Thursday, May 1, 2014

Smoking Segregation!?

Smoking Segregation!?
Ok, see now this really pisses me off. We are American Citizen's, well I hope everyone whose reading ths is, anyways we are Citizen's of the United States of America, and smoking is leading to a segregation. We are almost unequivocally segregated from the rest of the country. Think about it for a second, You are outside smoking a cigarette, 20 to 30 feet In most states, how many disgusted looks do you get from the "Good" law abiding citizens of the U.S? I'll bet you 75% of those people look at you with a face that make's you feel like an outcast. and not only the looks that people give you, but the remarks & gestures as well. Why does it have to come down to the government taking away our rights as an american, and not allowing people to smoke in there personal car, in a bar, or in designated smoking sections of a restaurant. I thought The United States of America was supposed to be "The land of the free, & the home of the brave"? not......."The land of the segregated smokers, and the home of the absolute monarchy, dictated by the Non-smokers". I dont know why I am posting this but I just think the govenment is not only taking our rights away to smoke, but our rights as an american too. The Lung Cancer reasearch facilities that are all trying to work and find a cure for lung cancer only get a small portion of our tax paying money, Why?... Because the United States believes we brought cancer upon ourselves, so we can deal with it. Okay government, what about the large number of Lung Cancer Patients that have never smoked a day in their life, but have got it either through genetics, or job related? Did they bring that upon themselve's, No they didn't so why should they have to deal with it? Im sure I will be getting mesages from American's who disagree with me, but i could honestly care less, because you know what, we as American's have the right to freedom of speech, well at least for now, until they begin to complain to the governmnt how they are tired of hearing about this topic. So If you have anything you would like to add about how you feel on this topic please do, I would sure like to hear what other "AMERICAN" Outcasts like me have to say. Thanks. Signed, The outcasts of America
Other - Society & Culture - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Those who don't smoke also have the right not to have to smell it or choke on it in public arenas.
2 :
I am a non smoker but i agree. To add to your point equal opportunity employment has been compromised by the fact that job applications weed out smokers. A non-smoker is much more likely to get a position in any workplace than someone who admits they are a smoker on their job app. And well that I think is a unjust discrimination.
3 :
They day people can smoke without exhaling smoke from their mouths! Until then butt out, and try putting then in a trash can once in a while
4 :
First of all, the word citizens does not have an apostrophe because it's plural. Possessive has an apostrophe. I see what you're saying. Yes, you get bad looks, yes, you can't smoke in a lot of bars, but dude...hear me out. When you smoke indoors and other people inhale the cigarette smoke, IT'S UNHEALTHY. Why would that be allowed in bars if it's harmful to other people? Lawmakers aren't outlawing smoking. They're outlawing smoking in certain places, you're still perfectly allowed to smoke. Just not in public places.