Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shouldn't the U.S.A make street drugs legal?

Shouldn't the U.S.A make street drugs legal?
Since all of us have felt the effects of the great economic recession -- albeit personally or through a friend or family member -- wouldn't it make sense to legalize marijuana, cocaine, etc? BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of dollars of our hard earned tax-payer money is poured into the act of chasing down people who either sell or use these drugs -- all in the name of keeping our neighborhoods 'safe'. However, my question is this: Shouldn't we use those same billions wasted on drug containment and instead invest the money in guaranteeing a world-class education to every single student in the United States of America? So that they are not tempted to use or sell drugs in the first place?
Law & Ethics - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you get the chance, rent the movie "Union".....that makes a hell of a lot of sense.
2 :
Because having a bunch of druggies running around all over the place isn't safe.
3 :
YES!!!!!!! And: 1) tax them 2) use the money WASTED on drug enforcement for drug rehab 3) use the taxes collected for drug rehab and education You DON'T lock people up because they are SICK.... these people need HELP....NOT incarceration!!!!