Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Would I have to pay if I went to Canada to have my baby?

Would I have to pay if I went to Canada to have my baby?
I am a dual citizen of the United States and America, but am currently living in america. I am not paying into the standard monthly fees of healthcare in Canada, but since I am a citizen and not making hardly any money, how much would I have to pay in Canada to have my baby?
Other - Canada - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
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If you are a Canadian citizen (typo?) who has lived out of Canada for more than 6 months, you do not have a claim to Canadian Health care. - That's why many retired people winter in the US and return to Canada during the summer. So, seeing as you'd have to be living in Canada for a year to get health care back, and I assume you are already pregnant, then you would have to pay all of it. It would be cheaper than in the US, but still very expensive.
3 :
You're a dual citizen of where? Did you mean the United States of America and Canada?
4 :
yes you would have to pay. Legal residency is the prerequisite for eligibility for health care. Not citizenship.
5 :
Yes. You have to be a resident with a home and permanent occupation of that home in Canada. There's a three month wait for insurance. Otherwise you get a bill. Say $5 000.
6 :
In order to live in the US and work there you would have to declare yourself a non resident of Canada so that you do not also pay Canadian taxes on any income you make in the US. Therefore you are no longer a Resident of Canada so do not qualify for any medical coverage except if you have a provider in the US that authorizes you to go to Canada and keep the coverage.
7 :
about the same as in the US or more, since you're not living in Canada. I'd stay home.
8 :
United States and America are the same place so how can you be a dual citizen? If you were a Canadian resident and living in Canada you would be covered. I am not sure what you mean by the monthly fees for health care. I pay no monthly fee but my taxes go to health care.