Sunday, April 1, 2012

Why don't USA Conservatives believe in America?

Why don't USA Conservatives believe in America?

The Federal Government of the United States of America represents all the people of this country, and if we would agree to give our 100% to US Government revenues and then receive an equal distribution of the wealth, then we'd finally be CREATED EQUAL! When we in this country work jobs and make money, it is for the greater good of American society, why isn't it? We are working for a common cause. The beauty of America should be that each person could work extremely hard, or be out sick or not work at all....but at the end of the day....everyone receives exactly the same amount of wealth to spend.... And the incentive to work is to enrich not just yourself, but EVERY American! All 300 million Americans! Then we would really be a community, and through the US Government, we can make the dream possible. why don't Conservatives believe in this? Working together and receiving equal distributions of our combined shared labor to make America great? U.S. Government programs exist to help all the people in America. Corporations just wanna make money. We need less companies and more Government stuff, and then we could all live well as US Government employees with good benefits, every American Do you ever come to think America obtained its wealth mainly in cruel ways? 18th and 19th century wealth was built on stealing land from Native peoples and slavery in the South. 20th century wealth was built on victories in 2 World Wars and the aftermath when EVERY Country was in turmoil except the United States and Soviet Union, and finally the USA. It just SO happened that the system in the country that thrived was free market and it took its superiority out on the world.... It IS true that democratic values create a healthy system, it is NOT true that pure free market is what did it because as we all know, look how many people are jobless thanks to lay offs courtesy of that so-called free market. IT's not capitalism that made America strong, nor was it capitalism our Founders dictated to us, it was Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness....and I don't see that in pure capitalism...
Politics - 26 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I believe you put too much thought into this. Have a cigar?
2 :
Dear i suggest you it will help you .there are many other solutions keep using
3 :
Yeah ok. Whatever.
4 :
It's up to ourselves to grow wealthy on our own backs and not at the expense of another person.
5 :
Eric, you should definitely run for office on the Communist ticket. But don't force me to work for your benefit. That is called slavery.
6 :
"Working together and receiving equal distributions of our combined shared labor to make America great?" If you replaced America with North Korea, you could use it on one of their propaganda posters.
7 :
If your will receive the same as everyone else then what motivation does anyone have to work? Just let the other guy do it while you reap the benefits? I've decided that I'm going to stay home and do "research on the computer for the "greater good" and I'll expect 50% of your pay check every week, O.K.?
8 :
communism might work with a group of about 50 people, not 300 million people
9 :
haaaaaaaaaaave some more koolaid Karl.
10 :
eric, we should compare paychecks. I need to know if you earn more than me. If you do then by your own words you should pay for my next grocery cart!
11 :
America, the home of the free and the brave. Me and you both admit in different ways that freedom is only embraced by the brave. America wasn't meant for everyone.
12 :
Your philosophy is filthy communism. Look up: Stalin killed millions, Mao killed millions, che killed millions, pol pot killed millions
13 :
We do when they listen to the people. Just because someone nobody 'Obama' is elected to be President doesn't give him a dictatorship. The people have the power. Democrats are trying to change that though.
14 :
OK. Give me as much money and power as Obama, Reid and Pelosi have so I can be "equal". Daddy needs a new jet!
15 :
Send your resume to Obama you sound like a perfect fit for his "administration".
16 :
Why would anyone believe this crap... I worked my @ss off for years to accumulate my wealth and I see people sitting around having more children so they can collect more government assistance. People are just lazy these days. Why should these people have the same things as me when they haven't done a single thing to earn it. I don't know what parallel universe you live in, but it won't work in this one. Not if we have anything to say about it.
17 :
Because Conservatism is about making the most money humanly possible. They are hoarders, sharing is not in their vocabulary. Conservatives are the one that want to work people to death for 11,000 a year for a single person and 24,000 a year for a family of 4 (btw, these are the wages are at poverty level, but its minimum wage...). Conservatives do not gain massive amounts of money by given those less fortunate a helping hand
18 :
That's called communism and it's the exact opposite of what this country stands for and the ideals it was founded upon. This country is the land of opportunity, meaning you have every opportunity to make yourself whoever you want to be. That is the problem with you libs, you don't believe in self responsibility, you think the government should care for and provide for you every step of the way.
19 :
We don't believe in what you describe because that is not America. That is Communism which has failed every time it has been tried.
20 :
This question reminds me of that episode of 'King of the Hill' when Bobby wanders off into the woods and meets Hippies and eats Hippie soup.
21 :
Holy crap you must have been a very successful brainwashing subject. If wealth was completely redistributed than where is the incentive to work? Get an education? Competition is healthy for an economy and people. Wow, this is sad.
22 :
That's called communism. Perhaps you should read a lovely little book called Animal Farm by George Orwell that explains the problems inherent in that system quite nicely. Or you could look at what happened to the U.S.S.R. Oh, or check out the lovely standard of living in China.
23 :
I agree with you to some extent. We need to have a better distribution of the wealth, there is no reason we can't all have the things we need. As of now 99% of the countrie's weath is owned by a small group of wealthy corporate executives. There is no reason for it to be this way. the money is not trickling down. it's being hoarded by the rich. If we had better distribution of wealth, crime would dramatically decrease and ethnic diversity wouldn't lead to racial tension. By the way I don't advocate taking from the Middle class, as they are not the problem. I think the very wealthiest, top 1% should be stopped from hoarding everything, as they don't really contribute to society but rather, profit from it. Unfortunately, conservatives don't agree with this view. They don't want a united America. They embrace a spirit of selfish, extreme individualism, everyone for themselves. That's partly why we have no sense of community anymore. They are the ones who turned us into a consumer based, and over materialistic economy. Conservatives also favor racial segregation, they fought it in the 1960's.
24 :
This is why we believe in America: If the worker bees give all their earnings to a higher authority, say the US Government, then you have also given all your power to the US Government. No equality there. If all the worker bees are allotted exactly the same amount of income as, say a welfare cheat who doesn't want to work and keeps having children, those with more mouths to feed will receive more income than a worker bee with no children. No equality there. If all the business owners are making as much as the worker bees, they move to another country where there is more competition and ability to grow their own wealth. Thus leaving the worker bees without a company to work for. Hmm...maybe there is equality there since the worker bees will then be in the same position as the unmotivated of society. If all the worker bees are out of work, and all the businesses are moving out of the country, and all the welfare cheats keep having more and more children, where will the money needed to sustain even a fraction of life's necessities come from? Not the government. They cannot collect what we do not have. And you can't incentivise the companies to stay because then, you start creating inequality among the people. We love our country too much to see your scenario happen to it without putting up a fight.
25 :
There is no more USA, not since both major parties sold this country to unethical business failures. Your tax dollars are going to the bonuses of the likes of Lehman Brothers execs:
26 :
I'm afraid that you're mistaken in thinking that spreading wealth is "American". This country was founded on the basis of all citizens having a fair shot at success, not a guarantee. The harder you work the more successful you will (probably) be. It it then your choice to share your wealth through charity or not. I personally believe we SHOULD all VOLUNTARILY give to charities. Unfortunately many don't give their fair share. For instance, Vice President Joe Biden only gave .003% of his income to charity in the year leading up to the election. It is not a Liberal or Conservative thing. It is a good human being vs. jerk thing. Forcing people to share what they have made is a Marxist/Communist thinking, and actually flies in the face of the American way of life. That way of thinking is why the U.S.S.R. is no more.