Saturday, April 14, 2012

Noam Chomsky receives money from other countries to speak bad of the USA government ---?

Noam Chomsky receives money from other countries to speak bad of the USA government ---?
Noam Chomsky gets paid by other nations to speak bad about USA government In the World there are a group of nations who are enemies of the United States of America. These nations feel that the USA is in their way. These nations all work together, they cover each others backs whenever and wherever they can, regardless of the issue. When the Soviet Union fell, there were many communists who felt betrayed, and who vowed to destroy the USA at any cost, then, now, or whenever they can. They teamed up along with a group known as the Sao Paulo Forum, a radical pro-Communist organization. The Sao Paulo Forum works together with the nations who are enemies of the USA. Nations such as North Korea, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, Iran, Somalia, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Ecuador and Algeria are all allied to each other and working together in an "anti-imperialist front". Groups such as FARC, Shining Path, Al-Qaeda, etc, are all also in this league. Even Fidel Castro never lost hope of seeing the USA destroyed one day. Of course, countries like China and Russia both benefit from all of this scenario. They all have one common goal: To push back the USA at any costs, so that they can do wathever they want unhindered. To some extent, some countries from the European Union are also in this train, although in a much more passive way. The relationship among all of the above is somewhat complicated but one thing is true: they are all allied with each other. These nations give money to people such as Noam Chomsky to talk bad about the USA government as much as possible. The idea is to make Americans hate their own country, thus making the foreseeable fall of the USA all the much more likely. Noam Chomsky is paid by the enemies of the USA. Communists continue to actively and to effectively conspire to this very day. Noam Chomsky is paid to talk bad about USA government. Oliver Stone is paid to talk bad about USA government. Sean Penn is paid to talk bad about USA government. The money comes from countries that are enemies of the USA. All in favor of Communism in some places. All in favor of radical Islam / Sharia in some other places. The countries who are enemies of the USA, and the Sao Paulo Forum, are all pushing forward a mediatic campaign to undermine the USA. Communists continue to actively conspire to this very day. And all of this will ultimately benefit, above all else, China.
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Everyone knows Chomsky is an idiot.
2 :
Its all talk. But I see where you are going wit this
3 :
It's outrageous! The US government should be paying him too!
4 :
Noam Chomsky is the world's most eminent living academic. Lots of people pay him to speak to their organisations. And you don't need to be a professor of transformational linguistics to know that you should say "speak badly," not "speak bad." Verbs take adverbs, nouns take adjectives.
5 :
"These nations give money to people such as Noam Chomsky to talk bad about the USA government" I just don't believe this. Is there any proof, or at least a link to this accusation?
6 :
Fox News gets paid by foreign interests and they speak badly of the US government. - 17R3W
7 :
Interesting information! Noam Chomsky is not the first left-wing wacko to be on the payroll of our enemies. A while back there was a "journalist" named I. F. Stone whom many liberals took seriously. His columns shamelessly defended every communist dictatorship around the world, and never had anything good to say about our own government. He seemed to follow the communist propaganda line flawlessly, but, of course, if you pointed this out you'd be accused of "red baiting" or "McCarthyism" by the self-anointed elite. When the Soviet Union fell and KGB files (the Venona papers) were opened, guess who, among many Americans, was on the Soviet payroll? Yep--I. F. Stone. For a long time America's enemies have planted propagandists among us, knowing that there will be some who are naive enough or ignorant enough to take them seriously. Noam Chomsky certainly fits that scenario.
8 :
i think you have to brush your teeth and wash your mouth before talking about Noam Chomsky .