Saturday, July 28, 2012

If you where to be a DRUG DEALER , What would you do, to Launder $50,000,000 Dollars in illicit Drugs money?

If you where to be a DRUG DEALER , What would you do, to Launder $50,000,000 Dollars in illicit Drugs money?
This question is for one of Investigation class Homework and report so please everybody out here. If you are an Accountant, Detective, Investigator, CPA, and IRS Accountant or Employee or nothing like All I'm Asking for is your Ideas and Advice so I can make my report Solidly Paramount in front of my teacher. So please everybody, Everyone I'm asking you guys to put up all your brains together and think like if you were one, what would you do and how would you do it to accomplish a mission like this and not be cut and entangled in troubles with the law and governments. If you where to be a DRUG DEALER , What would you do, to Launder $50,000,000 Dollars in illicit Drugs money? And what would you do to Embezzle 25%, 50% to 90 % away from tax to the government in the United States Of America. And if you were to be an investigator suspecting something like happening inside a company or someone of doing it what would you do to reveal, uncover, and pretend and Action like that from happening again, and keep on happening inside a such GREAT NATION LIKE OURS? 1:) And what would you also do to prevent people like that from coming in here? 2:) And what would you also do to prevent people like that from smuggling illicit drugs in here? 3:) And if they are doing it now, how do you think they do it? 4:) And if such a paramount system is implanted to prevent them from coming into our Beautiful country with such nasty things like that, and if they have beat it anyway whether the percentage is low or high in the system, how do you think they'll do it and what are the process you think they will use to beat such a system like that. and what would you do to improve it and make more paramount days and days? Please explain Carefully your ways or manners of how you would meticulously? In Advance Thanks to Everyone Efforts and Participation
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers
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1 :
Use Tide with color-safe gaurd.
2 :
Ask the CIA they do it all of the time.
3 :
I'd invest in ATMs.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Why the man is in more power,even in United states?

Why the man is in more power,even in United states?
My rich and abusive husband force me to go through 3 times for psychological evaluation using cps agency and courts, my all evaluations came out normal and now he file a divorce case and putting condition on agreement for me to go for 4th evaluation.He keep on torturing me and when I yell he recorded them,I can`t even make him do lying detecting test for he abusing me physically and psychologically?he is threatening me to cancel my green card and send me to home country without my children as they all are citizens here.He hide all his money and planning to show bankruptcy,telling lie in court that he don`t have money so he don`t have to give me anything. He is doing all this in America,whose legal systems are best in the world but if anyone knows how to manipulate them ,no one can do anything.He was responsible for the death of two patients and had sexual harassment case on him,had attended 18 weeks of battered spouse intervention course for beating his wife but still he is working successfully as a doctor and businessman in united states My attorney is saying that he is still eligible for joint custody as he is the father of children and it`s hard for me to get full custody of my children ,no matter what he do at his job,can anyone tell me from where I find the justice ?
Marriage & Divorce - 3 Answers
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1 :
You need to somehow get proof that he is doing all this to you and the law will take your side especially if there is abuse envloved. he cant do all this to you. Stand your ground and leave without him knowing if you have to with the kids, i would highly suggest turning him in for abuse.
2 :
sorry...but you should probably start packing your stuff for the long trip back to your home country. Men, Money and Power will win out every time.
3 :
He can get away with everything because he has brains AND money. First of all... why in the world would you marry this guy. Didn't you get to know him? Isn't mental abuse worse than staying in your old country?... But it is NOT your fault that he is acting this way. Buy a camera or two and let if record you being beaten by him. God you are in so much trouble, I hope things go well!!! God Bless!! Maybe it's dangerous for you and for him that you know so much about the bad things he's done. He is making you look crazy so that they don't believe you. CHANGE THE WAY YOU HANDLE THINGS! Be smart about how you plan things! Don't yell, be the innocent lady you are. I made an observation on the way you write and I think you know the English language, but you might not know how to express yourself. Learn how to express yourself. So that in your evaluation you can tell them what's going on. Maybe agree to the 4th evaluation if they hire someone that speaks the language of your home country so that you can express what you are saying. Also... he might be paying the pyschologist to evaluate you and say that you are crazy. YOU should pick who does the tests on you. I know you might not have money, maybe you can sell some of your things to get help from someone. Use the internet to find a NICE attorney and get help. Best of luck!!!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

What are the most positive outcomes of a plutocracy (government run by those with the most money)?

