Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A hurricane in the Caribbean might have an effect on the economy in the United States?

A hurricane in the Caribbean might have an effect on the economy in the United States?
A.Increasing the price of banana's in the market. B.lowering the price of banana's in the market. C.Increasing the amount of banana's in the United States. D.Increasing the amount of banana's grown in the Caribbean. Also Depending on the export of one cash crop or natural resource is risky for nations in Latin America because A.Their supply of natural resources will be exhausted in the next ten years. B.The country might make too much money. C.If something were to happen to hurt the value of the crop or resource, the country's economy could go into crisis. D.Most countries in the world are not buying crops or natural resources exported from other countries.
Politics - 1 Answers
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1 :
question belongs in 'homework' category.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Does this essay make sense to you; do you have a general idea of what this essay is telling you?

Does this essay make sense to you; do you have a general idea of what this essay is telling you?
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” This rather famous phrase came from the preamble of the United States Constitution, identifying what roles and/or objectives are able to create a perfect society. Although these times have proven that the United States is far from the utopia that it has ever dreamed of; this goal can still be accomplished one step at a time. In my opinion, the most challenging step that has been collapsing our society would be the economy. This issue has been affecting our nation for years, and it seems that no matter what idea that has come across to heal this crisis, more and more suffer poverty. We must ask ourselves: whom does the economy affect most, where does this problem begin, and what idea starts out producing petty cash to individuals and then ends up with funding an entire community? We must think of an idea in which can be funded without hurting the economy even more. The fate of our nation lies within the youth of America. Education is a key phase in a child’s life in which can help train a student to become wise, intelligent, strong, and seeking. There are many high school students who suffer from financial difficulties in turn having them put aside their schoolwork and studies in order to work and raise money for their families. Unfortunately, many students end up dropping out of high school. This affect could cause the person to become needy for money, and would develop a trait within that person to cause crimes such as theft, burglaries, and might even cause murder towards an innocent human. It is very critical to correct this problem, so that a child is able to obtain an education, and that his and/or her family will also be saved from their turmoil against poverty. I propose that the United States create a certain financial aid that begins at high school throughout undergraduate school, in which a student’s family will be funded with an amount of money suitable enough to help that family with their finances. This aid can only be given to families whose child attends high school or a 2-year/4-year college. This means that if that student drops out of high school or college, this aid will no longer be given to that student’s family. One way in which to fund this financial aid without taking money out of any more Americans would be by creating another lottery. Just as how the lottery helps fund our school system, creating this new lottery can help run this financial aid. Another way of how to keep this aid afoot is by America trading some of its energy resources to different countries and/or territories in exchange for profit. This aid does not only help families with financial debt, but it also can help lower the rate of high school and college dropouts. These ideas may not be the very best, yet they stand in the right direction without hurting anyone even more with their finances. I cannot just sit down while my own kind or even ones who are suffering even more than I am are going through such havoc and difficulties. This is an essay from the heart speaking of what must be done to correct a wrong, and produce a right. It is with this financial aid that we can finally bring our country towards a perfect society, towards a utopian empire. We finally can say that: “We the People of the United States are forming a perfect Union”. It is with these words that God leaves you that will help trigger stamina within to lead our nation towards its perfect society; “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you”. You figure out the rest!
Psychology - 1 Answers
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I believe that your heart is in the right place. It would be nice to eliminate poverty and to provide an adequate standard of living for every individual in the world, not just the US or any other single country. But, let me provide a counterpoint. It has been proved over and over again throughout history that providing too many entitlements to those in need does not work in the long term. For example, people who exist at the boundaries, or margins, of these entitlements tend to lose their incentive to work hard to make only a few dollars more than the person who is not working at all. So, the person working close to those boundaries will tend to stop working a regular job which requires tax withholding and accept the handouts. This person will also tend to begin working unofficially and collect untaxed remuneration. That's just one example. To me, throwing money at the problem will not work. We should give everyone the opportunity to succeed, rather than entitlements which can be received merely through the act of existence. But, do I have a solution? No, unfortunately not. Until we human evolve to the point that we can embrace a higher level of consciousness which makes us feel that all of us are brothers, we will find this problem intractable.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why do crack dealears still exist?

Why do crack dealears still exist?
I can ride a bicycle thruogh known crack nieghborhoods and see deals going down. Yet the police 1 block away seem to be obliviouse to the crime being perpitrated. My question is is this govornment gone bad? Because I have seen the same senerio in many larg city's and small towns thruout our great United States of America. Are they just making money ?
Other - Society & Culture - 8 Answers
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Yeah... I really don't know whats up with that, but I guess they're just looking for those same old thrills.
2 :
Supply and demand. People buy the stuff, so people sell it. It must be the government's gone bad. The evidence is clear in the results produced by the educational system. Have you seen your spelling?
3 :
Pretty much. A lot of police don't want to deal with drugs dealings because of the fear of getting shot down or family being attacked...plus they say they have more important 'dealings' to be handling.
4 :
Crack dealers still exist because people are still demanding to buy crack. If people themselves do not buy drugs, then drug dealers won't bother trying to sell something that is not profitable. Economics = supply and demand concept.
5 :
Supply and demand. Simple economics 101. If there is a market someone will supply the product. That is why I always chuckle at the efforts to eliminate supply. You can't because the users remain.
6 :
Because there's a demand, and where there's a demand, there will be a market, whether it is black (when the product is illegal) or not.
7 :
Possibly no ones talking.Catch them in the act of selling.Where theres crack theres alot of other stuff.Guns,violence.Who knows.DK.Its sad.Crack dealers,child molesters,rapists,murders.No ones talking,it just keeps on going till someone gets does something about it.Money plays a big part too.
8 :
Cops are bored with running in crack dealers; they really are only the tip of the iceberg, the real criminals are the growers and suppliers in South America, the big drug cartels, like Medellin in Colombia. As soon as a cop arrests a crack dealer, he is out on bail...and the only ones making money are the cartels, the guys at the top. The cops are just frustrated at the revolving door of drug dealing.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Would I have to pay if I went to Canada to have my baby?

Would I have to pay if I went to Canada to have my baby?
I am a dual citizen of the United States and America, but am currently living in america. I am not paying into the standard monthly fees of healthcare in Canada, but since I am a citizen and not making hardly any money, how much would I have to pay in Canada to have my baby?
Other - Canada - 8 Answers
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If you are a Canadian citizen (typo?) who has lived out of Canada for more than 6 months, you do not have a claim to Canadian Health care. - That's why many retired people winter in the US and return to Canada during the summer. So, seeing as you'd have to be living in Canada for a year to get health care back, and I assume you are already pregnant, then you would have to pay all of it. It would be cheaper than in the US, but still very expensive.
3 :
You're a dual citizen of where? Did you mean the United States of America and Canada?
4 :
yes you would have to pay. Legal residency is the prerequisite for eligibility for health care. Not citizenship.
5 :
Yes. You have to be a resident with a home and permanent occupation of that home in Canada. There's a three month wait for insurance. Otherwise you get a bill. Say $5 000.
6 :
In order to live in the US and work there you would have to declare yourself a non resident of Canada so that you do not also pay Canadian taxes on any income you make in the US. Therefore you are no longer a Resident of Canada so do not qualify for any medical coverage except if you have a provider in the US that authorizes you to go to Canada and keep the coverage.
7 :
about the same as in the US or more, since you're not living in Canada. I'd stay home.
8 :
United States and America are the same place so how can you be a dual citizen? If you were a Canadian resident and living in Canada you would be covered. I am not sure what you mean by the monthly fees for health care. I pay no monthly fee but my taxes go to health care.