Monday, April 28, 2014

Based on voting working people support Hillary as well as Honest Businesses?

Based on voting working people support Hillary as well as Honest Businesses?
No Oil Companies, etc. After tomorrow's WINs on many key states, Hillary Needs Money. I think we are regular people should donate to Hillary and make sure the People voices are heard. Hillary the candidate for the PEOPLE OF the United States of America not the Special Interest w/big pockets. That is why Obama is getting money to try to defeat the people's candidate. That is why the old establishment people like Loser Kerry and Drunk Kenndy suppot Obama (even though he claims he's the one for change) Do you think people's donation can make a difference? Only serious answers please.
Elections - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Statistically, 50 % of all people in the US don't like Hilary and don't trust Bill. Obama is an unknown, but for some, he's a better bet, has more new ideas and is someone they would like to see leading the country. I personally think that he and Hilary will work out some kind of deal so they both can enjoy the money, fame and power. Obama is a now a real political player and the Clinton machine will have to listen.
2 :
Yes, I hope that my donation will make a difference in keeping any Clinton out of the White House
3 :
I donated for Obama, sorry, and i'm one of those ''working people''.
4 :
Thats a biased topic name -_- I'm a working person and I support Obama, its just that the older generations are considered "the working group" and most of them are too stubborn to accept that we might have a black president. Its to the point where they dont want either candidate in but they'd rather have a woman then a black guy. Sad huh?
5 :
Only if it's spent wisely. Unfortunately, they're all scrambling and not making the best decisions right now. I'm a conservative republican and we're not doing any better.
6 :
And why are you spamming and trying to hide it as a question.If you wont to raise money for her do it some place else.