Monday, May 28, 2012

Were is the United States heading?

Were is the United States heading?
Well I watched the movie Che of Ernesto "Che" Guevara and I discovered a lot of things to that, that is the way I am very rebellious I consider my self a warrior searching do something greater than me. I believe that I wasn't suppose to be born at this era but maybe I did and is to send message. I know some of you probably think that also. But you have to make decisions on your facts people today we have nothing but a followers instead of leaders, hero's. I believe that yes we should fight a war against terrorism. But to free the people of those countries heavily affected by and to protect our nation but this country is more corrupted than any other they try to keep Americans naive bubbled. I don't know if some you guys have ever heard the speech of John f. Kennedy on secret societies well why should we have secret societies isn't this America. The real danger in this country is secret societies, drugs and human trafficking also law enforcement corruption. If you watch TV is bullshit if you vote for democracy or republican parties your a fool. People have to oppose the government just like these men did for their countries I mean we don't have to go kill each other around there's other ways of achievement. With out violence. We spending to much money on a war spending to much money on other thing that don't really matter. Instead of saving and becoming more independent. A federal reserve why that's another big problem in the US. Theirs thousands of secret small societies that control neighborhoods across the United States. Is this what our founding fathers wanted. But I know what the f**ck is going on excuse my french but I try to mind my own business. one thing that Socrates said was an individual should focus on self development instead of materialistic things. If you believe you have the that warrior spirit e-mail me and lets talk about it.
Government - 4 Answers
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1 :
Like the rest of the world, a long depression like the one in 1873. Hunker down guys, this 4 ticket ride has just begun
2 :
You gathering recruits?
3 :
Che Guevara is a bad example. He was just a murderous psychopath who used "revolution" and "the people" as an excuse to get his sadistic rocks off murdering defenseless civilians. In anything that even remotely resembled an actual fight, he got his ass beat every time.
4 :
A second Constiution Convention.And/or revolution.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Is it remotely possible that people think when they buy TV commemorative coins they are getting real money?

Is it remotely possible that people think when they buy TV commemorative coins they are getting real money?
I see people asking if they can trade the TV commercial "commemorative" 1877 $50 Gold Coin for cash!!!! The thing only costs $19.95 and then they give you another coin, a silver dollar. That silver dollar even says on the back it is pure silver "clad". The commercial clearly says the coins are both "clad". If someone is thinking they are going to buy $51 for $19.95 then God help us. Clad means plated, as in covered in gold or silver, or to make it easier gold plated and silver plated. They are probably copper that is plated with the other metals. They are not meant to be confused with being real money and I'm betting they aren't selling them with the hopes that thousands of people will even remotely believe they are getting $51 for $20! Then I see all of the "coin experts" coming in with their brilliant lessons about the value of these coins if they were genuine. If you listen to the commercial it says there were only 2 of these coins ever struck (made at the US Mint) and they are both in the Smithsonian. So these brilliant coin experts telling the other geniuses who are thinking that they might be able to scam someone into buying the fake coins for what they would be worth if they were real - $2000-2300 - are insane!!! The actual 2 coins sold for $10,000 each in 1909 before the government got them back. Right now they would be worth multi-millions each if they were ever taken out of the Smithsonian Institution, the museum of the United States of America in Washington D.C. - one of the most heavily secured buildings in the country. Bottom line. If you watch a commercial selling coins for less than face value, please be smart enough to realize they are NOT real and you can NOT get more money than you paid for them unless you find someone else who is even more easily fooled than you are. That was as polite as I could say that. Gold is worth $1126 per ounce as of today. The fake coin is said to weigh 2 1/2 ounces. Did you really think you were buying $2765 worth of gold for $19.95!!!??? Silver is worth $17.63 per ounce today. So, if you are foolish enough to believe that you were going to be getting over $2700 worth of precious metal for a 20 dollar bill then you almost deserve to get screwed. You could definitely find someone out there at a burger joint who will believe the $50 coin is real and they will even make change for you, but hen you can pretty much count on getting arrested after they pull your picture off of the video camera. Please have enough intelligence to understand that you shouldn't do it. Fake money is just fake money. Leave it in the pretty blue box and enjoy it's beauty. Next time you see a commercial selling money - IT"S FAKE! Don't buy it.
Other - Television - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes , after all we're talking about Americans here.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Are you ashamed of being an American?

