Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Imagine you were the President, and I had a proposition for you...what would you think?

Imagine you were the President, and I had a proposition for you...what would you think?
Imagine you were the President of the United States of America. And you needed some money. So instead of having to go to Congress for the authority to print more money, you instead came to me. And I tell you that I will give you any amount of money that you want, and that you wouldn't even have to pay me back. The American people eventually will pay me back. And because the citizens don't like taxes, we decide that instead of it being a direct tax, it will be an indirect tax caused by inflation due to the fact that you're letting me print more money. So I print a trillion dollars for you, give it to you with a nice big bow on it, and say, here you go. You spend the money, and it trickles down into the hands of your people. Now, people are jumping for joy, because there's more money in the system and everyone appears richer. And even though the value of the dollar will go down since we just added a trillion extra dollars into the system, it's no big deal, since the people will never realize that they have to pay a hidden tax due to the inflation. In addition to this, since most of the money is going to be in the form of low interest bank loans, the people and businesses will have lots of money to borrow and be locked in a lifetime of servitude. Eventually, Mr. President, every big corporation in the world will be owing you money. So, if you were the president, what would you think? You get all the money you want, and because my hands are getting dirty, you don't need to tarnish the delicate system of checks and balances. Plus, as an added bonus, you'll make the economy look better, all while secretly ripping off the very people that fall in love with you. Sounds great, right? Now imagine if you were that American citizen or business.
Civic Participation - 2 Answers
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or federal reserve system collecting all that interest. edit: And just think Mr President - together we can implement OWE, the One World Economy a/k/a the NWO!
2 :
There is also another point which is that different places have different prices. Something which has the cost of 4.99 becomes 7 dollars and then eight dollars but why does it cost more in one country than another. There need not be trillions of dollars of Civic Currency for example but an either or. There is also the point that trillions are not expected to be spent but local amounts available only to citizens made by citizens.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Imagine you were the President, and I had a proposition for you...what would you think?

Imagine you were the President, and I had a proposition for you...what would you think?
Imagine you were the President of the United States of America. And you needed some money. So instead of having to go to Congress for the authority to print more money, you instead came to me. And I tell you that I will give you any amount of money that you want, and that you wouldn't even have to pay me back. The American people eventually will pay me back. And because the citizens don't like taxes, we decide that instead of it being a direct tax, it will be an indirect tax caused by inflation due to the fact that you're letting me print more money. So I print a trillion dollars for you, give it to you with a nice big bow on it, and say, here you go. You spend the money, and it trickles down into the hands of your people. Now, people are jumping for joy, because there's more money in the system and everyone appears richer. And even though the value of the dollar will go down since we just added a trillion extra dollars into the system, it's no big deal, since the people will never realize that they have to pay a hidden tax due to the inflation. In addition to this, since most of the money is going to be in the form of low interest bank loans, the people and businesses will have lots of money to borrow and be locked in a lifetime of servitude. Eventually, Mr. President, every big corporation in the world will be owing you money. So, if you were the president, what would you think? You get all the money you want, and because my hands are getting dirty, you don't need to tarnish the delicate system of checks and balances. Plus, as an added bonus, you'll make the economy look better, all while secretly ripping off the very people that fall in love with you. Sounds great, right? Now imagine if you were that American citizen or business.
Economics - 3 Answers
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Feudalism always sounded good......
2 :
Where on earth you are man? President Bush is in need of you for the remaining period of his tenure. Go and meet him.
3 :
Not a good idea, you cant just print of money and say oh look money. The German's tried that in WW2 it ended in bring a wheel barrel full of money to buy bread. When you print more money its value decreases, so if I were President i'd say no to you. - Damian S

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How well do you think my story is?

