Saturday, January 28, 2012

Who agrees with me about the United States?

Who agrees with me about the United States?
So to start im asking this because of watching videos on youtube. Im a proud American and love my country very much. I was on youtube browsing some videos of family guy, and it was a English joke. I found it funny but a bunch of British people found it offensive. I mean first of all its family guy. That in itself tells it all. Family guy spares no race or religion. Whites, Black, Indians, jews, christians whatever. So telling a joke saying like British people have bad teeth is just that, a joke. Its not true i know this. I think British people have great chompers. That turned into a bigger conversation of whos better. Now im not just a American who says the United States is better and dont back it up. Who comes to the rescue of the United Kingdom? The U.S. Who saved Great Britian from being destroyed in World War 2 America. When the Nazis came to bomb London and take control of England it was mostly American pilots in the Royal Air Force. We diserve more credit then they give us. We lent out so much money to them which they havennt even payed back. There in debt like America is. Sot they have free health care and we dont and they steriotype is that we are fat and lazy and dumb. The number one country in the world is the United States and England is number six. Now that may not seem like alot but it is in terms of power and wealth. Our military is frighting because of how strong it is. I am a LT. Commander of the United States Air Force. ive been around the world and back. There is a United States military base everywhere. We are a strong force. So strong we can be in Korea, Afganastan, Iraq, Germany, Lybia, Poland and more. I think English people are ridiculous when they think there is Royal blood. Its ridiculous there Queen is a joke with no power. This Royal Wedding was crap and i cant believe CNN would cover it for six hours. I think the United States is better. You tell me your opionion but make sure you have facts as well @Maya firstly you completely missed what I meant. I'm sorry for not correctly punctuated my sentences. I don't mean war debts from now I mean borrowing debts of 2011. Second I know how the US entered world war 2 im not a idiot and you don't become a decelerated officer by being in correct with your information. Third there were many American pilots because my grandfather was one of them so don't insult me. Fourth to the others just because a small amount of American don't like being American is a shame. We constantly put our necks on the line for the world. We do things to maintain our high efthics and to and to be a respected Nation. People who aren't well versed say the United States is a place full of over wait people and stupid children. This is so wrong because we can be distinguished by this because were all immigrants. That's not like saying all Chinease our smart and hard workers, because they are all one people with one agenda set by there government there's no choice or creat
Current Events - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i don't, not now and not ever.
2 :
I think the U.K. are our friends. They are the only ones who support us without asking for billions in foreign aid or military aid in return. They never ask us for ANYTHING in return! They don't pretend to be our ally, while backstabbing us to our enemies. They don't harbor terrorists, in fact they go to war with us to fight terrorists. So what a few English kids got upset about an episode of Family Guy. I hate Family Guy, too.
3 :
America is a land full of arrogant, misguided people. Considering there are places in the world with over 4000 years of written history, what USA has achieved is mere drop in the ocean. I won't get into UK or USA is better, but I think culture and tradition, honour and respect should be a huge part of humanity, which I see very little in America. Just a bunch of people waving money and righteous BS.
4 :
Interesting view.
5 :
as a "I am a LT. Commander of the United States Air Force. " you have about said every thing that many Americans think, and it just shows how little you actually know about the rest of the world. RR
6 :
'Great' Britain are a little dog, they're not a friend. We only need them for Afghanistan. But when we don't, we'll cast them out. We haven't forgiven what the Brits did to to the coastline of Louisiana, they're the ones who caused the British Petroleum oil spill. America owns Britain. God bless America, land of the free and home of the brave.
7 :
While travelling in Australia a couple of years ago some American tourists approached my party and asked if we had any more of our Canadian flag lapel pins that they could buy from us. They didn't want to be recognized as Americans for obvious reasons.
8 :
Minor points of correction: The US did not enter WW2 to save the Brits. They were attacked by the Japanese and were forced into it. "American pilots in the RAF? There were Polish, French, Rhodesian, Australian and Canadian pilots before any Americans even showed up. The war debt owed to you was paid up in full. The Russian effort in WW2 and their 22million dead was what finished off Hitler. Currently, according to your own medical statistics about 76% of Americans are obese. They made not be lazy but they are fat. If you are a Lt Commander in the USAF then I have grave reservations about the future ability of the US to even organize a boozeup in a brewery. As for the Royals learn to be polite and respectful of what you obviously don't understand. If you were really an enlisted man you would know that from boot camp. We live in a mutually interdependent world where the game of "I am king of the sandcastle" is no longer appreciated. I am not British although I have good friends there and in the USA.
9 :
You might have better dental care but your level of literacy is nothing to boast about. I see you are rehashing all the BS about America saving Britain. America as you should know only entered the war after Japan and Germany declared war on the US. The help that was sent was paid for although it held up Britain's recovery for years. The US government sold the lives of your young men in order to get a foothold in Europe but if Britain had failed to hold back Germany when it was all alone, Roosevelt would have welcomed Hitler in order to do the same to Europe. BTW, it took years to pay back what you extorted from us but Blair made the final payment a few years ago so you had better review your sources of information. Your arrogant and selfish foreign policy has made your nation the most detested and contemptible in the modern world and I take great delight in misdirecting any of the fat tourists that ask me to tell them where to go when they come to pollute London.