure that their children are getting a good education by making sure schools are using the No Child Left Behind Act. I am a tutor for the NCLB act. You have no clue what is and is not being done for the children. 3. He is getting the Poor OFF Welfare and back to work, that way they can make money on their on to support their family and not using welfare checks to get by. I have never been jobless or poor until 2004 thanks to the crappy economy not even a well experienced and highly educated person (B.S. Degree) can find decent jobs. Me-I can only find Self-Contracted/No Benifits/Part Time work under the NCLB program. 4. I have noticed that poverty in my community and in the state I reside in is on the decline for the first time in years. So glad to hear your community is doing well. My community is having record breaking numbers going to get food from the M.E.N.D. agancy here. (Meet Each Need With Dignity, Pacomia, California). Source: Watching FOX NEWS and THE 700 CLUB The Democrats only have 3 person majority-not enough to "Control Congrss" by any means.
15 :
the won't give him any credit for anything. six our of the last two years was an economic, historical success, and the last two years have been under the Democratically controlled Congress so it is no coincident. among his numerous accomplishment are: Changed the tone in the White House, restoring HONOR and DIGNITY to the presidency. Has reintroduced the mention of God and faith into public discourse. Signed the No Child Left Behind Act, delivering the most dramatic education reforms in a generation (challenging the soft bigotry of low expectations). The very liberal California Teachers union ran radio ads against the accountability provisions of this Act. Announced "Jobs for the 21st Century," a comprehensive plan to better prepare workers for jobs in the new millennium by strengthening post-secondary education and job training, and by improving high school education. worked to provide vouchers to low-income students in persistently failing schools to help with costs of attending private schools. (Blocked in the Senate.) Established a $2.4 billion fund to help states implement teacher accountability systems. Increased funding for the Troops-to-Teachers program, which recruits former military personnel to become teachers Killed the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty. Established a $10 million grant program to promote private conservation initiatives. Significantly eased field-testing controls of genetically engineered crops Successfully executed two wars in the aftermath of 9/11/01: Afghanistan and Iraq. 50 million people who had lived under tyrannical regimes now live in freedom. and faced natural disasters unprescedent in any other Presidency. Saddam Hussein is now dead. His two murderous sons are dead. All but a handful of the regime's senior members were killed or captured and the surge has worked. for a complete list, see link provided: has tripled direct humanitarian and development aid to the world's most impoverished continent since taking office
16 :
Good Lord, start watching something less biased than FOX. Come on, you don't even sound like you're remotely in touch with reality.
17 :
If they did not know it before Bush became President, the poor certainly knew it after he became President. And I would safely guess a lot more middle class people became poor too.
18 :
I praise him all the time: when I go thru the daily grocery ads PRAYING the hot dogs are on sale so I will have something to eat this week and when I see that homeless person that USE TO HAVE A JOB and a house but is now living on the street with his kids. I praise him when I go to get gas and it's at $5.00 a gallon or when I go to the MD and they tell me it will take a year and a half's pay checks just to pay for needed medical treatment. which soon won't matter cause I will be dead.. I appreciate ALL he's done for us.