Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Please Read if You Believe its time to Revolt.?

Please Read if You Believe its time to Revolt.?
Any concerned government official reading this (who wouldn't support this idea because it would jepardize their paycheck and position)please calm down. I am not gonna overthrow your corrupt and ragged "democracy". Now those who are here to help please keep reading. I feel that the time has come to over throw our government and their so called "democracy". They infringe many constitutional rights, and only see the millions that are getting from lower class tax payers. The founding fathers did not have this in mind when they created the United States of America. Unfortunately over the years money blinded government and turned it into a crocked and backwards leadership. The United States is currently the strongest and most able country in the entire world. In a decade or less Russia, and/or China will be. Our "democracy" fails to see the hundreds of real problems. They try to end the recession but in reality they are only making it worse. The current recession will NEVER be fixed(until the government is fixed) because unlike the past economic crises there are alot more problems, under the surface, related to the economy.In a century or less humanity will end because of the population crisis. Recently in Britain a thirteen year old boy became a father. Now i am only 13 myself but this made me furious that a thirteen year old is raising another human being. What will he do for money after his parents die cuz he obviously isn't going to college now. What I'm trying to say is todays society is preventing the economy from being repaired. Garbage, golbal warming, and population are all HUGE problems that we must address. Now i will be honest. I wanna overthrow the government and replace the current "democracy" with a more sucre, fair, and equal democracy that is truly a peoples government. However many people fear the government and the military. I wish that people would first realize that if something is not done quickly then we will be fucked. I also wish people would realize that where there's a will theres a way. The military is not as powerful as you think and with enough technology they can be defeated. Just look at Korea and Vietnam. The government is the same way if the south was a little smarter in the civil war they could have won. Same with Hitler in his quest to conquer the world. The government and there military puppets are not as strong as you may think. Also we as citizens must address the problems of society but we are to afraid of the government so we sit back and watch the "democracy" do their worst to us the people. We are responsible for fixing our government and unfortunately our forefathers made the government to strong to destroy it from the inside so we must overthrow it from the outside. Please please reply if you agree with me. I could care less about what anyone against me has to say. And like i said earlier i am not going to overthrow your precious "democracy" so put your guns and handcuffs away and don't begin deploying your Marines to police the world because that is not our job either. So reply if you agree DON'T if you don't agree with me. Tell your friends and family to read this comment on anything else that could be improved or anything else that the government is denying us unfairly. Thanks :] i dint say i dont care about anyone who disagrees has to say i mean that anyone who wants to tell me something i already no i dont care
Government - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's well past time to revolt. I just hope enough people wake up before they lose the ability to fight back (notice the increasing attacks on the Second Amendment).
2 :
We do have a chance to overthrow the government.. every time an election takes place. Unfortunately the media has the masses blinded into thinking the direction we are headed in is the correct way. I strongly disagree. In the most recent election, the majority saw fit to go for a more socialist agenda. I still disagree, that's my right as a voter in the good old US of A. As for your comment about not caring what anyone who disagrees with you has to say. That makes you just as bad, if not worse than those you say are ruining this country. Besides, if I were you I would be more worried about the latest video game than the affairs of those of us who are old enough to vote.
3 :
I agree with you for the most part, but who do you presume will handle the task of overthrowing our government? You mentioned that it must be done from the outside, but obviously as a U.S. citizen, this notion must concern you. You probably don't need me to tell you this because you most likely get it all the time, but you are a smart kid. You remind me of myself a bit when I was 13. Maybe when you get to be my age, you can become a Community Organizer like myself(then you are eligible to be president!) Then you can fix the country that way.