Sunday, September 1, 2013

What do you think of the United States capitalistic system?

What do you think of the United States capitalistic system?
Personally, I think it's bullshit. Made for the rich to get richer, and the poor to get screwed. I think the fact that the richest 1% make more than the lowest 95% combined is the most ridiculous thing imaginable. Corporations are beginning to turn into our government and the making everything private is making it so that the middle-class are turning into the poor and no one else has near the same rights as everyone who can afford it. The corporate greed in this nation is taking over our ethical values and what we know is right. Capitalism is far more deadly than any murderer or convict. It leads people to an addiction to money, far worse than any drug (which I happen to think aren't bad in the first place... but that's another story). Capitalism has lead to the destruction of America and all that it represented, in my opinion. Reagan lead this country into a whole that we cannot get out of and killed everything America was and everything the forefathers and ex-presidents gave us.
Government - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
ummmm, we are not really a capitalistic country anymore. the government is in charge now and caters to the lobbyist who have the most cash.. no matter what a small business owner in the US does (or even a home owner) the government interferes in many ways.
2 :
it is very unethical and brings out the worst in us. i dont think there are any poor people in the u.s. the real victims are outside the u.s.
3 :
We don't really have a capitalist system. In a capitalist economy, everyone has equal access to the market and our government has allowed that to be blocked by the megacorporations.
4 :
Thanks for the propaganda, but America's Founders intended for us to be free. What you want is for the government to control who gets what and that is the opposite of freedom. I live in a mobile home but it's because I've earned it, and I'm proud of it. If I'd gone to college I'd probably have something better, but I didn't because I didn't want to. I'd die before I'd submit to a totalitarian marxist governemnt that has the power to make all my decisions for me. I'll keep what I earn and I'll let others do the same
5 :
When you start to particiapate in it then your opinion would matter but since you have a psydo education on economics I am sure you think the govt is benevolent and actually cares about you as an individual but that belief will come crashing down when you are denied the drugs that could stop the spread of cancer in your left breast then you will have denial then you will die. Commies like you give marxist a bad name and as for the Capitalistic System Of America it was killed off two years ago officially.
6 :
I agree with you Capitalism does ruin peoples integrity and moral values of people, and capitalism does cater to the greedy and rich. But we have to look at the bigger picture it is very difficult to create a political policy that does not cater to the rich. The only system that does not cater to this is Karl Marx system but even that does not work. As philosophers say it is in peoples nature to be greedy which ever system you choose there will always be a group of rich people.
7 :
Did you look at the other side of the argument before you vehemently backed Marxism? You obviously need to look at your history textbooks, or you would now that history has shown that capitalism has been more efficient, produced more prosperity, and given a higher standard of living to more people than communism ever has.
8 :
Barbaric at times. Dog eat dog. And all those other cliches.
9 :
Needs to be under control or Dismantled altogether.
10 :
Are you on any of those drugs you claimed weren't bad?
11 :
Capitalism would work great, if it wasn't for human nature Socialism would work great, if it wasn't for human nature