Monday, April 14, 2014

Since Obaama is an Enemy of the State, what does that make Pelosi?

Since Obaama is an Enemy of the State, what does that make Pelosi?
First, let's review some of the "accomplishments of this imported Kenyan/indonesian, U.N. pandering Kenyan surrogate president: (1) Some unknown Kenyan comes to the United States with no natural U.S. citizenship status and manages to be elected surrogate President. (2) A bunch of MTV CSNBC type of lib media trash manage to get a "tingly feeling" running up and down the collective legs of the democrats. (3) He manges to get elected inspite of his cohorts at Freddie and Fanny managing corrupt the banking system. (3) One of his main puppetmistresses, N. Pelosi, is a known anti-American traitor. (4) His aunt is an illegal alien who has the alien gall, like her nephew, to fight her deportation in Boston. (5) He calls the United States an arrogant country in plain view of out enemies across the globe. (6) He has undermined the security of the Unted States by printing money in order to devaluate U.S. currency. (7) He is guilty of extorsion by forcing individual states to accept devalued "stimulus" money and forcing them to relinquish their individual rights, which is a flagrant violation of the U.S. Constitution. (8) He is guilty of the government attempt to take over private business in the United States. (9) He is guilty of jeopardizing the security and the coallition between the United States and Israel. (10) Obaama, and his corhort concubine Nancy Pelosi, are guilty of aiding and abetting the enemies of America in the mid-east. Lol. F.y.i... the United States is far past having evidence for impeachment.
Elections - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
His sidekick.
2 :
In your dreams. Go write a novel
3 :
If Satan could ever take the form of a female....its her.
4 :
Republicans' desperation is obvious: Republican Congressman Spencer Bachus from Alabama claims 17 socialists are serving in Congress. Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.) said she wants residents of her state "armed and dangerous." Republican Gov. Rick Perry hinted that Texas might secede. Republican Boozella C says Nancy Pelosi loves rapists.
5 :
A pathetic middle aged desperate ignorant transvestite who is power hungry and trying to control every penny WORKING Americans make. She is a terrorist a Nazi and a traitor. I hope she gets what she deserves here on earth AND in Hell with Frank, Obama, and the rest of the monsters and rapists she loves.
6 :
Normal people do not believe this crap. What does that tell you?
7 :
One seriously deranged fugly bitch.
8 :
Do you use a name brand or just a generic aluminum foil to line the inside of your pointy hat?
9 :
someone needs to start site that's a spin off of AMW (America's most wanted) called AMC America's most corrupt Nancy Polesi Barney Frank Chris Dodd Harry Reid AL Franken Barack Obama **********etc.
10 :
except according to the government he's not, It's the people that are against him that are the enemy
11 :
Obama isn't an "enemy of the state", he's the President of the United States of America
12 :
They are BOTH enemys of the USA!
13 :
Are they paying you to spread these lies or do you do it for free? Is it worth selling out your credibility, your integrity, and your honor for their measly little bit of cash? Does it feel good? Why didn't your parents teach you to be honest?
14 :
answering questions 1) - 10): correct.