Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The united states and the world...?

The united states and the world...?
The united states has always battled through adversity and ended up coming out stronger and better then before, but the rest of the world usually gets left behind. For example after WW2 America came out as a ridiculous production, money-making powerhouse while every other nation was ruined. Today the EU is in a worse financial crisis then the US, japan is having nuclear meltdowns w/ an 8.9 earthquake, and the middle east is just in a state of revolution causing gas prices to skyrocket. Yet here in the US we have the same problems as 3 years ago and it just doesn't seem as bad, and heck our unemployment has decreased from 9.8% to 9.3% and our stock market is having good gains over the past year, but the housing market is till shaky. Do you think once America gets back on track we will once again extend our reach and power?
Economics - 1 Answers
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America gets back on track; I don't believe it will ever be the same or any way what it was and I apologies for the negativity