Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Should my friend be allowed to move back to America?

Should my friend be allowed to move back to America?
My friend and I are very openminded Liberal and we like cities like San Francisco and Berkeley and like New York Greenwich village and stuff, and community organizing and stuff like that. Anyways, my friend did not like America, too Conservative....so he moved to France... In France, he tried to join socialist groups and Liberal policies and stuff in France. The problem is he can't get a job there :(. A lot more people are unemployed and he can't make ends meet without money, and there's like no opportunity to prosper economically. He went to the French Government and he can't believe the French Government is not able to help him land a job, plus he doesn't get treated well because they immediately know French is not his native language....plus he got scolded for wearing muslim clothing which is like banned in France so then he tried moving to Venezuela and Chavez felt that my friend is no social justice candidate, but a spoiled bratty American lucky enough to travel in the first place.... In the most socialist of countries, they told him to give up some of his clothing to share with other people, and he found this a bit odd.... After extensive travel of the world, he REALLY misses the United States of America where you can have what is yours, nobody bothers you about it, there's at least SOME degree of opportunity for employment, which you can then use to travel any of these other places..... he now says "Gosh I miss America" should he be welcomed back? Now my friend is reconsidering his political stance and thinks Liberals are a product of an illusionary world where you are being supported by wealthy and riding that wave, your lense of how things work is slanted...
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Tell him to try Cuba.
2 :
No, he should try in North Korea. Hope he likes it there.
3 :
Sounds like a fanciful story. If it's true however he should never be allowed back. I believe people like him should be allowed their mistakes but then be forced to pay for it forever.
4 :
I cant believe you took the time to make up a story about an imaginary friend just to get your point across. You could have just made a couple statements and added a question mark like everyone else.
5 :
No we should not. your friend sounds like a free loader to me. The U.S can not longer support the worlds free loaders, we have enough of our own. Obama has broke the bank!
6 :
Honestly, I never thought I'd learn anything from the opinions of a Communist. That being said I have to say that Hugo Chavez's opinion of your friend inadvertently explains how Liberalism became a problem in America... Spoiled, Brat-Ass American Kids. Sucks that your friend had to go through such extremes to learn this lesson. However some do have to grab the fire before they believe its actually hot. I'm glad to hear that he is learning the truth about Liberalism and how that mindset is non-conducive to human nature. I think he should be allowed back. Especially if he was born here. His experiences could teach a great many people about what they're actually supporting. Isn't that the point of a grown-ass bird leaving it's nest?
7 :
Typical liberal trying to get everything handed to him on a silver platter... u people disgust me... try working for a change
8 :
You must be really bored to invent such stories...