Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Isn't "socialism" inherent in our governmental structure?

Isn't "socialism" inherent in our governmental structure?
Each State sends money to the federal government in taxes. The Government then doles out money to the States to fund things like interstate highways and other programs. Some states send more money than they get in return, others send less and get more. For example, New Jersey, for every dollar we send to Washington, gets $0.61 back. But New Mexico, for every dollar they send gets $2.03 back. In essence, the money from the highest earners (states like NJ, NY, Connecticut, California, etc.) goes to fund the states with the least revenue (New Mexico, Missippi, W. Virginia, etc.), and the highest earners have to make due with what is left. Sounds a lot like that old Marxist Credo "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need", right? Sources: (shows the return each state gets for every dollar sent to DC) (ranking of States by income)
Politics - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
so is communism
2 :
Yes it has been that way since 1913. With the passages of the income tax and Federal Reserve act.
3 :
The states arent sending money to the Fed govt. the Fed govt charge taxes, they collect it directly. Even that link you provided states ranked based on federal taxes collected and federal taxes spent in that particular state. Its not like the state is collecting taxes then sending it to DC. Doesnt work that way That link is pretty much showing the distribution of federal money towards the states. Its not the dollars the state sends, its the dollars the federal govt collects in that state. Hence the label of: "Federal Spending per Dollar of FEDERAL Taxes" mention of state taxes there.
4 :
Most people are too stupid to realize this
5 :
Yes, the second answer pointed out some valuable information: 1913, progressive tax structure, paper money............all that good stuff. "Socialism" wouldn't be possible without printing presses to "fund" it. And even then you can only fund it for so long.
6 :
"Socialism" is the construct in which the government controls the means of production and the distribution of wealth. None of the items you mention are direct socialist constructs. On the other hand, the administration takeover of auto industries, banks, health insurance, education, etc. These are socilist actions, and I am proud of them. As Al Sharpton said the other day, "First of all, then we have to say the American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama"