Saturday, April 28, 2012

what is wrong with America?

what is wrong with America?
If you have a felony in the United States of America, you can't work in the medical field to become a nurse. Let me put some truth to this subject. I want to get a job to make money. The phrase "In God We Trust" is stamped on American currency. Now, Jesus preached to forgive and forget. He also cured the sick, especially those he never met before. I am trying to be like Jesus by helping the sick. Why won't the government allow me to do this? And if that really is the case, then America must believe in a God that isn't Christian. I would just like to add that a felon can get a job still on wall street Don't all religions preach to forgive? Who is america talking about? whatever country will allow me to help the sick,then I will be the religion of that country. Anyway, the government uses the christian god as america's god... but they still lie and say they are so why would anyone want to live in place ran by people who lie to you about your spirituality and then you go and vote for them well, i'm not too far from believing the kooks who think the anti christ will be born into the white house
Other - Society & Culture - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You will soon learn that not everyone in America trusts in God...
2 :
I'm still wondering why i'm able to be arrested for smoking pot. You're not free in America, every day that passes our rights are being stripped away.
3 :
Money is not meaningful. Quit making money
4 :
"In God We Trust" was placed on money in the 1950s as a big "F*** you" to commies (USSR). Are you saying that all of today's problems can be attributed to godlessness? *facepalm*
5 :
every thing , girl i like when ya said "then America must believe in a God that isn't Christian" maybe they don't have faith at all i'm not Christian but i respect it , ya should think bout Islam
6 :
i believe america is wrong for writing "in god we trust" on our money because obviously not everyone in this country believes in god. and, i find it completely offensive that many people consider america to be a christian country. it is not! it never was! there are many different religions out there! you cannot seriously call this country christian! that is just complete balderdash!
7 :
what is wrong with america? we need time to get our shit straight and take off laws that are downright fucking stupid. we need to stop acting like we are invincible because we sure as hell aren't no matter how much fucking money we spend on our military (although we sure as hell are strong in that regard). we are inexperienced as a country let a lone the sole ultra super power of the world. also quick question, what isn't wrong in america? in other words what is right about this country (not political right but correct) freedom of speech? making it less free with stupid technicalities. what we could own guns? what is correct and going good for us ?the other day i heard they were trying to ban violent video games or some shit and oy was i ticked off as if violent videogames really are the reason for causing killers (occasionally it might but that goes with everything thas is related to killing like tv,movies fuck just the influence our military has.) this should be a country of OPTIONS , freedom , and rightous. it turns out it isn't though our democracy is broken our laws are retarded god this goes on and on and on.
8 :
What is wrong is people who break the law knowing the consequences and then whine about it. Not everyone is a Christian in America. God is forgiving and people are not. Fact of life.
9 :
So you think criminals would make good nurses that we could trust to take care of vulnerable patients?