Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Do Canadians know a lot about the states?

Do Canadians know a lot about the states?
Exactly what percentage of Canadians know THESE 10 facts? 1) The USA, the country that borders Canada to the south, is called The United States of America, deservingly or undeservingly the #1 wealthiest country in the world. 2) The USA is going through a financial crisis, affecting the rest of the world even more than itself, ironically strengthening the USA's own dollar in relation to the other G8 countries' currencies. 3) The USA current President is George W. Bush. 4) The USA is a FREE country, but healthcare is privatized so some Americans suffer without health insurance. 5) The USA is fighting certain wars, one of which is in Iraq (The President to this day believes that the world sees America's COMPASSION in spreading freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people, as a liberator perhaps comparable to women suffrage and aboriginal rights!!!? ....if you will) 6) The USA president Bush claims to be a very religious "compassionate conservative". (As a compassionate conservative, rather than "work with other countries and their constituents", he just does what he pleases and then cheaply TELLS each country on a foreign policy visit "Your country is one of our greatest allies.") 7) The USA has some states with death penalties for crimes, the biggest deathrow state being Bush's own home state. 8) The USA has millionaire celebrities in Hollywood, California like Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears. And they get disaproportionate media coverage. But in America's defense, Canada has Pamela Anderson, who is also quite a rich model hottie from BC. 9) The USA has lots and lots of rich billion-dollar corporations like Exxon-Mobile and Walmart and McDonalds and Coca-Cola. But in all fairness, the UK has Tesco and Canada has Tim Hortons and Rogers. 10) The USA has lots of nuclear weapons and defense money but it does not seem to be saving the US from being surpassed by the combined powers of other countries of the world catching up to the USA. do you think of the USA? Do these facts make people think highly of the USA? FUN FACT: One of the most hilarious George W. Bush moment was Bush visiting France. After probably just learning what the French Revolution was, he made a speech like a kid in Grade 7 doing a research report. About America's historic ties to France, and then using this justify why France needs to send its troops to Iraq to show its alliance with the USA. France said "Thanks, but no thanks, we don't support your war." Then the USA started verbally condemning all things French culture.
Other - Canada - 15 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
100% of those that read this post :)
2 :
Well, as a Canadian who recently moved to the states, I'd say 4 is a little confusing (why is FREE capitalized? Is the US extra free compared to other developed countries? Besides the ease of buying guns and liquor in this state, I don't see much difference.) 7) I wouldn't be completely sure what George Bush's home state is and which has the most inmates on death row. 10) Some of that is debatable. Actually, there's a fair helping of opinion sprinkled in among the facts throughout this post, some of which I agree with and some of which I find a little iffy.
3 :
states boreders canada omg i thought it was brazil na only jokin i knew dat 1 i dont think they do go ask em lol good facts though n im british
4 :
We kn ow and care about them more than they know about us. How many Americans know or care about our recent election?
5 :
This is an odd question. The average Canadian would have to be living in a hole not to be aware of everything that you mentioned. Answer me this: do you believe that Canadians live in igloos with no electricity, like your question seems to suggest? I'd also hazard a guess that the average Canadian knows a good deal more about America and the rest of the world than the average American knows about Canada and the rest.
6 :
7) George Bush was born in Connecticut. He was only governor of Texas. So you could technically argue that Texas is his home state, but it's definitely not his native state. I'm American, but I do think that most Canadians know at least some of these things. As for number 3 I wouldn't be surprised if someone in the middle of Siberia would know that Bush is the president. He's fairly well known. And I'm sure most Canadians are aware of number 4, especially after Michael Moore's movie.
7 :
Probably a lot more Canadians know and understand these facts than people in the U.S. About 83- 87% of Canadians know this if surveys are more or less accurate. That is the percent of Canadians who would vote for Obama. Not quite 50 % of AMericans seem to appreciate your list of facts (not speculations), as shown by similar voter surveys, the percent of Americans that say they will vote for Obama, the rest are sufficiently ignorant to consider voting for McCain. I can not believe they would vote for McCain if they were informed, Americans are not particularly stupid but many are willfully ignorant. WHich is worse. Of course the world thinks badly of the USA. THe coming economic disaster will have the even worse effect of making U.S. piggishness in the banking system personal and make more people even angrier. I just hope the USA can undo some of the Bush damage, just as Texas is now starting to recover from its Bush as governor years. Fun Fact. Texas immediately started undoing almost all the Bush proposed legislation as soon as the sh*thead was out of office. This implies that the democratic process failed to work while he was in office, somehow subverted by him, his clan, and his assh*le buddies with so much oil money.
8 :
All these facts are known by the every Canadian Citizen. We know more about you then you'll ever know about us....I would even say that many Canadians know more about the US then some US citizens themselves.
9 :
100% of Canadians. Unlike Americans, who typically know almost nothing about Canada, Canadians know pretty much everything about the US.
10 :
so tell us something we don't know these facts don't impress at all
11 :
You forgot about Florida being US' wang. And Canada sending the oil down to the US refineries and then buying it back. And the part where the US economy affects the rest of the world because of the trading system that was set up. Don't forget your large Spanish speaking population. Not everything is about the English and the French.
12 :
When i was 13 i met a girl not much older who knew more about america then I did and I'm american! she knew who our president was, who he ran against, etccc. I barely even knew.
13 :
In all honesty, I think this question does nothing more than confirm many Canadians beleifs about Americans. All of the points that you make, just prove the "typical" Americans way of thinking. I don't consider myself all that knowledgeable about the USA, but I do know all of these facts, plus a lot more. Did you know that there is more information in Canada about the USA presidential election then there was about our own recent election. Did you know that Canada is also a FREE country. Did you know that I in paticular no longer view the USA as being the #1 wealthiest country in the world after watching the second last presidential debate on T.V. It was during this debate that I learned just how high the deficit it if the USA. I don't recall the exact number, but it was a number measured by the TRILLIONS!!!! You can not possibly think you are "wealthy" when you owe this kind of money to other countries. Do you ever watch Jay Leno and see when he goes out and questions people about Canada, nobody even knows the most basic information about us. What is out political leaders name....what is his title? What is the capital of Canada? P.S I don't know Julie from Canada!!!
14 :
1) Yes, obviously 2) Of course, I've known that for a while now 3) Yes, that is until you vote next month 4) Yes 5) I'm sure EVERYONE knows that. When has America not been some way involved in a war? 6) No, I did not know that. 7) Yes, but I didn't know about Texas being the biggest death row state. 8) Yes 9) I knew that, but I've never heard of Exxon-moblie before 10) Yes I think this is very funny. If you don't like the U.S. so much, why not move elsewhere? That's the funny part. You keep ranting about the United States when you could spend your time packing to go to another country.
15 :
I know about America today (through the news and movies and such), and some American history (as it sometimes coincides with Canadian history and I read alot of history novels). And I also think I know more about the French revolution than Bush :) Of course I knew about all of the facts you posted! And I am not mad/suprised that the States knows a lot less about us than we do them becuase they are the worlds superpower and we are small (pop wise) and have less publicity etc. Although, I do think Americans should have a general knowledge of world countries, and I think most of them do! Although some chose to remain ignorant.