Thursday, June 28, 2012

how come the president elect don't keep raising money?

how come the president elect don't keep raising money?
The President of the United States of America that is . I mean if they raise all those millions just to get the job what happened.... The money stops and only the reporters make a buck on bad news too. So what gives or is this just the way it's done now? It just occurred to me that as of these elections there all the candidates can raise a couple of millions at the drop of the hat and call it a party no pun intended thank-you but when they take office after the election we got owls and badgers and ducks and a regular animal farm as well but the money just seems to fall out of favour... what is money no good after elections or something?
Government - 1 Answers
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1 :
What? What are you asking????

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Need help again what makes the united states independant?

Need help again what makes the united states independant?
here is my essay need 15 more seconds of opinions on this topic: Is the United States truly independent? Webster’s Dictionary defines independence as the quality or state of being independent.  Many people believe the United States is independent.  Do you agree? Ultimately the question is:  Is the United States truly independent? Our country is known for its innovative ideas and democracy.  The United States freed itself from a tyrant, England.  Among other things, it freed itself from paying “unjustified” taxes.  In a way it got rid of its debt.  Soon, however, the United States would face its own problems with debt .  As our definition of independence states, independence is a state or quality.  Today, our state or quality does not seem independent.  Everyone seems punished by debt, whether it be their own or someone else' s.  We pay taxes for bail-outs when, instead, those taxes should be going toward improving communities,education and helping homeowners keep their homes.  This country is basically like a stock in the stock market.  Just like investors would pay to support a company, other countries pay to support our country.  Our country is not truly independent because we owe so much money in “loans” to other countries.  In some opinions we are not self-sustaining.  Going to other countries for oil, manufacturing, and coal suss keeping us dependent.  Coal alone sustain half of our country’s electricity consumption.  If it were not for the “kindness” of other countries to help us pay off our debt,  the United States would no longer exist.  Others similar opinion is that when Abraham Lincoln kept the southern states from quitting the union (which was against the Constitution) he made it clear we were one nation. That was the real reason behind the Civil War. According to the Constitution the states were supposed to govern themselves as separate territories but unite during war. The Constitution ,however, was only followed in those times which goes to show that the Constitution is nothing and can be changed or disregarded at will. We were a dependant nation ever since Abraham Lincoln Another opinion I can say is that the United States in most dependent on its own citizens. In order for any democratic process to work, the citizens need to play an active role in electing governments, voting on referendums, paying taxes, and providing goods and services to their fellow citizens. So it all depends on an individuals perspective. Individuals in tight situations might agree that the United States is dependent. If someone is doing well there opinion might be .”The American people are those that make America great-- not imported oil, or any other exterior force.”Although peoples opinion may vary from their situation every opinion has the United States in some way a dependent country.
Other - Politics & Government - 1 Answers
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We are not truly independent because We owe China so much and we need oil from from foreign lands. But with our military capabilities is where our thoughts of indepence come from. It is probably impossible for any nation to be truly independent. If they were they would have to be a small country and the small countries are not going to have the military reserve needed.~

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Coal. America has it. No Money... but lots of Coal. Use it?

Coal. America has it. No Money... but lots of Coal. Use it?
Is it OK to Burn Coal? Should we increase our reliance on Coal? The most abundant domestic energy resource in America? The United States is Broke. We are, face it. Why send more dollars overseas to buy foreign oil? Our environment is precious. But the state of our technology requires us to be heavy energy consumers. While we promote the development of very expensive alternative energy sources, what will we do to sustain the current cost of energy? Oil below $40.00 a barrel is just a temporary thing. The average price of oil over the last 2 years has jumped from 60 to 90 dollars a barrel. We forget the gas madness of this past summer. At what point do we realize that we cannot afford to ignore one of our richest resources? Coal. We have it. Why not use it? Coal for electric cars. Homes. everything..... Is there a way to make coal an acceptable energy source?
Economics - 5 Answers
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1 :
Unfortunately, burning coal is one of the most harmful fuels out there. Not only does it produce harmful gases, but it also produces a lot of smoke, damaging property. It is incredibly dirty. Consider London in the nineteenth century, how filthy everyone was from using coal (and only coal) to heat their homes.
2 :
communists have taken over the EnvironMENTAL movement, and also have infiltrated the judicial system. The will of the people is always suppressed by a handful of communists and a handful of communist judges.
3 :
We are making use of coal in the producing of electricity. In 2007. 48.6 percent of our electricity was generated from coal. Nuclear energy produced 19.4 percent. Natural gas supplied 21.5 percent. Hydro power provided 5.8 percent .There is technology that remove many of the harmful pollutants from burning coal but not CO2, but that is also true for all fossil fuels including oil. To used to coal(electricity) to power cars we need to improve battery technology, not coal technology. The cheapest way to reduce CO2 emissions is conservation, and if that is not sufficient we will have to use nuclear power plants. Removing CO2 emission from burning coal is not now feasibly and it will be decades before we can do it commercially, if ever.
4 :
Coal works just fine. But I would prefer to build nuclear plants and take America all electric. Nuclear has several advantages over coal and we should leave the coal for the next civilization, since ours may well collapse back into the stone age.
5 :
Hate to tell you but there is nothing wrong with sending money overeas to buy foreign oil. Each country needs to produce what it is good at. The world is better that way. China makes cheaper cars. So let them. The US can concentrate on computers and aeroplanes. And they will be better off. The US isn't broke. It is far, far from it.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Need To know what does and doesn't make the united states dependant?

Need To know what does and doesn't make the united states dependant?
Here is my essay need one more minute worth of writing for a speech please help: Is the United States truly independent? Webster’s Dictionary defines independence as the quality or state of being independent. Many people believe the United States is independent. Do you agree? Ultimately the question is: Is the United States truly independent? Our country is known for its innovative ideas and democracy. The United States freed itself from a tyrant, England. Among other things, it freed itself from paying “unjustified” taxes. In a way it got rid of its debt. Soon, however, the United States would face its own problems with debt . As our definition of independence states, independence is a state or quality. Today, our state or quality does not seem independent. Everyone seems punished by debt, whether it be their own or someone else' s. We pay taxes for bail-outs when, instead, those taxes should be going toward improving communities,education and helping homeowners keep their homes. This country is basically like a stock in the stock market. Just like investors would pay to support a company, other countries pay to support our country. Our country is not truly independent because we owe so much money in “loans” to other countries. In some opinions we are not self-sustaining. Going to other countries for oil, manufacturing, and coal suss keeping us dependent. Coal alone sustain half of our country’s electricity consumption. If it were not for the “kindness” of other countries to help us pay off our debt, the United States would no longer exist. Another opinion I can say is that the United States in most dependent on its own citizens. In order for any democratic process to work, the citizens need to play an active role in electing governments, voting on referendums, paying taxes, and providing goods and services to their fellow citizens. So it all depends on an individuals perspective. Individuals in tight situations might agree that the United States is dependent. If someone is doing well there opinion might be .”The American people are those that make America great-- not imported oil, or any other exterior force.” But in all opinions the United States in different ways is dependent.
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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I'd say no, when Abraham Lincoln kept the southern states from quitting the union (which was against the constitution) he made it clear we were one nation. that was the real reason behind the civil war. according to the constitution the states were supposed to govern themselves as separate territories but unite during war. the constitution however is only followed in good times which goes to show that the constitution is nothing and can be changed or disregarded at will. we are a dependant nation since Abraham lincoln. the following is all opinion because I'm not an expert.