Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why has the United States made awesome weapons of war but defective untrustworthy cars?

Why has the United States made awesome weapons of war but defective untrustworthy cars?
I guess defective war equipment is corrected or replaced with better items at tax payer expense. No lost profits for the manufacturers of rifles, jets, bombs, missiles, ect, when up grading and perfecting them. But automobile makers do not want to stand by their products for the most part, and fix defects in design or craftmanship. The owners are left hanging, with the repair cost. Why is there much more trust in Japanese, German, and Korean built cars? What has the American auto makers done wrong? Are they too tight with their money to repair defects on their own? We have to hire lawyers and get class action suits to make them do what is right when defects show up. Example: the Pinto, the car that burst into flames at rear end impacts due to a design flaw that Ford knew about; the poor transmissions in Dodge full sized trucks, ect. The USA beat the Japanese, and could still have done it with out the Atomic bombs, but yet Japan and China are currently kicking the butt of the United States by taking almost all of the manufacturing jobs and buying up America piece by piece. How can a country survive if it's people lose all manufacturing jobs and Tech Support jobs? I mean any job that can be done by computer can be sent ANYWHERE in the world where the pay is low and the worker's benefits are non-existent. An high ranking executive officer went on Dave Letterman's Show and admitted, (with out being asked), that the United States Auto makers made lousy cars in the 1970's and 1980's. I am not making this up. It is most likely on You Tube by now or some other internet source. An high ranking executive officer went on Dave Letterman's Show and admitted, (with out being asked), that the United States Auto makers made lousy cars in the 1970's and 1980's. I am not making this up. It is most likely on You Tube by now or some other internet source.
Current Events - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Your opinion of defective untrustworthy cars is ridiculous and completely made up by you
2 :
Yes it's sad for Americans but happy for the Japanese. So its all down to whos who. =]
3 :
Because we've mis-allocated our budget to super high-tech war machines that we will never get the opportunity to use, rather than basic necessities like body armor for our troops. Did you know we have a device that uses microwaves to cause intense pain without actually doing any physical damage? And it works within a 20 foot radius! Isn't that useful? [end sarcasm]
4 :
the american military and it's equipment are not all it's made out to be. special effects from hollywood are nice but this isn't reality. it's been 8 years and they can't stop rock throwing muslims.
5 :
Car manufacturers make these cars so they are supposed to break down so then people come back and buy new cars from them. Its their type of business and your right, it is ridiculous and pathetic. It just shows that that is how America is now days and if anyone thinks that America is the greatest country on earth still then they have another thing coming. The only good thing about America is being able to say what I just said with going to jail or getting assassinated.
6 :
The weapons manufactures are nonunion.In addition they have the ability to refuse those workers with a criminal history.Better workforce= higher quality outflow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The united states and the world...?

The united states and the world...?
The united states has always battled through adversity and ended up coming out stronger and better then before, but the rest of the world usually gets left behind. For example after WW2 America came out as a ridiculous production, money-making powerhouse while every other nation was ruined. Today the EU is in a worse financial crisis then the US, japan is having nuclear meltdowns w/ an 8.9 earthquake, and the middle east is just in a state of revolution causing gas prices to skyrocket. Yet here in the US we have the same problems as 3 years ago and it just doesn't seem as bad, and heck our unemployment has decreased from 9.8% to 9.3% and our stock market is having good gains over the past year, but the housing market is till shaky. Do you think once America gets back on track we will once again extend our reach and power?
Economics - 1 Answers
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1 :
America gets back on track; I don't believe it will ever be the same or any way what it was and I apologies for the negativity

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Is it time for a change on how we elect our government?

Is it time for a change on how we elect our government?
We ,the people of United States of America to insure domestic tranquility should hereby outlaw the political parties,congressional and presidential pay that far exceeds the average income ,implement term limits and eliminate pensions for them,make them save their money in a 401k like we have to. Our forefathers did not intend for career senators,congressmen.Whats your opinion.
Government - 3 Answers
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1 :
Ya team! However, the ability of the sold out 4th estate to mold public opinion MUST be addressed! TV is a WMD a Weapon of Mass Deception!
2 :
Freedumf, are you running for office? Your of course right but the comfort zone of the politicians make it difficult for them to vote ANY change in congress to make the country population (in which they are part) equal in status. Yes, all government officials should follow the rules set down on taxes, retirement pensions, and other laws they made for the people. Rule by example fat cats. Spartawo...
3 :
i would prefer that we first fix our public education system. Although we have excellent colleges, our secondary schools are crap compared to other nations.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

More for money for the rich? OMG!!!?

More for money for the rich? OMG!!!?
Ok, now I'll step-aside from the sarcastic introduction. My real question is this. The evil stinking rich people that make alot of money in this country, should we take their money away from them and give it to the bottom feeders? Should we cry and moan that the lower percentile aren't getting a fair share, and it's the rich peoples fault that they can't succeed in life and make money? Should we argue that since all the loopholes exhist for the disgusting rotten rich, that the lower classes that depend on the handouts from the government will NEVER be able to use the same loopholes? Is it unreasonable to assume that if you work hard every day, and save your money up, that you too could own your own business? Seriously. Pick something you love. Work as hard as you can at your job and save every penny that you can. Put that case of beer back on the shelf at the grocery store and put that money into your savings account instead. Take this money that you saved up and go get a loan to start a business. It may sound hard but it's doable. Welcome to The United States of America. You have the freedoms to move up in social standing that some other countries don't get. I wish everyone owned their own businesses. I really do. Then people can see and realize that alot more money then they think of is going to the government. People whine and complain about the rich getting huge tax breaks. Well, I think they deserve it. The people who make that money, guess what? They're your small business owners. They're the backbones of this country. If Walmart left would we as a country be ok? Yes. If Coca-cola left, would we be ok? Yes. If all the small businesses packed up and left would we be ok? No. We'd be shit stuck. Again I'll repeat this; I wish everyone owned their own businesses. But unfortunately not everyone can. There has to be Janitor's. There has to be Teachers and Mechanics. But take responsibility for your own actions and do what you need to do and make your own lives better. Don't rely on the 'Filthy-Stinking-Rich' to do it for you. This has been a Public Service Announcement brought to you in part by a Republican that believes in Freedom, Democracy and Would gladly die for This Country that he loves. @Slpkn. Capitalism and ......." ' Profit ' is a dirty word only to the leeches of the world. They want it seen as evil, so they can more easily snatch what they did not earn." -Terry Goodkind, Faith of the Fallen- Anyone that wants to understand the nuiances of socialism on a more personalized level should read this book. It's kind of long, and it is in the Fantasy Genre, but it describes life under socialistic rule. @Awesomer not to insult you, or call you out into an argument over semantics, but to say "sometimes it's not as easy as you put it.." is not an excuse. It merely shows laziness on the part of the speaker. I understand times are hard and it's tough, but responsibility for your own actions is a stepping stone that leads to greatness. It's that simple. @Linda. Thanks. :D @Myself. Dumbass you have a HUGE type in the question at the top. You're an idiot. >.>
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
That's capitalism for ya!
2 :
woaahh.. (and I'm not disagreeing here trust me!) but sometimes it's not as easy as you put it..
3 :
WOW that was GREAT! I am sending to everyone I know! This should be required reading for every High School Student in America! You will get some wise a$$ comments that this is a rant. So be it...because your words represent the highest values and principles that built this Country! Loved it, keep it coming! Thanks from a Business Woman who has been there and done it!