Saturday, July 7, 2012

What are the most positive outcomes of a plutocracy (government run by those with the most money)?

What are the most positive outcomes of a plutocracy (government run by those with the most money)?
In the United States of America, which I will argue is the greatest nation to have risen in history (I'm biased), people don't seem too concerned that legislation, court verdicts, and elections can now be bought for money, through exclusive access to congress, clever legal teams, and media saturation. Many on the conservative side, while they wouldn't describe these things as purchases the way I have, seem to feel that it's a natural and acceptable extension of capitalism, which is believed to be a flawless economic system. I hear things like "If you don't like it, then get out there and work hard to make your own fortune, and then you can enjoy the same benefits." I see plutocracy as the greatest threat to the republic and to our liberty. Can someone explain why increasing concentration of wealth and increasing influence of government by money is OK, or even a good thing?
Government - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We got railway trains and tracks across America !
2 :
dude,they woke up the sleeping dumbo is over and the people are seriously pissed ! .. believe it !
3 :
The reason the wealth accumulates at the top is because the people at the top understand how to make money more than the people at the bottom and once you have money there are more opportunities to make more money. The concentration of wealth is normal in capitalism, because that is how the system operates. Capitalism is not perfect, but we have yet to develop a better system. Indeed elections, verdicts, legal teams etc. can be bought with money, but what do you expect us to do about that? Better lawyers cost more money, because higher quality items cost more and good lawyers would not choose to be in a profession that they couldn't make a good living in, campaigning is not free, and buying verdicts is illegal already. The fact that good lawyers are rewarded is a good thing in the system. Why be a good lawyer if everyone gets paid the same? The increasing influence of government by money is to be expected, but I agree with you that this could be problematic in the future. The government has always been influenced by money, because that is how it is financed. Increasingly corporate interests have been taking over government as the government has come to the conclusion that corporations and affluent individuals pay WAY more in taxes to them than most Americans. Knowing this, the government tries to appease these entities so they can get tax dollars from them. This could be problematic, because the merger of corporate interests and the government is old school Mussolini fascism. We are becoming quite close to this although people on the extreme left don't like corporations much so they try to balance it out, but they will fail because they are socialistic. The socialists and the fascists are very close, because they both involve a merger of corporate interests and the government. The fact of the matter is that the increasing influence of money on our government is normal whether it is OK or good is entirely subjective.