Wednesday, September 28, 2011

would you vote for me as president of the united states?

would you vote for me as president of the united states?
so i know i alrady asked this question! but i changed my plan just a tad to see what people think can i please get a straight answer! THANKS!! example: yes i think that you should blah blah blah ____________________________________________ Economy 1.Create thousands of jobs 2.Increase global trade but not depend on it 3.Tax all businesses including casinos 4.Make states may a small tax as a safety valve 5.Require that all states put a tax on their goods. 6.Invest in a plan to help poor people get into jobs to help make money 7.Tax businesses that do anything with the united states 8.Drop the tax on required goods like food 9.Make sales tax higher on alcohol and cigarettes 10.Lower taxes for everyone by lowering the tax rate and cutting back on things that are not needed 11.Have off shore drilling so we don’t pay billions of dollars on oil in other countries Education 1.Make teachers go through training every two years to keep teachers up to date 2.Make sure that schools have the right technology like TV’s, smart boards and things of that nature 3.Make sure text books get updated every two years to make sure that kids are getting the right updated information 4.Make sure that students classrooms are under a certain number pertaining to the number of kids in a school 5.Require that all kids take a P.E class until they graduate from college 6.Require that all high school kid take a terrorist class so that they are well educated on the problems that we are facing. Because the more you know about something the less you are going to be afraid of it Safety 1.Require that people who committed a first and second degree murders have a minimum sentence of life in prison and a maximum sentence of death sentence 2.Make police go through a short training every 1 ½ to 2 years to make sure that they are well trained and up to date with things 3.[gangs] ages 12-17 a minimum sentence of 1 year to a maximum of 5 years in prisonages 18-21 a minimum sentence of 6 years to a maximum of 18 years in prison Ages 21 and up a minimum of 9 years in prison to a maximum of life or death 4.Require that cities have more patrol over more of an area 5.Put cameras in places where police cannot see 6.Build more 911 call centers in more areas 7.Make sure that inmates are more to themselves rather than in huge groups which can cause more of a problem 8.Require that all inmates seek mental counseling Energy and environment 1.Make every house in America put 2 or more trees in their front or backyard 2.Invest in a 5 billion dollar plan to find more renewable energy 3.Put a tax on companies that make a lot of pollutions 4.Put solar panels on every major building that consumes a lot of power. Because even just a little bit of something is better than nothing 5.Increase the amount of wind powered energy Health 1.Give free health insurance to people who make a yearly salary of $27,000 a year and lower 2.Give cheaper health insurance to people who make between $28,000 and $29,000 a year 3.Give free health insurance to kids ages 0 months to 5 years old 4.Require that everyone has health insurance 5.Make people who do not have health insurance more money than normal as a penalty 6.Make sure that all kids have a check up before they start a new grade 7.Invest in a 10 billion dollar research plan to find a cure for cancer 8.Invest in a 10 billion dollar research plan to find a cure for aids/hiv Technology 1.Build more telephone towers for wireless devices 2.Provide wifi throughout the united states 3.Build bullet trains that take you places at a faster speed Immigration 1.Let anyone come to the United States and work if they have a temporarily pass. This would increase more workers and allow people from anywhere like Mexico to come here and have a pass that would allow them to work until they decide they want to become citizens 2.Require that all immigrants learn English. But keep to their traditions but at the same time stay to our American tradition 3.Make all immigrants go through a background check 4.Not allow illegal immigrants to drive 5.Create jobs passes for immigrants and living areas that are cheap for them 6.If immigrants are caught being here illegally but has not caused trouble will pay a heavy fine 7.If any illegal immigrant gets exported. They will now be allowed to come to the United States for 5 years. And they may not try to be a citizen for 7 years. Retire 1.Allow people who retire there full funds that they deserve and not allow them to get cut back by the government 2.Allow people who have been retired to get a bonus if they have worked a minimum of 20 years in the same state job or government job. Homeless people 1.Invest in a fund that will build more centers that provide shelter and food for poor people 2.Allow poor people who have been on the street a c actually taxes would not go up becuse i would tax more of higher businesses instead of people. and i would put a higher tax on goods like alcohol and cigerettes
Elections - 20 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
As president of the United States, I might vote for you. It depends what you were running for; if you were running for governor of my home state, maybe; if you were running for Senator, probably not. As president of the United States, however, I would probably pay tons of taxes for your new plan, as would every other American.
