Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I need legal counsel or an accountant who knows the laws of the state bank and the united states?

I need legal counsel or an accountant who knows the laws of the state bank and the united states?
Greeting I'd like guidance on something, it happens that my friend was looking for work in the USA found an Internet about being the personal assistant to a person who was outside the country, the man said in his work that would send a number money for him to make a purchase and send it to the country where he was because in America it was cheaper and I was going to make a payment for each order that you did, also informed him that the check would arrive to send him, it happens that the man told my friend that was going to send a check in which my friend had to collect their pay and send the rest, when my friend get this check, he had come to name him, but he sent someone who was not the man who hired him, he spoke with U.S. police on this man who hired him for the job taught him the checks but did not say it was another person who sent it and they said that it was confident of this legal thing my friend went to cash the check with a personal speech for a nurse bank and they say that all is well that one day the check would be transferred in cash to your account bank, spend a day and my friend check your account and check the money is in it, seeing it comes to withdrawing money from their account to withdraw their pay they were $ 400 and transfer the remaining money that was left of the check, as 3 days later my friend is going to withdraw money he had saved and going to an ATM to withdraw your money and says he can not see that the bank calls and tells them what happened informs you that your account has been closed because check that the tank had no back, I had to pay the amount the check cashing in 110 days had to pay, also said they can not have more account to any other bank in USA, and this will lower your credit. Now my questions are: 1. because the bank is charging you money on when they should collect it from the person who wrote the check? 2. because the bank before depositing the cash will not be checking on that day gave him the check had no background? 3. it was the duty of the bank before giving money to check why did not they? 4. It is the fault of the bank that this happening? when I ask this question I mean that they ought to review before making a deposit? 5. to be my friend to do? already sent a message to that contract, talk to the police and told them to look for information from the gentleman in the bank where the check came, and unless the Lord appeared in 15 days I had to make a statement and were going to find. 6. In these cases, so does a bank, where the person retirement check is not at fault and was the victim of a hoax, and if this person is not listed? 7. there is not any way that this will not affect your credit? Thanks for your help: D
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sounds like you are scammed, SOL. sorry.
2 :
Wow, that first 'sentence' is the longest I've ever read. Anyway, this is a very common scam, your friend is screwed. There is absolutely nothing he can do because the original person is not in the US.