What are the most positive outcomes of a plutocracy (government run by those with the most money)?
In the United States of America, which I will argue is the greatest nation to have risen in history (I'm biased), people don't seem too concerned that legislation, court verdicts, and elections can now be bought for money, through exclusive access to congress, clever legal teams, and media saturation. Many on the conservative side, while they wouldn't describe these things as purchases the way I have, seem to feel that it's a natural and acceptable extension of capitalism, which is believed to be a flawless economic system. I hear things like "If you don't like it, then get out there and work hard to make your own fortune, and then you can enjoy the same benefits." I see plutocracy as the greatest threat to the republic and to our liberty. Can someone explain why increasing concentration of wealth and increasing influence of government by money is OK, or even a good thing?
Government - 3 Answers
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1 :
We got railway trains and tracks across America !
2 :
dude,they woke up the sleeping dumbo is over and the people are seriously pissed ! .. believe it !
3 :
The reason the wealth accumulates at the top is because the people at the top understand how to make money more than the people at the bottom and once you have money there are more opportunities to make more money. The concentration of wealth is normal in capitalism, because that is how the system operates. Capitalism is not perfect, but we have yet to develop a better system. Indeed elections, verdicts, legal teams etc. can be bought with money, but what do you expect us to do about that? Better lawyers cost more money, because higher quality items cost more and good lawyers would not choose to be in a profession that they couldn't make a good living in, campaigning is not free, and buying verdicts is illegal already. The fact that good lawyers are rewarded is a good thing in the system. Why be a good lawyer if everyone gets paid the same? The increasing influence of government by money is to be expected, but I agree with you that this could be problematic in the future. The government has always been influenced by money, because that is how it is financed. Increasingly corporate interests have been taking over government as the government has come to the conclusion that corporations and affluent individuals pay WAY more in taxes to them than most Americans. Knowing this, the government tries to appease these entities so they can get tax dollars from them. This could be problematic, because the merger of corporate interests and the government is old school Mussolini fascism. We are becoming quite close to this although people on the extreme left don't like corporations much so they try to balance it out, but they will fail because they are socialistic. The socialists and the fascists are very close, because they both involve a merger of corporate interests and the government. The fact of the matter is that the increasing influence of money on our government is normal whether it is OK or good is entirely subjective.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

If you where to be a DRUG DEALER , What would you do, to Launder $50,000,000 Dollars in illicit Drugs money?

If you where to be a DRUG DEALER , What would you do, to Launder $50,000,000 Dollars in illicit Drugs money?
If you where to be a DRUG DEALER , What would you do, to Launder $50,000,000 Dollars in illicit Drugs money? This question is for one of Investigation class Homework and report so please everybody out here. If you are an Accountant, Detective, Investigator, CPA, and IRS Accountant or Employee or nothing like All I'm Asking for is your Ideas and Advice so I can make my report Solidly Paramount in front of my teacher. So please everybody, Everyone I'm asking you guys to put up all your brains together and think like if you were one, what would you do and how would you do it to accomplish a mission like this and not be cut and entangled in troubles with the law and governments. If you where to be a DRUG DEALER , What would you do, to Launder $50,000,000 Dollars in illicit Drugs money? And what would you do to Embezzle 25%, 50% to 90 % away from tax to the government in the United States Of America. And if you were to be an investigator suspecting something like happening inside a company or someone of doing it what would you do to reveal, uncover, and pretend and Action like that from happening again, and keep on happening inside a such GREAT NATION LIKE OURS? 1:) And what would you also do to prevent people like that from coming in here? 2:) And what would you also do to prevent people like that from smuggling illicit drugs in here? 3:) And if they are doing it now, how do you think they do it? 4:) And if such a paramount system is implanted to prevent them from coming into our Beautiful country with such nasty things like that, and if they have beat it anyway whether the percentage is low or high in the system, how do you think they'll do it and what are the process you think they will use to beat such a system like that. and what would you do to improve it and make more paramount days and days? Please explain Carefully your ways or manners of how you would meticulously? In Advance Thanks to Everyone Efforts and Participation
Other - Business & Finance - 1 Answers
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1 :
you have to launder it thru foreign countries and/or use a fake businesses to convert the money to legitimate company revenue that you would pay taxes on and probably give up at least 50-70% of it and probably NEVER set foot back in the USA ever again how do you "embezzle" it away from taxes? - that's not embezzling - it's illegal tax evasion and money laundering BUT... more likely than not, you would probably get arrested and put in jail for life and never see a penny of that money again watch the movie BLOW with Johnny Depp