Saturday, September 7, 2013

is there anywhere in the united states where a person can liveoff the land without buying it?

is there anywhere in the united states where a person can liveoff the land without buying it?
i am considering (probably will never even try it lol)taking one full year of my life to live as simply as i can, kind of a walden like experience but maybe not quite so crude or secluded. i am thinking of buying an old school buss converting it into a motor home selling all my possessions to pay off my debts (lucky for me i COULD pay off all my debts) and just trying a new way of living. no time card to punch no work stress no major commitments no horrible debt to try to pay off,just live day to day and find ways to make enough money for basic food clothing and fuel. it would also be nice to be able to plant a garden and maybe make some of my money off of the sale of produce but that is where the problem comes in, where could i settle down for a growing season and use the land without having to buy or rent it? people used to be able to do that, that is technically the "natural" way of things, is it possible in America to do such a thing? if so where?
Law & Ethics - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think you have the US confused with a free country. Yes, it's possible to live off the grid, so to speak, but it's becoming harder and harder with every passing year. Just don't get caught.
2 :
I think it's a great idea. But you'd probably have to save up some money to lease some land.
3 :
I guess not......considering a man in Seattle who has lived in a treehouse for the last two years is being evicted from his treehouse. He didnt bother anyone...was an asset to that community...but we arent free. Im so saddened. Thoreau! What a man!!!!
4 :
There are such places, but not many in the lower 48. One of the necessities is water. You can find plenty of open land owned by BLM out in the desert of Nevada but any place even close to water is going to be privately owned. You could make arrangements with a larger ranch to stay free for a year, in exchange for some duty like looking or stray cows.