2 :
3 :
I would vote for you if your last name was OBAMA.
4 :
5 :
I'm sorry, but no. I investigated your background and it turns out you've spent suspicious amounts of time on Y!A. A clear deal-breaker.
6 :
that was a lot of writing..... i never read all of it..... but from what i read.... Yes....... but if you are making this all up......... No!
7 :
No Because most people cant be borther/ interested in reading things liek that politains put more work into teh planing then the actions
8 :
No, because you obviously have no idea how much things cost. But if all that was possible, hell yes I'd vote for you. XD
9 :
No... no.
10 :
Fuck man, no fucking way you can pull that shit off. That is gonna cost 100's of billions of dollars. But if we had the money I agree on some of your points.
11 :
Tell me where the heck you're going to find all that money without adding another couple trillion to our deficit, and I'll consider your proposals more seriously.
12 :
a bit too conservative for me, but I'd vote for you, depending on who you run against. It would be nice if you would say how you would do some of these things, though, asin creating jobs and stuff.
13 :
No, taxes would be through the roof to pay for all the stuff you mentioned. Also, your plan to tax businesses within the U.S. is just asking for job outsourcing. And FORCING everyone to have two trees on their property? That's too much government. Sorry bud.
14 :
First of all, throw out the English issue. Immigrants want to learn English despite what people assume, but anyone who has knowledge of second language acquisition knows it takes a life time to learn a second language. Not 30 seconds as some people tend to want to believe in this country. And driving? I don't even drive and I was born in the U.S. I support turning more people away from driving to boost public transit. Apart from that, your views sound great and you would have my vote.
15 :
Some things are good, most are not. I wouldn't vote for you.
16 :
I will vote for you on one condition, can you show me where in the Constitution of The United States grants you the authority to do every single item on this list as president of the US? The things listed above are not in the scope or power of your duties. Let me just pick a few to explain a little bit. 3. Make sure text books get updated every two years to make sure that kids are getting the right updated information Schools are a state matter. 4. Not allow illegal immigrants to drive - Are you going to follow every one of them around and tell them not to drive if they get behind the wheel. They already have ILLEGAL in their status, what makes you think they will obey the law. 4. Require that everyone has health insurance - How are you going to do this? Health Insurance, as nice as it would be to have some, you can't make laws all your own. And congress can't make this law cause the constitution doesn't grant them the authority. 2. Make police go through a short training every 1 ½ to 2 years to make sure that they are well trained and up to date with things- states are sovereign, you don't have the jurisdiction nor the authority to do this either. Sorry, It looks like my vote will be no.
17 :
You would update text books every 2 years? That seems like a highly unnecessary expense to me. And don't mess with the Indians. Seriously, that is one issue you should NOT touch.
18 :
No, for Christ' kingdom and government is no part of this world. I state abstinate to voting and worldly gubmints, but I am glad to see some color to the white house. Obama won't be able to undo all the damages set into motion by his predecessors, but he'll make some dents. I am awaiting until all the governments of this world are destroyed at Armageddon, including all wicked humans at that time, so I don't vote for any human in a position of government or anywhere for that matter. Thanks.
19 :
Where the heck are you getting all this money from? You have some good ideas but you do not have my vote, I simply can't afford you!
20 :
NO WAY!!!! an idiot would vote for u. Your plans cost way to much money and that means taxes up for us. Thats the last thing we need so my opinion, STICK WITH OBAMA