How well do you think my story is?
I want to have an honest opinion and changes if possible. Thanks!! :) Days 1-5 Belgium I will first travel to Brussels. It is the country capital which is located in the middle of the country. The people that live there are French, Dutch or German from what I know of. Most of the people speak German or French and that means I would have to study a little German or French. The others speak Dutch or another language. One of the famous sights that I will go to is The Grande Place. It is south west of Brussels. The sight is a building and a garden changes every two years mostly made by flowers. Some times early in the morning, salespeople sell the same flowers in the garden. That is the first place I would want to go to. The last place I would want to go to is the Centre cartophile de Bruxelles. That is the souvenir store were I can buy agricultural samples of soil, rocks, statues, etc. The life expansion for most people here is an overall of 79.22 years. For male it is 76.06 and for female it is 82.53 years. They are very healthy and live a long time from what is says. The food production is pretty low considering that permanent crops are only 0.69%. Most of the food source comes from factories and small farm owners. The natural recourses are mostly construction materials, silica sand, carbonates. The downfall to that is they will maybe soon run out of the natural resources like they did with coal. In 1830 Belgium finally gained independence from the Dutch. This country has been good so far on its own. The average person in Belgium would make around 1000 to 2000 euros or 2900 us dollars in a month. The employment is very successful. Belgium imports mainly machinery and equipment, chemicals, diamonds, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, transportation equipment and oil products. The exports witch is the natural resources are world wide and associate with everyone and country. When I do get there I really need to exchange my United States money for euro. That would be 68 cents of euro from one United States dollar. That would mean I would cut my money in half technically. I would have to spend about six United States dollars for a sandwich. Belgians have a couple religions and forms of Christianity. I would like to see how they worship their god and have celebrations. There are still some bad parts of Belgium but the people are making it better by the second. The country is still very rich in wealth and feeling. I would like to see how that happens when they see someone who looks, believes, acts, and talks differently than them. There are many air ports so I can get home and to think of it, it is almost like a second America but in deferent ways. I just hope I can get to a different airport on my journey into a different country, state, city and town in the 5 days given to me.
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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1 :
It's pretty good! I like that you included every little detail. Just try to be a tiny bit more specific about everything in general. And in your last paragraph, airports is 1 word, not 2. Also, in the last paragraph, the first "different" is spelled wrong. Try to use spell check, and remember to vary your word and sentence types. Good luck!
2 :
I did not read the entire thing as I know that a writer who wishes to be successful must know the diff erence in useage and meaning of the words "well" and "good".

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Smoking Segregation!?

Smoking Segregation!?
Ok, see now this really pisses me off. We are American Citizen's, well I hope everyone whose reading ths is, anyways we are Citizen's of the United States of America, and smoking is leading to a segregation. We are almost unequivocally segregated from the rest of the country. Think about it for a second, You are outside smoking a cigarette, 20 to 30 feet In most states, how many disgusted looks do you get from the "Good" law abiding citizens of the U.S? I'll bet you 75% of those people look at you with a face that make's you feel like an outcast. and not only the looks that people give you, but the remarks & gestures as well. Why does it have to come down to the government taking away our rights as an american, and not allowing people to smoke in there personal car, in a bar, or in designated smoking sections of a restaurant. I thought The United States of America was supposed to be "The land of the free, & the home of the brave"? not......."The land of the segregated smokers, and the home of the absolute monarchy, dictated by the Non-smokers". I dont know why I am posting this but I just think the govenment is not only taking our rights away to smoke, but our rights as an american too. The Lung Cancer reasearch facilities that are all trying to work and find a cure for lung cancer only get a small portion of our tax paying money, Why?... Because the United States believes we brought cancer upon ourselves, so we can deal with it. Okay government, what about the large number of Lung Cancer Patients that have never smoked a day in their life, but have got it either through genetics, or job related? Did they bring that upon themselve's, No they didn't so why should they have to deal with it? Im sure I will be getting mesages from American's who disagree with me, but i could honestly care less, because you know what, we as American's have the right to freedom of speech, well at least for now, until they begin to complain to the governmnt how they are tired of hearing about this topic. So If you have anything you would like to add about how you feel on this topic please do, I would sure like to hear what other "AMERICAN" Outcasts like me have to say. Thanks. Signed, The outcasts of America
Other - Society & Culture - 4 Answers
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Those who don't smoke also have the right not to have to smell it or choke on it in public arenas.
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I am a non smoker but i agree. To add to your point equal opportunity employment has been compromised by the fact that job applications weed out smokers. A non-smoker is much more likely to get a position in any workplace than someone who admits they are a smoker on their job app. And well that I think is a unjust discrimination.
3 :
They day people can smoke without exhaling smoke from their mouths! Until then butt out, and try putting then in a trash can once in a while
4 :
First of all, the word citizens does not have an apostrophe because it's plural. Possessive has an apostrophe. I see what you're saying. Yes, you get bad looks, yes, you can't smoke in a lot of bars, but dude...hear me out. When you smoke indoors and other people inhale the cigarette smoke, IT'S UNHEALTHY. Why would that be allowed in bars if it's harmful to other people? Lawmakers aren't outlawing smoking. They're outlawing smoking in certain places, you're still perfectly allowed to smoke. Just not in public places.