Are you ashamed of being an American?
Maybe it's just be but with each passing day I find myself becoming more and more ashamed of being an American citizen. Just watching some of our citizens on TV, acting like lunatics, is disconcerting. I'm not pointing the finger and democrat or republican, liberal or conservative. I'm pointing my finger at the wealthy. I'm pointing my finger on politicians that sell out to multinational corporations, rather than making decisions for the good of the people. We're the wealthiest country on the planet yet very few of its citizens can afford to live here. When did our country get taken over by wealth, profit, and greed? When exactly did our government start caring more about foreign policy than it's own citizens that are living in poverty? When did our country decide it was more important to wage war than to provide all its citizens with affordable (or free) health care? When did our country decide that profit driven health care was a good idea? Everyone always places the blame on the President. I understand this, to a certain degree, but you really have to look down the chain of command to see EVERYONE that's helping make the decisions. I think that it's wrong that big businesses, banks, etc. are backing these politicians when they run for office. These companies only do this knowing that when their guy gets elected, he'll remember to scratch their backs and pass legislature that helps them make more money. The United States of America needs to make some major changes if it doesn't want to go the way of all past empires. We need to stop favoring big business, stop sticking our nose into the business of other countries, and start focusing on the issues at home.
Government - 9 Answers
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1 :
No longer, as a matter of fact with the new administration in the White House I am again proud of the fact that I am an American.
2 :
I'll never be ashamed of the sacrifices and wounds multiple members of my family suffered during war for me. Why can't Americans look at what they have? Already we have much more than any other country in the world. Why do we consider ourselves so unfortunate? To be honest, it seems that the original opinion is just as self centered as any modern politician's motives.
3 :
I'm ashamed of our government at present and for the past 20 years. Maybe more. Its just so obvious at this time I feel like the politicians are just laughing in our faces.
4 :
i have always been proud to be an american. i don't agree with a lot of other americans, but freedom of speech is what i am the proudest of especially when i look at other countries. it's hard to deal with the consequences of bankers and corporate officers that have no morals or a sense of fair play. the me me me attitude offends me to the depth of my soul. and sure you are right changes have to be made, and people always need to be accountable for their actions and their greed. but i would not want to be a citizen of any other country..
5 :
6 :
I unerstand that. I feel that way too. We are very full of ourselves as a country. We use the freedom of speech as a reason to be proud of our country, but that can be bad sometimes. There are some things people say that genuinly should not be said. Did you know that they take pictures of naked women, photoshop it to look like childeren and then produce child porn? Its not illegal because freedom of speech and the woman used to make it was 18. Our country is pretty screwed up. But we do have our upside. We arent the worst.
7 :
8 :
You obviously have no idea of what you support and what you oppose. You do not know what to do. You do not have enough information to make an informed decision on anything. Well that is how the pring, radio and television media want you, and the union teachers too, lets not forget their agenda. I would like to point out dear, that other countries stick their noses into our affairs and so, we have had to react. Muslim prirates attacked our ships off of North Africa after the United States won independence, Mexican bandits raided our seothwestern states, german u-boats preyed on our ships and of course the japs attacked us at pearl harbor. Then we had the Soviet Union trying to take over the world and the Democrats were helping them do it. Now we have these muslim nutbuckets putting bomb in their underwear and up their rectums to blow us up. It is the responsibility of the government to address this. I suggest you read the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, that is how it should be done here. The Supreme Court was cut off at the knees by the Democrats under FDR when those Democrat scumbags imposed their New Deal. The Supreme Court could see that the New Deal was totally unconstitutional and the Democrats controlling the Congress and the Whitehouse could force the supreme court to buckle under. The US Constitution died on that day. We could bring it back with a violent revolution though. Are you up for that?
9 :
Only when Rush Limbaugh calls himself one.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Should my friend be allowed to move back to America?

Should my friend be allowed to move back to America?
My friend and I are very openminded Liberal and we like cities like San Francisco and Berkeley and like New York Greenwich village and stuff, and community organizing and stuff like that. Anyways, my friend did not like America, too he moved to France... In France, he tried to join socialist groups and Liberal policies and stuff in France. The problem is he can't get a job there :(. A lot more people are unemployed and he can't make ends meet without money, and there's like no opportunity to prosper economically. He went to the French Government and he can't believe the French Government is not able to help him land a job, plus he doesn't get treated well because they immediately know French is not his native he got scolded for wearing muslim clothing which is like banned in France so then he tried moving to Venezuela and Chavez felt that my friend is no social justice candidate, but a spoiled bratty American lucky enough to travel in the first place.... In the most socialist of countries, they told him to give up some of his clothing to share with other people, and he found this a bit odd.... After extensive travel of the world, he REALLY misses the United States of America where you can have what is yours, nobody bothers you about it, there's at least SOME degree of opportunity for employment, which you can then use to travel any of these other places..... he now says "Gosh I miss America" should he be welcomed back? Now my friend is reconsidering his political stance and thinks Liberals are a product of an illusionary world where you are being supported by wealthy and riding that wave, your lense of how things work is slanted...
Politics - 8 Answers
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1 :
Tell him to try Cuba.
2 :
No, he should try in North Korea. Hope he likes it there.
3 :
Sounds like a fanciful story. If it's true however he should never be allowed back. I believe people like him should be allowed their mistakes but then be forced to pay for it forever.
4 :
I cant believe you took the time to make up a story about an imaginary friend just to get your point across. You could have just made a couple statements and added a question mark like everyone else.
5 :
No we should not. your friend sounds like a free loader to me. The U.S can not longer support the worlds free loaders, we have enough of our own. Obama has broke the bank!
6 :
Honestly, I never thought I'd learn anything from the opinions of a Communist. That being said I have to say that Hugo Chavez's opinion of your friend inadvertently explains how Liberalism became a problem in America... Spoiled, Brat-Ass American Kids. Sucks that your friend had to go through such extremes to learn this lesson. However some do have to grab the fire before they believe its actually hot. I'm glad to hear that he is learning the truth about Liberalism and how that mindset is non-conducive to human nature. I think he should be allowed back. Especially if he was born here. His experiences could teach a great many people about what they're actually supporting. Isn't that the point of a grown-ass bird leaving it's nest?
7 :
Typical liberal trying to get everything handed to him on a silver platter... u people disgust me... try working for a change
8 :
You must be really bored to invent such stories...