Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why can't Mexico do like Greece and other European countries and solve their own problems?

Why can't Mexico do like Greece and other European countries and solve their own problems?
Why do they have to dump their poor on the United States of America. Demand welfare aid and even cry out that they are going to become Communist if they don't get welfare? Giving them aid won't help them it will only make them more careless. Its like giving money to a welfare Momma. Won't she go out on the town and have more children? Welfare is like Gold to them. Another country that has little problem in helping themselves is Japan. So you see there are a lot of countries that don't cry for welfare.
Politics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I disagree with you on Greece.... Their credit rating has been downgraded to CCC. And there are riots on the streets because of the austerity measures They have hardly solved any of their problems
2 :
Mexico is half a step above Iran or Pakistan. I'm being generous with that remark
3 :
because Mexico is a Narco State run by drug lords.
4 :
Greece is going to solve it's own problems? Are you serious? They are on the verge of a huge bailout from the rest of europe. This is the first domino to fall that could ultimately lead to a global depression. . .. . And don't think the USA won't be involved eventually. We always are.
5 :
They are. They are sending millions of their citizens here so they don't have to deal with them. A couple of European countries have gotten bail outs. Then they are forced into austerity programs. Greece will be the same. They aren't really able to take care of their own problems either. The global set up is to make that impossible. It is very intentional. Complete global interdependency is what has happened. It is likely to continue until all countries' economies collapse. That is the end purpose. Read UN Agenda 21 and you'll get it.
6 :
If you're Mexico, why try to solve your own problems when you can always export them north via a border with another country too stupid (or sinister) to enforce its own border?
7 :
European countries can't take care of themselves without Germany. Getting into WW2 was a huge mistake and now we are paying for it.
8 :
Because they want to take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. And they know they cannot take it back by force so they do what they are doing now, which are basically living off of the US and produce as many babies as they can INSIDE the USA. Then they come over and have more babies. And their babies have babies as early as they can, and repeat the cycle. On top of that, they sponsor their families from Mexico over here as fast as they can. The US will have a hispanic majority in CA and TX soon enough, and AZ and NM to follow right behind. It's too late Americans. You lose.
9 :
As anyone would agree, you need industrial jobs as a base of an economy when most of the population is unskilled. Mexico's industrial parks are located nowhere near the the border next to us. Therefore, many immigrates emigrate from northern mexico to look for unskilled work. (construction, food industry...etc.) As for Greece, not much of a immigration problem from mostly because of neighboring wealthy countries. As for Greece I don't know much due to the complexity of their conflicts. I honestly wouldn't know how to deal with them.